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Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they’ve never played
  • Fuck do I ever relate to this. I probably have over 200 titles in my Steam library that I redeemed from Humble Bundles and have never installed. Insane.

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    Do you condemn Hamas?
  • I don't disagree with you at all, the PA is a puppet of the Israeli state. Hamas was absolutely democratically elected, but it doesn't mean they aren't corrupt! To be completely fair I can't think of any politician or group vying for political power that isn't corrupt to some degree.

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    Do you condemn Hamas?
  • This is a question that I have struggled to answer since October 7. I have been an ally of the Palestinian struggle for a number of years, consider myself to be fairly well read on the issue.

    I cannot condone the killing of civilians, whether that be at the hands of the IOF, Hamas, or the PLO in the days of their radical actions, however I also don't feel as though I am in a place to criticize a group of people undergoing armed resistance. I don't know what it is like to live under occupation, under siege, have family members killed for the occupier, ethnically cleansed, etc.

    Do I wish October 7 did not happen? Of course.

    Do I wish there wasn't a reason for October 7 to happen in the first place? Most definitely.

    Hamas is corrupt, and a nasty organization in many ways, but if it wasn't them taking up arms, it'd be another group and I don't feel comfortable condemning a resistance group from my cozy western privileged life.

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    Israel calls on ‘civilised nations’ to boycott ICC arrest warrants against its leaders
  • I don't think they care whether they are legitimate or not to be completely honest. Hamas won the election in '06 fair and square, then defended against an attempted coup..whether that leaves them as a legitimate power or not is beyond my scope of understanding. One could probably also argue that they lack of elections for the last 18 years makes them illegitimate. But regardless, Hamas is an easy excuse whether they were elected fairly today or 18 years ago. I honestly don't think Israel would treat Hamas and Palestinians any differently if they won a fair election again next week.

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    Israel calls on ‘civilised nations’ to boycott ICC arrest warrants against its leaders
  • Exactly. When someone thinks an occupied people living under siege and military occupation can just wake up one day and decide to hold elections I can only shake my head. Israel won't allow it, because they love Hamas being in power in Gaza, it provides a very easy excuse for their actions. Israel loves the status quo, because they can seemingly get away with anything as it is.

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    Gaza: Israel shuts down Associated Press news agency live feed
  • Just because a news agency covers topics containing truths that you don't want to admit as true, does not mean that they are not journalists. Al Jazeera is not an enemy of the free world, but Israel certainly is.

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    A cool guide to styles of beer
  • Teeling is indeed a good Irish whiskey. I did a tour of the Dublin Liberties Distillery around the corner from Teeling, and brought a bottle home. Irish whiskey is very nice!

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    A cool guide to styles of beer
  • I love a good milk stout as well. But I've been hooked on Guinness since my trip to Ireland in January. Can't get enough of the stuff!

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    Terrified families flee Rafah as Israel set to open all-out assault
  • To be completely fair, I don't think anyone is blaming Biden for all of the conflict between Zionists and Palestinians historically. What we are blaming him for is facilitating the last 7 months of blatant genocide and ethnic cleansing by sending money and weapons to Israel and defending them at every turn. without Biden's unwavering support, the last 7 months would look a hell of a lot different for Palestinians.

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    Belgian, Dutch university students join pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests
  • I didn't intend to say being pro-Israel means you're okay with everything they do. What I'm trying to say is that in my experience, people interpret "pro-Israel" as being in support of the way in which Israel exists, namely an apartheid an ethnostate.

    I'm envious of your trips to Palestine. One day I'll get there. I have friends who said they will take me one day.

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    Belgian, Dutch university students join pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests
  • I think it's important to remember that for most people, anti-Israel does not mean Israel cannot exist at all. It is that the Israel we know, cannot continue to exist in the way that it is. Similarly to being anti-South African apartheid did not mean all the settlers had to be leave, it meant the country had to fundamentally change the way it operates and treated the its citizens.

    To add, if you are calling yourself pro-Israel, I think you should be aware that for most people that means you are a-okay with how Israel has been oppressing and murdering Palestinians for decades.

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    The 10-year-old boy who has become the face of starvation in Gaza
  • I've said this before and I will say it again. This period of time will go down in history as a particularly dark time in human history. The fact that not only is this happening, but efforts to stop it from people with real power to change it is incredibly minimal. The world powers letting this happen is perhaps worse that the Zionists doing it.

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    Biden issues executive order targeting Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians
  • Why are you bringing out Arafat in the 90s? Your comment lacks relevance to what you're replying to. Arafat has nothing to do with the fact that Israel wants Palestinians to leave Gaza.

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    Biden issues executive order targeting Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians
  • Everyone including the US government knows that Hamas will survive this assault. It's not about Hamas, it never was. Hamas simply provided Israel with the excuse to carry out an ethnic cleansing that they've been wanting to do for decades.

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    I have encountered some negativity on Lemmy recently, so I just wanted to start a laid back thread to see what are people's plans for the week-end
  • I just ordered a pedal steel guitar yesterday and there's a chance it will arrive today. If it does, I will be spending some quality time with my new instrument. I have a rehearsal this afternoon for a gig next week as well.

    I'll be spending time with my wife, perhaps playing some video games with my best friend, and likely playing some disc golf tomorrow.

  • An oldie but a goodie.


    For the inaugural post here on the mandolin community, I have to share what has to be one of my favorite mandolin videos of all time. Two generations of insane talent showcased here.

    John is a friend of mine and this song is very special to me. This has to be the best performance of Salt Spring recorded in my opinion. Enjoy!
