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Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • Why folks always say this as if it won’t connect to your neighbor’s open WiFi? Some of these are being built with cellular access like those Nspresso machines—or LoRa—so you can’t just not connect it. These devices don’t need any network access.

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    What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • This was the year I tried out Darcs & Pijul. With conflicts being less problematic & easier to collab without patch order mattering, you gotta wonder why all of this effort is still put into bolting stuff atop Git instead of moving on & helping the tooling in this space.

    Second place would be Movim as a decentralized social media platform built atop the XMPP server you are already running.

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    Disabling wi-fi on Samsung home appliances (specifically dishwasher)
  • I had to buy a washing machine recently. I asked if I could get one without the smart features (this was a half joke thinking there was no shot in hell, but at least I got to express disinterest). They looked in the back to find that they did have the previous model. They said it was basically the same but without the smart features—then they said it would still be under the same warranty & would cost me $150 less. I got real lucky that day—& the fact that I need a new TV has caused me dread knowing you basically can’t find ’em anymore.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Buying & steeping loose leaf tea instead of bagged garbage. Higher quality, lower price, actually tastes decent with multiple steeps. If I don’t finish the leaves, I fill the teapot with water to have cold brew the next morning. If you get into it, an electric kettle that lets you set the temperature is essential since you can avoid burning leaves much easier & unlocking more delicate leaves that require lower temperatures. Last tip which should be obvious: no milk or sugar & if you think it tastes bad, why do you keep buying black tea instead of something good?

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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • US has tipping, gerrymandering, male circumcision, & other weird tendencies. Washing your butt with water is even older, maybe even ‘no tech’. Regardless, you owe yourself to install some option for yourself. 😀

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    Haiku releases R1/beta5
  • How long til they can get a Rust Kernel committee to really decelerate progress?

    But seriously, great to see progress keep chugging.

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  • Y’all. Nostalgia is a strong drug, but we all gotta move past Nintendo with its years of behavior like this. Support indies.

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    What browser do yall use?
  • LibreWolf on desktop—fennec on mobile (tho I should consider Mull, my history is already in Fennec). Back desktop is Brave—with backup mobile being Mulch + Fx Android Beta (to handle DRM). In the terminal, w3m picking up a new possible maintainer means it will stay my favorite.

    I want to follow Ladybird, but man is that hype way overblown relative to where the project actually is & you should not trust leadership that locks communications to US-based, proprietary services (Discord + Microsoft GitHub).

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    AI's take on XML
  • I wish more things used Nickel or Dhall for config. I don’t know why I wouldn’t want editor support for type information or the ability to make functions in my non-Turing-complete config to eliminate boilerplate on my end.

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    AI's take on XML
  • I mean we have a generation that thinks XML is bloated & JSON is superior but those two formats are about the same on performance & compressed size--which was the point. The non-plaintext-readable formats are superior along a lot of metrics but harder to debug & ultimately less common.

  • Acronyms/intialism use capital letters to encode information about words. Losing that information is a mistake. SᴍᴀʟʟCᴀᴘCᴀsᴇ is now considered a best practice.

    …Or consider snake_case or kebab-case 🤷


    Usually I rely on my network & haven’t needed this kind of document in ages, but I’ve been tasked with creating a résumé for myself. I’ve grown more privacy-conscious every year & I think it’s weird that we are expected to give out so much information about ourselves to companies that lie about their culture & don’t want you sharing salary information with your coworkers. I have read stories about how these documents & information can sometimes get leaked & shared on the web which is pretty sketch.

    TIL about “functional résumés” which it appears are usually meant to cover up your lack of work experience, but I like the idea of covering up a lot of my specific history as it is the skills that should matter more, no? Do you give out all of your info?

    https:// /pr-tracker.html

    There is a little bit more than just service.movim.enable = true; but it’s not far off. For those looking to a Docker alternative & reproducible/declarative builds, this could be quite useful.


    A quick primer on XMPP & how/why you should host your own server for low-resource-usage, encrypted chat & other pubsub server.
