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The Trek Place
  • Fairly, gogo dresses were a symbol of the sexual liberation movement.

    So even the sexy legs were woke at the time.

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    France's most powerful nuclear reactor connected to grid after 17-year build
  • For example, my nuclear launch failsafe, is an example of a human failsafe, that works 100% of the time, unless both humans agree to the launch.

    And yes, human supervision can, and should be, the final fail safe for any critical system.

    And yes, human failsafes work, when properly designed, and implemented. That's what "fail safe" means. ie, a PBR reactor is "fail safe" by design, as if anything happens, the pebble pile collapses, and criticality cannot be maintained, without a human intervening. No human, no criticality.

    And there were very few, if any human fail safes in the Chernobyl incident, which is a huge reason it failed. And the reactor was not designed to fail safe. Modern reactors are designed to fail safe. Which means they cannot maintain criticality without human intervention.

    Something tells me you're not very up on engineering principles, because fail safes, including human ones, are used all the time. Like bridges that raise and lower, for example. The bridge CAN NOT rise unless someone is there, holding the button. And it will start a safe descent if the human releases the button. It fails in a safe manner, without human intervention.

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    France's most powerful nuclear reactor connected to grid after 17-year build
  • No, not at all. You are missing the point, I think. Human failsafes do work. They are even easier to make and more effective if you remove capitalism from the equation, though.

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    France's most powerful nuclear reactor connected to grid after 17-year build
  • So, you have done a trial of one, fir a few hrs, with no testing.

    Other human failsafe have been repeatedly tested, thousands of times over, over decades.

    Hell, the simple Deadman switch is a human failsafe: hold this latch, otherwise machine stops....

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    Matt Gaetz ethics report says his drug use and sex with a minor violated state laws
  • It was released 18 months ago, when this all broke.

    A witness, the public financial transaction, and his location was confirmed via multiple sources.

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    France's most powerful nuclear reactor connected to grid after 17-year build
  • Human failsafes have been invented. Every nuclear silo has one: two, independent people, with unique keys, have to both agree to launch. Otherwise, it fails safe, and no launch. Even with valid launch orders.

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    What opinions about the tech industry do you feel comfortable expressing here, but not in public/at work?
  • I def disagree about ansible... Because it's impossible to write a "proper script" without making a whole lot of repetitive things, that ansible handles.

    It is slow though, and agent-based configuration management, imo, is better for mandating configurations. ie, puppet, for example.

    I agree with the rest, though :)

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    Matt Gaetz ethics report says his drug use and sex with a minor violated state laws
  • Initial reports, and rock-solid evidence to bring to court to try an elected sitting congressman are two VERY different things. 18 months is rarely enough time to do discovery and complete a trial for a murder with multiple eye-witnesses.

    We literally saw the venmo transaction lol

    I've seen people charged, tried, and prosecuted for soliciting sex in a weekend.

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    Matt Gaetz ethics report says his drug use and sex with a minor violated state laws
  • but even if Biden replaced him with the most aggressive and seasoned prosecutor on Earth today, how the absolute fucking fuck would you expect them to try this case in 28 days?

    We've known about Gaetz' child sex trafficking ring for about 18 months now.
