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    Router died - Replacement/solution recommendations
  • My setup is smaller, but when my venerable old router died about a year ago, I acquired an Asus TUF-AX3000_V2 where I installed FreshTomato. One can login via SSH and dump all settings for backup. Likewise, individual or all settings can be done on the command line instead of the GUI. I have a script on my computer that reads CSV files with MAC addresses and more to apply changes in an automated way.

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    YT Community fact checking rule
  • Google is outsourcing their job to you, because you doing it for free is even cheaper than paying some poor fellow in India a dollar a day.

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    EU-Kommission reagiert: Volker Wissing warnt vor EU-Schreckensszenario - angeblich Millionen Dieselfahrer betroffen
  • Der Vorfall bestätigt wieder die Vorurteile, die man über die FDP hat:

    Aus der Kommission heißt es, […] es sei vielmehr ein erwartbares Manöver der FDP, sich vor den Landtagswahlen in Sachsen, Brandenburg und Thüringen als Vertreter der Dieselfahrer zu positionieren und Vorurteile gegen die EU zu befördern.

    Und am Ende des Artikels:

    Betroffen sind dann nicht Millionen Autofahrer, sondern die Autokonzerne, die womöglich viele Millionen Euro zahlen müssten. Doch das würde diejenigen treffen, die die Verursacher des Dieselskandals sind, nämlich die Hersteller.

    Also kurz vor Wahlen spielt man sich zum Retter der Dieselfahrer auf (die gar nicht bedroht sind), mit der eigentlichen Absicht, die reichen Autokonzerne zu schützen, die bei Abgastests in der Vergangenheit belogen und betrogen haben. Nebenher zerstört man als Kollateralschaden das Vertrauen in die EU, was ja letztendlich Wasser auf die Mühlen rechter Parteien ist. Wer wählt denn eigenlich noch FDP?

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    Why Are So Many Americans Choosing to Not Have Children?
  • Did you just summarized the first episode of Gilmore Girl? 😉

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    Every day of infancy is safer than in the past
  • I would strongly guess the gap between 1941 to 1951 and (to a lesser extend to 1961) is due to the introduction of antibiotics.

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    How can I easily and conveniently transfer files wirelessly between my linux computer and android phone?
  • KDE Connect has been mentioned before. You can supplement this and other tools by using a VPN so that both endpoints can see each other even if the underlying network does not allow this. My preferred solutions are Tailscale (managed, cloud-based) or Headscale (for self-hosting).

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    Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • Yes, XMPP with proper TLS on the server side and Conversations or one of its forks (preferably fetched from F-Droid) using OMEMO encryption should be good enough. If you are brave or paranoid, give Tox a try:

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    NAS, Home Servers, and where do I even start?
  • Maybe the first question is what your budget is, both regarding money and time. For example, you could buy a pre-configured NAS from Synology or QNAP, which requires less technical skills but more money, or a home-made solution reusing used components (but fresh disks for reliability). Depending on your electricity costs, you may want to choose a low-power solution or something which you power off when not used. For storage, maybe a three-disk RAID5 is a good compromise. For backups, plain S3 cloud storage encrypted via restic is a good idea.

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    Mutation Has Led to a New Type of Cat, Scientists Say [Sharon Adarlo | May 25 24 | Futurism]
  • Those of us who remember ‘Alf’ may wonder if the name is due to taste as well.

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    Mullvad will no longer be able to accept DKK from its customers
  • Well, you have Finland in the north-east, Ireland in the north-west, and every land border faces a Euro-zone country. Few other countries can claim the latter.

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    Did I just solve the packaging problem? (please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong)
  • If at all, you want to use Gentoo's ebuild system, which can be seen as some kind of superset of PKGBUILDs. I guess one could write a Python script that “dumbs down” ebuild scripts to PKGBUILDs for simple packages (excluding complex stuff like kernel, KDE, …). The main challenge, as pointed to before, would be maintaining a table mapping package names between distributions in order to get the dependencies right.

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    If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time?
  • What comes to mind:

    • Collect trash in nature
    • Demonstrate in front of parliaments if politicians are about to make stupid laws
    • Demonstrate outside of billionaires' properties demand that they pay their fair share to society
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    Critical Rust flaw enables Windows command injection attacks
  • Yes, one of the factors that contributed to the demise of Windows Mobile was the lack of backwards-compatibility for apps between 7, 8, an 10.

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    Software Vendors Dump Open Source, Go For the Cash Grab
  • Qt (the one used by KDE) has progressed not only through a number of owners (Trolltech, Digia, Nokia, …), but also licenses such as the QPL to be triple-licensed under GPL, LGPL, and commercial for most of its components.

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    Willkommen im Jahr 2010! Für Ausweise bald nur noch digitales statt ausgedrucktes Foto nötig
  • Mal als Beispiel wie das in anderen Ländern (Schweden) gemacht wird:

    Das da ein freundlich-lächelnder Mann in rot steht, ist nur fürs Pressefoto. Normalerweise Selbstbedienung. Der ganze Apparat kan in der Höhe eingestellt werden. Vorne die Fläche ist für eine digitale Unterschrift, die auf die Karte gedruckt wird. Bezahlt wird dann per Bank/Kreditkarte. Alles papierlos.

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    What is the most visually pleasing package manager (in terminal)?
  • The "C" in the progress bar is alternating between "c" and "C" to give the impression of munching.

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    [Solved] VPN (tailscale) connection issue each time i open the laptop
  • There is some information missing in the problem description. For example, if you close the lid, does the computer suspend/sleep/hibernate? It may be that when the computer sleeps something "breaks" or it may be that the act of physically closing/opening the lid has an effect (e.g. because the WiFi antenna is embedded in the display frame).

    Some time ago I had a similar problem with Tailscale and sleeping. When Tailscale initializes itself (at boot), it has to interact with another service to communicate which DNS servers have become available (e.g. Several implementations of such services exist (resolvconf, openresolv), in my case systemd-resolved. During normal operation, resolvectl status (if using systemd-resolved) shows which DNS servers and which search domains are configured for each network interface such as tailscale0. Now, there is a bug (or feature) that systemd-resolved "forgets" the DNS configuration it got from Tailscale when the computer is put to sleep. So, when the computer wakes up, name resolution via Tailscale no longer works, giving you the impression that Tailscale itself is not working, although Tailscale's low-level functions are still operational. My "solution" was to write a small script that gets executed when the computer wakes up which sets again DNS server and search domain for network device tailscale0.

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    What is the most visually pleasing package manager (in terminal)?
  • ArchLinux's pacman with ILoveCandy option enabled.
