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There has to be another way
  • Damn I'm feeling you. I'm in the fall process (solidly down 15kg/33lb, approaching 20kg/44lb) with about 10-15kg to go. When my belly stops flapping I'm good I think. But I fear the rebound... Currently lots of my evening snacking have disappeared because of evening gym classes, so late home and even later dinner. So I don't have time anymore to get snacky. Or if I do it's almost bedtime anyway so I'll just go to bed instead.

    But once I've hit my goal and don't need to hit gym that hard anymore... That frightens me. A little bit at least. Made some good connections there and got a routine going so i can probably keep it up.

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    Yellow chantarelles on a burrow
  • I had gotten it into myself that boars make use of burrows. But I may be very, very wrong.

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    Yellow chantarelles on a burrow
  • I hope so. Other option would be fox. Boar I don't think, too small. And I really don't want it to have been a boar burrow as it wouldn't then been unlikely with piglets in it. With ANGRY mamma nearby...

  • While out foraging I found a patch of big nice chantarelles, we have a good year for them btw. Then I noticed something strange, a hole into the mound. It wasn't there last year I know yhat for sure.

    Well... Looks like I pilfered someone's nicely cultivated mushrooms. Sorry.

    Root causes
  • What do you mean capitalism WAS a misstake? Did I miss a memo?

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    Which GM-dere are you?
  • Another Himedere checking in. I love setting up situations where the players and/or the characters squirm in anguish about what to do.

    My favorite so far was an estranged princess living as a man and hostel owner. He had turned his back on the throne and wanted little to do with it. As a bonus he was the only child of the king's only remaining child. Fast forward a bit and he needed a (legal) favor from the king. Went to court and met with his grandfather. The king would do it, no strings attached if a) he returned to court and resumed his duties as prince and b) sired an heir.

    There were a good thirty minutes of the players anguishing if he should accept while going deep into character motivations and the setting. During that game I don't think I did as much concrete worldbuildning as during those thirty minutes. I loved it, the players loved it. Great time.

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    The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • Issue in that case I rather see as why is it allowed to enter into legally binding agreements when you aren't sober. Why there isn't a (forced) period to review the papers.

    Marriage is a legally binding agreement. Let's treat it as such.

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    Every damn day
  • The Swedish vacation law (Semesterlag 1977:480) amateurishly translated by me. And I am in no way experienced enough in our labour law to comment on how it looks for those not working full time. The short lesson is to Remember Ådalen, or those that fought, bled and died four our labour rights.

    4 § En arbetstagare har rätt till tjugofem semesterdagar varje semesterår [...]
    An employee have right to twentyfive vacation days per year

    12 § Om inte annat har avtalats, ska semesterledigheten förläggas så, att arbetstagaren får en ledighetsperiod av minst fyra veckor under juni-augusti[...]
    If nothing else have been agreed upon, the vacation is to be scheduled such that the employee get a vacation period of at least four weeks during june -august

    Unions work. Labour movements work.

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    How China is helping keep the Russian economy afloat
  • As long as the Russian bear is around to scare the west and occupy our mibds the Chinese dragon is at much more liberty to do whatever they want.

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    Yacht Sinks After Being Rammed by Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar, Again 🫡
  • Love the addition of "again".

    I mean if you don't want your yacht sunk then don't sail it where orcas sink yachts. Sorry but actually not sorry for the casual victimblaming.

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    What is the "Correct" Speed Limit? (Not Just Bikes)
  • Spoiler it is 30km/h. After that noise and injury risk/severity shoot up. It is the compromise speed.

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    The most natively spoken languages in Pakistan
  • How easy it for those speaking the different languages to understand eachother?

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    What worldbuilding moments are you most proud of?
  • In a game a while ago there was a FtM prince turned hosteller. Left court and royal duties due to disillusioned and wanting to do actual good. But then they were a PC and quickly needed some help from granddaddy the king. I wondered what the king wanted in exchange. And it was clear - the royal line continued. In other words get an heir.

    I checked with the player that this was an OK path comfort and safety wise. Afterall one way to solve it was for the prince to get pregnant, force upon themselves a gender they did not want etc. We talked about it and had regular checkins.

    The moment that made this an awesome world building moment was when I realized magic impregnation wasn't an impossibility. Nor pregnancies without the biological bits. Because Magic!

    Unfortunately we never to to that part before scheduling did its thing.

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    How To Be A Dragon – Dealing with wyrm infestations (@fishtrouts)
  • Cat is grumpy because someone stole its humans

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    Jesse bringing geometry to the table
  • The more abstract the map is the more of a support for TotM it becomes. I selfom do a map, rather a flowchart. Quicker, easier and knocks out the last desire to measure things.

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    Jesse bringing geometry to the table
  • This brings us back to zones, a good middle ground. Draw rough map, or great map, and on it mark intresting combat zones. Some are separated with emptiness, others by obstacles.

    For example a tavern brawl. Zones could be the Bar, Kitchen, Common Room, Balconies, Private Rooms, Out Front and Out Back.

    Fighting on the Balconies could be tight, only one in width and with the risk of being thrown off it into the Commonroom. In the Kitchen there would be fire hazards, improvized weapons, knifes and the Stew. Not to forget other ways to spice things up in there. Around the Bar there would be some cover fighting someone on the other side, bottles to be broken and combatants to glide alond the bar for maximum mental damage.

    And so on. Make each zone memorable and with special features. Did I mention drawing it out really helps?

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    Jesse bringing geometry to the table
  • No grid only effect templates. Freeform battlemapping y'all!

    And rulers.

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  • Do you actually want us not to repost it?

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    Which wetland are you?
  • Im not just a bog, I'm a poor bog.

  • [Swedish] Drakar, demoner, orker och odöda

    SPELREGLER: Drakar och Demoner (Fria Ligan 2023) TEKNIK: Discord för samtal och FoundryVTT som spelbord TID: Fredagar kl 19.00 START: Fredagen den 26e Januari, möjlighet att dra igång en vecka tidigare om gruppen är samlad LÄNGD: Ca 15-20 speltillfällen ANMÄLAN: Skicka mig ett meddelande så tar vi det därifrån SÄKERHETSVERKTYG: Lines and Veils, X-card FRÅGOR: Har du dem ställ dem. OM SPELET: Sparkstartade Drakar och Demoner för att det hade varit skoj att ha något på svenska i bokhyllan. Och att det hade varit trevligt att spela något på svenska med svenskt material. Att inte behöva översätta allt. Så här är vi nu, julen är ute och det är dags att dra igång.

    Spelet kommer att utgå från grundlådan och äventyren kring samhället Utkante. Iallafall ibörjan till dess att jag lärt mig hur DåD vill spelas. Därefter ser vi vart det tar oss. Utkante ligger i Dimmornas Dal, en region en gång i tiden centrum för ett symboliskt rike mellan människor och drakar. Ett rike känt som Drakriket och berättelser om det är kända vitt och brett. Riket föll och orker tog över dalen. Iallafall fram till ca tio år sedan då de mystiskt drog sig tillbaka. Detta öppnade dörren för en återbefolkning av dalen och ambitösa personer hade snart grundat Utkante.


    You favorite Solo adventures/modules/systems to spice up prep with?

    Lately I've been using solo play tools more and more in my prep. For example instead of just pulling a town out of my imagination or from a bunch of tools. I've (mainly) used Ironsworn to solo play some episodes in that town. Creating details about it as I've gone along. Also used Artefact (more of a journaling game) with good effect to create legendary items. To get into the Glorantha setting, get into the "right" mindset, the solo choose-you-own-adventure I've found great.

    But I'm always looking for new tools to, if nothing else, get new perspectives on things. My default Ironsworn is leaning kinda heavily into more perilous and grim episodes.

    Happy for any and all recommendations!


    The Dice | Designing The Game (by Matt Colville of MCDM)

    Found this video intresting as Matt talks about what dice to use and how to use it for the game they are making. Loved the shoutout and critique of "FUNKY" dice used in FFG's Star Wars lineup (and Genesys) and how it influenced them in their process.

    He also got a bit into how the task resolution mechanic (dicerolling) will tie into other things such as class resources.


    [Online][19 CEST] Serpentine swords are curved


    Serpentine swords are curved. Curved!

    SYSTEM: Swords of the Serpentine PLATFORM: Foundry VTT (if I manage to hack it, if not some other solution) and Discord for voice TIME: Fridays at 19:00 CET (1PM EST, 10AM PST), and for about 3½-4 hours CAMPAIGN START: September 1st APPLICATIONS: Let me know if you are interested and we'll take it from there SAFETY TOOLS: Lines and Veils, X-card and others if desired DESCRIPTION: Swords of the Serpentine is a Gumshoe Sword and Sorcery system set in and around the city of Eversink. It is "a game of investigation, heroism, sly politics, and bloody savagery, set in a fantasy city rife with skulduggery and death".

    This will be a somewhat short campaign, around 10 or so sessions. I have pretty much no experience with Gumshoe so this can go horribly wrong. Or horriblyfun. We'll begin with the "official" cases and wrap it up with something I manage to conjure. Of course we will begin with a session of character creation and setting talk.


    Wanting to bring more (relevant) factions to the forefront of my game I decided to map out relations between

    • Solid bold lines are between the Crew and those they have direct relations to. Blue for positive, red for negative. (Edit: Clarification) The double line to Circle of flame shows the Crew have +2 relations to them, single line for +1 relations.
    • Solid thin lines are between the Crew's relations and those they have relations to. Can be to another of the Crew's relations (such as between Circle of Flame and The Hive) or to a more distant faction (two steps separation).
    • Dashed lines are relations between factions two steps away from the Crew. Not all relations of these factions two steps separated from the crew are included, only those between factions already on the board.

    Kinda enjoyed the result, a bit pleasing to the eye. May fully map out the relations of the factions two steps separated (to factions three steps separated from the crew).


    Critique my campaign ad/synopsis

    So I'm gearing up to once again start something and I've got an idea in my head. But once I put it down into something concise it either becomes bloaty or dry. I mean just the parts below are almost a google docs page, pretty much 2000 characters. And that is even when I removed 2/3 of the situation text as it was rather big picture information. Explicitly writing down the campaign style was something I took Colville's recent game design video, trying it out.

    What I really would love feedback on is mainly Situation. Enough/too little information? Is it confusing? Does the information fit with the Campaign Style? And also is Campaign Style something fitting in a campaign ad/synopsis?



    You all are part of the third imperially sponsored caravan into the Aablu, the hot and arid lands east of the Pearl Cities. The first caravan went out eight months ago and was expected to have returned two months ago. Second left four months ago with another destination. Yours have the same destination as the first with the additional task of bringing back news of the first.

    Information about Aablu is scarce and unreliable, mostly because traders and inhabitants in the Pearl Cities don’t venture into it and its local people consider themselves under no obligation to divulge information. There are of course tidbits of information: old travellers’ journals, hearsay and sales-talk. You are not headed blind into the Aablu, only mostly.

    The caravan itself is the size of a small village, with competent people of various professions who are there for their own reasons. Some want to strike it rich, some are running from something, some are there for the glory and some just want a bit of adventure. Your characters are also competent individuals, filling a role in the caravan and have ambition to make something extra of themselves.

    Campaign style

    Adventurous daring sword and sorcery.

    Adventurous - The very nature of the caravan is an adventure and on it are those with an adventurous spirit. When it calls, your characters are those who step up, those who have a bit extra drive to see what is on the other side of the hill.

    Daring - Rewarded are those who boldly go where no one has gone before. Daring plans are to be rewarded and there is always a chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

    Sword and Sorcery (from Wikipedia) - A subgenre of fantasy characterized by sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting and violent adventures. Elements of romance, magic, and the supernatural are also often present. Unlike works of high fantasy, the tales, though dramatic, focus on personal battles rather than world-endangering matters.


    The wheels on my hardtail have been shit. Roughly every two months a spoke have popped. With a tubeless setup that have been a pain. When I had to get a new set of spokes for the front wheel my FLBS guy recommended me rebuilding them. Told me to sit down and replace them one at a time. I have done that now. Finally. The drop that made the glass spill over was a spoke popping when I wad fixing another. And several were stuck in their nipples.

    Went from 1.8mm (15g) "approved by manufacturer" round spokes with 12mm aluminium nipples to 2mm (14g) DT Swiss Champion with 14mm brass nipples. I'm starting to enjoy tinkering with wheels...


    A very seedy bread

    cross-posted from:

    This is my latest obsession - bread filled to the brim with seeds and whole grains. A bit like the danish rugbrød and I bet the Germans have something similar too.

    Method (1 loaf)

    The only things I measure is the water and seeds, the rest I find no use in measuring. Whole flour coarsely ground can have such varying absorption rates depending on age and storage. Going by feel is mandatory.

    • 500g water
    • Some yeast (or sourdough). Use a quantity that makes the bake fit into your schedule. I used about 8-10g fresh yeast.
    • Dissolve yeast into water with your preferred method.
    • Add seeds. I used 2dl in total split between 1dl sunflower, 1/2dl flax and 1/2dl psyllium seeds
    • Begin adding flour. I used a mix of coarse ground whole rye (1/3) and graham flour (2/3). This is a tricky part to describe as I go by feel. At this point I want a "sloppy batter". It will stiffen as the flour absorbs water. My desired final texture is a "shapeable batter", something that holds a shape for a little while but is very much squishable. Adjust water/flour if needed. Look at this consistency as a reference.
    • Let rest until risen to at least half again size (150%), for me it took about 2 hours. Adjust time as needed.
    • After it has risen give it a light work, you won't get any gluten development with all those additions.
    • Put dough in tin, I prefer to bake in parchment paper to get it out easier. I took the dough directly from the bowl into the tin, just spread it evenly.
    • Let rest again, I gave it another 2 hours. You decide. Let the bake fit into your schedule.
    • Preheat oven to 250C.
    • Put tin in oven, lower to 200C and bake for 30 minutes
    • (optional) Remove bread from tin and put on grate. Have nothing to back it up but I feel I get better crust all around, less moisture trapped in tin.
    • Heat oven to 225C then turn it off. Let bread rest in cooling oven until room temperature.
    • Let bread rest for at least 24 hours
    • Devour. This bread has a lot of flavour and is paired really well with strongly flavoured condiments such as gravlax, matjes herring or just butter.

    This is my latest obsession - bread filled to the brim with seeds and whole grains. A bit like the danish rugbrød and I bet the Germans have something similar too.

    Method (1 loaf)

    The only things I measure is the water and seeds, the rest I find no use in measuring. Whole flour coarsely ground can have such varying absorption rates depending on age and storage. Going by feel is mandatory.

    • 500g water
    • Some yeast (or sourdough). Use a quantity that makes the bake fit into your schedule. I used about 8-10g fresh yeast.
    • Dissolve yeast into water with your preferred method.
    • Add seeds. I used 2dl in total split between 1dl sunflower, 1/2dl flax and 1/2dl psyllium seeds
    • Begin adding flour. I used a mix of coarse ground whole rye (1/3) and graham flour (2/3). This is a tricky part to describe as I go by feel. At this point I want a "sloppy batter". It will stiffen as the flour absorbs water. My desired final texture is a "shapeable batter", something that holds a shape for a little while but is very much squishable. Adjust water/flour if needed. Look at this consistency as a reference.
    • Let rest until risen to at least half again size (150%), for me it took about 2 hours. Adjust time as needed.
    • After it has risen give it a light work, you won't get any gluten development with all those additions.
    • Put dough in tin, I prefer to bake in parchment paper to get it out easier. I took the dough directly from the bowl into the tin, just spread it evenly.
    • Let rest again, I gave it another 2 hours. You decide. Let the bake fit into your schedule.
    • Preheat oven to 250C.
    • Put tin in oven, lower to 200C and bake for 30 minutes
    • (optional) Remove bread from tin and put on grate. Have nothing to back it up but I feel I get better crust all around, less moisture trapped in tin.
    • Heat oven to 225C then turn it off. Let bread rest in cooling oven until room temperature.
    • Let bread rest for at least 24 hours
    • Devour. This bread has a lot of flavour and is paired really well with strongly flavoured condiments such as gravlax, matjes herring or just butter.

    Let's play a little game of recommendations

    Just a little idea I had, think it would be fun. Comment your favourite systems and the rest of us will give you recommendations for something that could possibly fit your interests.


    cross-posted from:

    > The ENNIE Awards (the “ENNIES”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. The ENNIES give game designers, writers and artists the recognition they deserve. It is a peoples’ choice award, and the final winners are voted upon online by the gaming public.

    >The ENNIES were created in 2001 as an annual award ceremony, hosted by the leading D&D/d20 system fan site, EN World in partnership with Eric Noah’s Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. The awards were owned by Russ Morrissey until 2019. As the awards have grown, the ENNIES have expanded from an Internet-based awards selection to an annual award ceremony at Gen Con. The ENNIES have also branched out from their roots as an award ceremony focused upon d20 system publishers and products to celebrate the achievements of all tabletop RPGs and the publishers and products that support them.

    >With award categories recognizing the components that make a game great to the types of products fans have come to love, categories for fan-based websites and much more, the ENNIES are the best way for fans to acknowledge outstanding effort from and to say “thank you” to the creators, publishers, designers and artists who make this hobby great.


    Welcome to Ask Game Masters


    Welcome to this place where Game Masters, Dungeon Masters, Storytellers, Narrators, Referees (and etc) can gather and ask questions. Uncertain of where to take the story? Want to spice up your big baddie? Encounters? That player? Ask away!

    And if you have questions about becoming a Game Master you are most welcome with those as well!

    Rules (as of now)

    • Be civil. Be kind. Treat each other with love and respect.
    • No question too small, no conundrum too complicated. Ask away.
    • If system is relevant to your worries do mention it.
    • If you post a link do add a few lines why it is helpful.
    • No piracy or illegal content. Do not link to, request or encourage piracy or any other illegal content or activities.
    • If your question, or answer, contains mature themes mark it NFSW.

    With that out of the way... Hi. Hello. Welcome. Thought it was time this community got set up where we, whatever we want to call ourselves, can get our problems solved. Some of them at least. The community rules I cobbled together based of what I found here and there, not too set in stone. Suggestions are welcome. Don't have much more to say, we'll see where and how it goes and go from there.

    Again - Welcome!


    I would like to talk a little bit, and hear your opinions, on something not too often mentioned when discussing action resolution mechanics and processes in tabletop roleplaying games. That is when during the process you do the roll. The endpoints on that spectrum can be called Go then Roll and Roll then Go. At their extremes

    • Go then Roll is declaring your action (I attack, I investigate etc) followed by a roll to see how well you did that action. Example: I attack the ogre - roll d20+mod vs AC - on hit do d6 damage.

    • Roll then Go often begins by declaring how you intend to tackle the obstacle (with finesse, by being offensive) followed by a roll and once you have the result of the roll you choose what is actually accomplished. Sometimes you even at this stage you say what your character actually does. Example: I directly engage the ogre with violence - roll [something] and count successes - spend successes on things in the scene such as dealing damage.

    As with many other things my preference lies in the middle, a bit skewed towards Go then Roll. Most of my preferred systems lie there, Genesys and many (most?) PbtA to mention some. As I player I find myself more involved in my character's actions and for longer. Less of a do stuff - roll - get result - hand over spotlight. It is a greater invitation to get engaged in the narrative. When GM-ing it is a bit the same, and more. Apart from dragging the players kicking and screaming into narrative responsibility (slight exaggeration) it is very insightful what the players/characters do after they have done their primary thing. After dealing damage do they got out of danger? Take the foe's attention giving their mates space to recover? It just give me so much more.

    Genesys does this by not only having success/fail in it's roll resolution by also advantage/disadvantage. Adv/disadv can then be spent on activating abilities or changing (minor) things in the scene to mention a few options. Many PbtA have on some (many) moves "on hit choose one, on strong hit choose two" when when looking at what happens after the roll. Actually the PbtAs does this really well by presenting the result options in the same visual space as the roll mechanics, on the same move card. Visual design is game design.

    Interested in hearing experiences, insights and opinions.


    Edit: Aaaand it's gone

    From Modiphius' site

    This massive Conan PDF bundle includes everything we have released in digital form for Conan: Adventures In An Age Undreamed Of since its launch. You’ll get over 40 PDFs at approximately 90% OFF the original price of buying them individually. This bundle will only be available until the end of June 2023, so this is your last best chance to get everything at an incredible price!


    Since it's only the admins who can set up communities perhaps it would be a good idea to create a spot where we all can suggest and discuss what communties we are missing. For what it is worth it's kind of good that a themed/focused instance restrict community creation.

    With that out of the way there are two communities I miss here and haven't found on the fediverse.

    AskGameMasters - a place for gathering questions about GMing. And encourage them.

    LookingForGroup - a place to post game adverts and perhaps also for players to post their desires.
