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I have no idea how true this is? It is just a random shower thought.

It may be more true where I am in Canada than in the US? Here, senators are essentially appointed for life. I understand US senators are elected but have longer terms and generally more stable careers than their counterparts? In either case, there seems to be a lot of prestige that comes with the position.

If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • Yeah. My wife is always wanting to go on a cruise and I'm having none of it.

    One thing I will add regarding the nature of this curse is that it only manifests when I am the sole occupant of the bedroom. For example, I used to share a bedroom with my older sister, but within a week of her moving out and rejoicing at having the whole place to myself, the ceiling opened up.

    So I suppose I would be safe on the ship as long as my wife is there with me? In our current home, she was my sole protection, but has recently taken to sleeping on the basement cot due to hot flashes. This leaves me staring nervously at the ceiling. It's now or never, curse!

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • Every place I live, there will be this incident when a torrential deluge of water breaks through the ceiling of my bedroom in the middle of the night.

    So it's not the bedroom itself that is cursed, since it is a different room each time. And the causes have varied also. The cursed object, therefore, must either be me or something in my possession I have kept around since childhood? Hmm…

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    Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence"
  • They’re going to keep making more powerful hardware either way, since parallel processing capability supports graphics and AI just fine.

    It's not quite as simple as that. AI needs less precision than regular graphics, so chips developed with AI in mind do not necessarily translate into higher performance for other things.

    In science/engineering, people want more—not less—precision. So we look for GPUs with capable 64-bit processing, while AI is driving the industry in the other direction, from 32 down to 16.

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    What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Ah fair enough. I guess I only learned about it in the 2020s when I read some expose on it and it made me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

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    Donald Trump Rages at Taylor Swift After Singer Endorses Kamala Harris: ‘I Hate Taylor Swift!’
  • But she’s a very liberal person. She seems to always endorse a Democrat and she’ll probably pay a price for it in the marketplace.

    That's an odd comment. It smells like fear. Is he worried she will overtake him in net worth?

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    What is your favourite breakfast food?
  • Right now, it is southwestern-style Indian upma with eggs and salsa. My wife invented that after randomly picking up a package of instant upma from a nearby Indian grocery and noting that it reminded her a bit of grits. We are afraid to tell anyone of south Asian background of this no doubt sacrilegious interpretation.

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    Is Trump Made of Teflon?
  • Years ago I watched a documentary about Trump's shenanigans in Atlantic City. Basically, he stiffs the contractors who build his casino. They sue, and so he hires some big shot lawyers to defend him. They get him off for the most part, but then he then turns around and stiffs the law firm itself! Like what even?!?

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    Major Russian disinfo site featuring anti-Trudeau articles prompts calls for new focus at public inquiry
  • I posted this because it gave me a hint as to why conservative propaganda has shifted in recent years. It's mostly personal attacks on the man at the top now. "F#ck Trudeau" and all that.

    While this might make some sense in the US where the presidency is an institution unto itself, it makes a lot less sense in Canada where we have a parliamentary system in which running the country is a group effort by the dominant political party.

    And Trudeau is not even a power-trippy type of leader. He's always been more of a delegator. So while I believe there is plenty of reason to be critical of the current federal government, pinning it all on the prime minister just seems weird and off. Like something a foreign influence campaign would be trying to do, in other words.

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    India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon.
  • I suppose the regolith itself could be used as a heat sink. I don't know what its thermal properties are like?

    But yeah, I imagine heat dissipation is a limiting factor. Everything I've read suggests the 1st gen reactors will put out something on the order of 10s of kilowatts, so rather modest by nuclear standards but still plenty for a nascent Moon base I imagine?

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    India considers joining Russia, China to build nuclear plant on Moon.
  • The trouble with solar on the moon is that the day-night cycle is a month long. You have to figure out what to do during the 2 Earth weeks worth of night.

    I suppose with a polar base, you could have several solar farms strategically placed so that at least one of them is operational at any given time, but that's a lot of infrastructure and this is early days.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • I thought I read somewhere that when they were making one of the Toy Story movies, there was some catastrophic data loss that nearly tanked the whole production. But then one of the animators came back from maternity and said wait, I think I have most of it synced to my home server? And the next thing you know, John Lasseter himself is barrelling down the highway to her place and it turned out yeah, she did have it.

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    The Power of Free Public Transit
  • I understand the concept of riding a bus being free time to read or use the phone, but my experience for my commute has been standing room only for an hour.

    Well at least that speaks to good ridership numbers where you are. I guess they need to add more buses, bus priority lanes, or other higher-capacity transit options.

    I would love to be able to use an e bike to get to work, but I don’t like biking next to cars on anything more than a 30 mph road.

    It's worth investigating what possible routes you can take to get from A to B, as there are generally more options with a bike than a car but they are not necessarily obvious. For example, after having a close look at a satellite view, I realized that what I had assumed was a railway track was actually a decommissioned rail line that had been converted into a trail, and it actually cuts some distance off of the car route I had been taking to work.

    Last night, I actually discovered a new route for getting home from band practice. I used to cut through a cemetery, but with the nights getting longer, it was starting to creep me out going through there in pitch black conditions, even though the bike has a headlight. (Cemeteries in the day time can be quite a pleasant ride though.) But I carefully surveyed an apartment complex that looked impassable. In fact, it had a foot path leading through it and beyond. This one was hard to spot on satellite since it runs through a tree tunnel.

    The biggest problems are typically bridges, where you really have no other choice but to cross with the traffic. I am frequently advocating to city officials to improve cycling infrastructure along any such traffic choke points.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • Cool! I can see how optical media could, in theory, be very long-lasting as long as you don't use materials that oxidize or otherwise degrade over time.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • Well I guess I'm picturing DNA encoding like a RAID billion in terms of redundancy, so with some checksumming, you ought be able to sort out any mutations? But I'm no geneticist.

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • That's why I back up my data on stone tablets in Cunieform.

    Seriously though, if you wanted data to last for centuries, what would be your best bet? Would it be some sort of 3D-printed mechanical storage? At least plastics are generally not biodegradable, though they are photodegradable, so I guess you'd want to stick your archive in a dry cave somewhere?

    Or what about this idea of encoding the data in the DNA of some microbe and cutting it loose? What could possibly go wrong?

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    The Power of Free Public Transit
  • The time cost is certainly an important factor to consider. It's interesting to me that my Gen Z kids have a markedly different perspective on transit vs driving in that regard. They say if you're driving, that's time lost, while if you are on the bus, you can be doing all sorts of things on your phone or what have you.

    For me, a car commute works out to around 15-20 min if there is no traffic (a big if). The ebike is more like 25-30, but it is generally far more pleasant—at least in good weather—as I can cut through parks and trails. The bus is perhaps 45 min if I catch it right, but unlike the bike, it feels longer than it is.

    One factor to consider is that if your work is of a sedentary nature, both transit and cycling factor in some exercise into your daily routine which I would say is not wasted time in that case. People who take transit are generally in better shape than people who drive everywhere, since there is an element of walking around, sometimes carrying stuff.

    I wasn't sure an ebike would give me any exercise, but I think it's safe to say it does. In the video, they say free transit translates to 2x usage per individual. For me, that ratio coincidentally also describes the regular bike vs ebike experience. So while my old bike provided more intense workouts, the ebike provides more consistent (albeit lighter) exercise since it is really my primary transportation at this point with exception to the months of Jan and Feb when the car admittedly takes over again for the most part.

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    The Power of Free Public Transit
  • Public transit is not free where I live. I think there are two aspects to this matter of whether or not it should be free, or at least subsidized a little more. The video primarily addresses one of them, which is what the implications are for those with low income.

    But the other aspect has to do with what it would take to get people who drive everywhere today to leave their cars at home and take transit instead for routine travel like commuting. I've done the math on this in terms of my personal monthly budget. In an either/or scenario of taking transit exclusively with no car ownership, there is no question that public transit is far more affordable. But once you have taken that leap and bought a car, it is no longer the slam dunk in favour of transit. What I mean by that is if you own a car but take the bus to work every day and only use the car for occasional errands that necessitate it, you will not necessarily be ahead financially at the end of the month.

    At least not in my case. Some things could affect this calcuation. For example, if I had to pay for parking where I work, transit would almost certainly win. But it's a shame when I think others are likely going through the same calculations and drawing the same conclusions, leaving ridership numbers low and streets clogged with automobiles.

    What I eventually concluded was that a third option—investing in a ebike for commuting/light errands—was indeed a slam dunk budget-wise, so I have gone with that. I still need to have a car at my disposal for certain things I do, but it stays in the driveway 80% of the time, and beyond the upfront cost of purchasing the bike, its operational costs are very close to zero. So it's basically free transportation once you've paid it off, and that is quite compelling to me.

  • Canadian university cities facing surprising rental market downturn

    Rental brokers and property managers in places like Kingston, Ont., and Surrey, B.C., are noticing less demand for student housing

    Of relevance to Kingston:

    > For the last 10 years, Amélie Brack’s property-management company had no trouble renting out both halves of a duplex near St. Lawrence College in Kingston, one of Canada’s most notable student-dominated cities renowned for its high proportion of out-of-town students, with both St. Lawrence and Queen’s University in the area. This year, it’s still not rented out as the fall school term is about to start – a first for her. It’s not the only unit going empty, after demand for student housing in Kingston drastically fell in the past few months. “Up until last year, we would get 25 to 50 inquiries per week in August. This year, it’s been crickets. It’s quite a surprise,” said Ms. Brack, leasing manager for Limestone Property Management.

    > It’s a phenomenon that hasn’t shown up yet in any official statistical reports. But it’s one that many at ground level are observing, a noticeable U-turn from the last few years where there were often frantic bidding wars for student housing in the months leading up to the start of the fall term. They point to the cap on international students as a significant factor behind the drop. “The international student reduction has definitely affected us,” said Ms. Brack, who said that large, multibedroom houses in what’s called the student ghetto in Kingston are also going unrented and owners are finding themselves having to list them for rents closer to what a family could afford, rather than what five desperate students (or their parents) might be willing to pay: $2,700 a month for a four-bedroom, rather than the previous $4,000.

    > The cap for 2024 was set at 360,000 study permits for the country, a 35-per-cent reduction from the previous year.

    > In Ontario, internet searches for student housing near universities in Waterloo, Hamilton, and Kingston are down 46 per cent to 55 per cent, Ms. Yiu said.

    4 Pierre Poilievre has a housing plan ready for Ottawa’s bureaucrats. Documents reveal some don’t believe it’s ‘grounded in reality’

    The Conservative leader's marquee plan to address Canada's housing crisis uses targets that would set municipalities up for failure, argues an analysis of the policy drawn up by federal civil

    The thrust of it is that the federal government would withhold funding to municipalities unless they meet certain home-building targets.

    Critics worry that this will accelerate suburban sprawl in order to meet quotas. There are some provisions regarding rental housing and transit infrastructure, but with unrealistic time/budgeting constraints.


    Rode my bike on this new section of Cataraqui Woods Dr today! You can now go from Centennial all the way to Sydenham Rd. Technically, there was still some heavy paving equipment working on a part of it so I'm not sure it is fully open to all traffic at this point? But they had taken down the barricades.


    I think they’re here through the weekend?


    Birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects? Sure. But no mammals.

    So I had to google it. Apparently, there is a sloth that moves around so slowly moss grows all over it and it doesn't care. So it may appear green, but only in the sense that it wears it.

    https:// /residents/city-calendar-events/feature-events/solar-eclipse-2024

    I was told by someone at Tourism Kingston that they are expecting more than 70K visitors to descend on the city for this, which is insane!


    This is not far from where it crosses Little Cataraqui Creek, so they are probably trying to dam the creek. I should probably contact someone with the city? Anyone know who to call?


    If you drive west from Collins Bay Rd, you should now see a "ghost" bicycle painted white on the south side of the road marking where the fatal collision occurred. Personally, I have lived in cities in which a cyclist fatality would barely garner attention by the local media, but as tragic as this is, I am glad the community here has not become jaded about such events.


    I'd forgotten how much I missed going to concerts during the pandemic. They put on a good show!


    It's down at the Memorial Centre. This was from yesterday, but if I'm not mistaken, it's free admission today until it closes up at 6?


    This was at Our Lady of Fatima up the hill from Division. The food was awesome!


    It’s across from the library downtown. They’ve closed the whole block for it. I overheard there are dancers coming from Montreal at 7 pm!

    0 Aerosnapper Kingston

    Good things come to those who wait - thank you to Cindy Greenwood, who drew attention to the first passenger runs this afternoon by the Wolfe Islander IV She looks like she was made for this - what...

    Came across a facebook page showing the new electric ferry in service, but can't find any other news confirming this. Is this for real?


    Saw this bird on the way to work today. It was perched on a log sticking out of the pond at Lions Civic Gardens. That's that little park south of the mall where the library is. The Merlin app ID'd it as a double-breasted cormorant. Possibly a juvenile given its coloration, though it was a good size!


    Saw this guy on my way to work this morning.


    I'm looking for an escooter small and light enough for my daughter to take onto a bus and then ride a km or two through a college campus?

    But I'm having trouble finding a suitable model. Whenever I go to a dealer, they always want to sell me something rather huge and heavy. She's not that big. Maybe 5'3 with a slender build? When I suggest perhaps their child model would be more suitable, they say they wouldn't be up to the task for one reason or another.

    Any suggestions on what to look for?


    It’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife in case it’s not obvious. There is supposed to be some sort of pre-show put on by the Haunted Walk people.
