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A Cool Guide to 16 Iconic Sci Fi Classics
  • Hyperion, anyone?

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    A Cool Guide to 16 Iconic Sci Fi Classics
  • I second this motion.

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    I got a boat
  • The obvious answer is to smash a bong on it.

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    I got a boat
  • The obvious answer is to smash a bong on it.

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    Bonk intensifies
  • Stupid beasts!

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    I‘m running out of titles
  • Makes me wish JFK was on a coin.

    edit: I'm fucking stupid, you guys.

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    A name only a dad could love
  • When I was a contractor, me and the guys on my crew used to say "you can tuna piano, but you can't tuna half." Just a little inside joke that didn't have to make sense to make us giggle.

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    Platonically of course
  • I'm not shy about telling my friends I love them.

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  • Experts in what field? Fucking doorology?

  • NSFW
    Wait, George Lucas did whaaaat???
  • I've never heard of this, but as somebody who has eyes, I am eminently qualified to say with total certainty that Star Wars is an extremely lazy Dune ripoff.

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    True human connection
  • This is me and my buddy Kyle circa 3rd period math class in 10th grade, at least twice a week.

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    "Tradwives" offer an alluring vision of-right wing Christianity — meet the people fighting back
  • Satanists are still out here fighting the good fight, and we still don't believe in a literal Satan.

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  • It would have cost you nothing to not say that.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The fact that you're getting so worked up over this says more about your intelligence than mine. And the amount of times you called me stupid says to me that I'm interacting with an actual child. Step away from the keyboard and get some perspective. Online arguments are not worth this temper tantrum you're throwing right now. Settle down and have a juice box, kiddo.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Permanently Deleted

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm not in the business of making friends with statists anyway, so I'll be fine without you. I find it hard to have a conversation with someone when their breath smells so strongly of boot leather.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'll say what I want, thanks.
