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Republicans vs Democrats
  • 0*2 is also 0 and maybe makes the joke better 🙃

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    What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • "more diversity" includes people whose entire lives are politicized, so you have to pick between "more diversity" and "less politics", you cannot have both

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    What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • banning communists opens up space for fascism? whoever could have predicted! 🤯

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    Bacon tho
  • fucking your neighbor's pet cat is morally neutral

    yeah this is turning out to be as wild as I expected

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    Jeff's magic money machine
  • also already covered by rule #3

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    Bacon tho
  • so you think all humans have rights to do any kinds of violent, invasive acts to any animal, as long as they call it a "veterinary procedure"? is there anything a human could do to an animal which you would classify as "rape"?

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    Bacon tho
  • and getting a giant steel horn implanted in your forehead would be a cosmetic procedure, but i guess you'd be pretty upset if someone did it to you without asking?

    artificial insemination would fit the legal definition of rape in several jurisdictions in the world if you did it to a human.

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    Bacon tho
  • how do you think dairy cows are always pregnant if they're not being forcibly impregnated 🤔🤔

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    Bacon tho
  • if you eat or drink any dairy products then you have almost certainly paid a company to rape some animals for you.

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    Secondary Succession
  • yes but wtf is a niché (neesh-ay) as opposed to a niche?

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    Pi Day
  • more like a rest-of-the-worldly date format 🙃


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    jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • any Firefox fork, while we wait for Servo to be ready

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    The Death of Decentralized Email
  • I think you might be 180° missing the point of the meme

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    Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after shots fired at his Pennsylvania rally
  • "yeah, keep doing that and some useless fuck will spectacularly fail to assassinate you, giving a huge boost to your election campaign, take that!"

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    Only 7% of Arab American voters plan on voting for President Biden
  • 98% "indirectly" for Biden (by not voting for Trump) by the same logic...

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    Any tips on getting pirated media onto the TV?
  • to add to other answers about jellyfin, there's a roku app for it which is Quite Good in my experience

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    jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • switching to a browser engine developed by a literal advertising company seems like a weird protest against advertising

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    jwz: Mozilla is an advertising company now
  • servo is the only one I know of

  • We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality

    We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast
