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    My humble owl contribution
  • I have made the correction! I should have taken a photo of the labels but I always just go for the animals and then forget their names later haha. And yes it was taken in Sydney, Australia.

    I know the second was the Masked owl because the name and its markings were a perfect match so it stuck in my head. That face is so Mask.

  • Went to a small sanctuary. Saw three types of owls. See photos below as my first humble contribution to this community. It was nice to see cool owls. Shitty photos though, sorry. But they were cool. The burrowingbarking owl was just the cutest little thing.

    !Barking owl through wire fence

    !Masked owl

    !an owl

    Little Owl takes a little peak
  • That's like asking who's your favourite child? This one gets bonus anime style one eyed points.

    The brick one has great framing thanks to the bricks.

    And the other one has a great laser focus on the cute owl. You can see it's cute itty bitty face.

    So i say we love them all and enjoy them depending on our mood.

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    The third Little Owl built his house out of bricks...
  • 😍 No need to change the schedule of you got something else but definitely loving the owl trends. You've made enough posts that I bet we could do a statistical analysis on your patterns and trends and that would be awesome.

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    First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip?
  • You'll want one of your own. Medications, personal items you want to have. Not general line items like clothes and meds. Specifying is important. Write down stuff like 1 week of anti allergies meds, 2 pairs of pants, 6 t-shirts etc. You would think that there's no way you would forget something important. Then you remember on the way to the airport and it'll ruin the start of your trip.

    Calculate based on how long you intend to be overseas to see how many clothes and meds you need. If you have an essential medicine like insulin pack extra in case delays happen. Have emergency medicine like for fever and diarrhoea just in case.

    Portable charger and also your own wired chargers. Check what kind of power points the country will use and buy an adaptor if needed.

    Buy travel insurance. If you have a delay you will need it. Check what the insurance covers as well to ensure it meets your needs. You mainly want something to cover last minute cancellations and flight delays that could force you to spend more than you intended. But also stuff like medical repatriation, lost luggage etc.

    Get the details of the nearest embassy for your country. Write the contact details down so in an emergency you can get in touch.

    Anyway, don't stress. 99% of the time all this won't be needed but for that 1% the extra effort you put in to have this ready will help you handle things better.

  • Advice running PF2E Abomination Vaults

    Hey there, I'm new to PF2E, but not to GMing. Played PF1, shadowrun, star wars, 40k etc. etc.

    I've done a bit of Trouble Under Otari just to get used to the system and give the players a base to work out from.

    The big campaign I'm running is Abomination Vaults. I got the module on foundry and have skimmed it and will run it.

    I have a barbarian, bard, wizard, gunslinger and NPC rogue for the party.

    Any suggestions or tips for what's ahead? As mentioned, I haven't run pathfinder before and I'm leaving it to the players to know their class and feats etc. but it'll be nice to know if anyone else who has run this module says what to look out for. My players are all adults and communicative so no hostile shennenigans are expected.

    Edit: Any tips for actually running PF2E appreciated too!


    Been using Connect as my app of choice. Great work btw.

    Requesting that when I refresh the front page, it also brings me back to the top. Right now when I refresh it remembers how far I have scrolled down which means I have to scroll back up to see new posts. Hope it's possible.

    Keep up the awesome work.


    So just something that's been on my mind. At my workplace there's an automatic road barrier that lifts up and down when vehicles arrive. However, it's not used for a carpark system when people wave their tickets or something. It just goes up and down when a vehicle shows up.

    However, it sometimes goes up for when say a pushcart is being rolled over whereas it wouldn't for a guy pushing a bin.

    So tldr, how does an automatic road barrier decide that yes, a vehicle is coming, and therefore opens up?
