General nerd; work = I design infosec tools on a grand scale. Artsy/musicy, house full of: dogs, plants, vintage tube gear, various things that run Linux. He/him, trans rights, Black Lives Matter, genuinely delighted to meet you. KC1ULJ on #amateurradio

@self @froztbyte "We think you should have the freedom to..." 🤮

@fasterandworse @self Fediverse problems. This could... use improvement. But it's cool that it works!

@fasterandworse@hci.social @fasterandworse@awful.systems @self Yep, it's all the same protocol. It's pretty weird though; no indication of what platform the post really came from or how it was intended to be viewed. I could see that being useful first-class information for the reader on whatever platform they're reading from.
Trying to remember how I even got this post. Did you boost it from your masto account?