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What's the easiest way to host a music colletion (FLAC)?
  • It shouldn't mess with your current routing but if you're running other VPNs you may run into issues.

    After you join the machines to the tailnet, each machine gets a new IP address ( only visible to other machines in the tailnet), by default it's a 100.x.y.z you can check the tailnet for the device IP.

    Now you can keep the port closed on your router and it will still be accessible over the usual lan ip and port. But when you want to access remotely, turn on tailscale and connect using the tailnet IP.

    Another cool thing you can do with this setup is turn your home server into an exit node. By default it will only route things that are in the tailnet (100.x.y.z subnet). But if you turn your home server into an exit node you can funnel all your traffic back through the exit node. Instant free VPN back home!

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    What's the easiest way to host a music colletion (FLAC)?
  • Unencrypted HTTP can mean that anyone can see your traffic as it passes through their network. Your ISP will see that traffic. If you're streaming pirated music and you're in a country that cares about those things, might not go very well. From a security stand point though, you still wouldn't want to trust the authentication on the open port. A vulnerability may exist that you don't know about. It's always better to keep them closed and add another layer or two between your home computer and the public.

    Tailscale let's you tunnel into your home network without opening any ports, and it encrypts the traffic. Much safer way of doing it.

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    One big happy family.
  • What kinda issues are you having? Most of my problems with Nix are solved with overlays or creating a module. Admittedly, in order to do that you still have to know how to fix your issue the usual linux way. Afterall, Nix is more of an abstraction tool IMO; good for replicating something across a ton if devices. If you don't need that, there's other distros that work much better out of the box.

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    What's the easiest way to host a music colletion (FLAC)?
  • Another tip, please be very careful when exposing ports to the public. With docker you're already mitigating your attack surfaces but an open port allows anyone to make a connection and there are lots of bots out there looking for open ports and vulnerabilities. A good alternative would be to setup wireguard and instead then connect through that or if you like simplicity check out Tailscale.

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • Naw not 20 years ago, that's 2004. Here's an article from the Army talking about their introduction in 09, most Army units wouldn't have seen till 2010.

    Link to Army News Article

    I was in the USMC so adding about 5 years till we got them tracks lol. I absolutely was taught in the school house with no confidence clip and I remember what country I was in when I got training on it in 14-15.

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • You wouldn't have remembered if it was 20 years ago. That clip was introduced recently, I remember where I was the first time I saw one and that would've been like 2015.

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • Check out my other comment but I'm pretty sure it's because of the confidence clip. There's actually an extra step where you sweep your thumb across the spoon to allow the pin to be removed from the grenade. After that yeah you probably could pull it with your teeth.... but if you fucked up and fumbled it you'd win the Darwin award.

    Really the myth should be about cooking a grenade. Absolutely no way in fucking hell you'd ever trust that fuse to "actually" be 4 seconds. What if it's short and actually 3? And you wait to 2 to throw? Nooo way lmao

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    A Cool Guide about 12 myths that movies made us believe
  • They're probably referring to the confidence clip. We used to tape the spoon to the grenade because if the pin got caught on your jacket, you'd have a really bad day. There's actually an extra step before you pull the pin where you sweep your thumb across the spoon to allow the pin to be pulled out. If you just grabbed a grenade and tried to rip the pin out with your teeth, without removing the confidence clip, you'd rip your teeth out.

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    Climate scientists flee Twitter [to Mastodon] as hostility surges
  • What do you mean? If it makes you feel any better, the Earth will be fine. Has been for a couple billion years. We did this to ourselves :(

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    Putin’s henchmen helped Musk to acquire Twitter - reports
  • The Marine Corps keeps his legacy. As one of only two Marines to earn the Medal of Honor twice, it's one of the things they force you to memorize. They yell out "Two Marines, Two Medals" and we'd all scream "Dan Daly and Smedly Butler sir". One of the first required readings I had when I got to my unit was "War is a Racket"; still got the book report somewhere lol

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    TIL the US Government once released its own video game to inform, educate, and recruit prospective soldiers.
  • I just want to say, your work on that game absolutely would've contributed to making my high-school years better. Me and my social group played this game constantly, spent tons of hours playing SF Refinery 😂 From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!!

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    TIL the US Government once released its own video game to inform, educate, and recruit prospective soldiers.
  • I recall it being fully simulated. You had to walk into a class room and sit down and watch a like 45min (maybe? Idk this was over a decade ago) presentation on an overhead where an instructor went over a combat life saver course. You'd have a test to answer with multiple choice questions that you had to pass at the end lol

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    TIL the US Government once released its own video game to inform, educate, and recruit prospective soldiers.
  • Nawww it was way harder than that!! If you wanted to play as the medic class in a game online you had to do the offline training. The training made you sit through like a 45 minute long combat life saver class. No shit had to like walk into the classroom and sit near the projector and look down to answer questions lol

    If you wanted to do the Special Forces maps (basically night mode maps) you had to pass this skull dragging class where you had to avoid being spotted and slowly move into an area. I remember trying for like 3 days just to pass that friggin class!
