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If you're developing a FOSS project, be aware of cryptobros trying to PR a tea.yml into it.
  • There's two kinds of crypto scams: Ones that actually involve crypto and ones that don't.

    Vague, possibly impossible to implement promises about proposed future functionality are an integral part of the crypto sphere!

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    If you're developing a FOSS project, be aware of cryptobros trying to PR a tea.yml into it.
  • Damn, OneCoin was bad. Ruja Ignatova was the first crypto scammer I've seen talked about in national news and she was also made fun of in a news comedy show over here. A true scam pioneer.

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    If you're developing a FOSS project, be aware of cryptobros trying to PR a tea.yml into it.
  • Brief history of YAML:

    "Oh no! All of these configuration file formats are complicated. I want to make things simpler!"

    (Years go by)

    "...I have made things more complicated, haven't I?"

    YAML is generally good if it's used for what it was originally designed for (relatively short data files, e.g. configuration data). Problem is, people use it for so much more. (My personal favourite pain example: i18n stuff in Ruby on Rails. YAML language files work for small apps, but when the app grows, so does the pain.)

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    Supporting the Rules
  • I watch a lot of "lost media" discussion channels.

    There's been a lot of lost media searches where the people looking for the thing suddenly found a crucial hint when someone who worked on the project posted a 2.5 second clip of the thing in question in a video cv / showreel.

    Expect a lot of that in the future. Except about media that probably didn't even get released at all in the first place.

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  • Kids these days get worried about computer noises???

    I slept for years with my Linux desktop/server next to my bed, running 24/7, with a hard disk drive and cheap-end cpu/case fans. The only time I was bothered when the original case fan went bonkers and started making hell of a racket.

    (I don't use that thing any more, because it got way too obsolete, but I still have a NAS box with a fan and hard drive and it's not bothering me at all.)

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    What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3?
  • I recommend one of my favourite CRPGs of all time: Neverwinter Nights - for the modern hassle-free experience, get the Enhanced Edition. The first single-player campaign is pretty meh by Bioware standards, but the expansion packs (included in the NWNEE) are pretty great. Heard a lot of good about the premium modules (a few of the original premium modules come with NWNEE, the rest are available as DLC).

    The official campaigns are set in Forgotten Realms, the same D&D setting as BG3, but you really don't need to worry about diving headlong into horrors. More fantasy vibes and less visceral stuff. (the second expansion pack is a bit more in the direction of subterranean spooks, but not, like, excessively so.)

    However, the real big strength of NWN was not the campaigns. It was deliberately designed for player-created adventure modules created with the included Aurora Toolset. There's loads of them and some of them had really great production values and writing. They're currently hosted at Neverwinter Vault and NWNEE also has a custom content browser (though the latter doesn't have much stuff). Custom modules also have a whole bunch of genres and settings, as expected.

    Oh and it's a game from 2002 so it runs on any ol' potato. (Well the EE needs a vaguely modernish machine, but not anything unreasonable.)

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    Reddit: 'We Are in the Early Stages of Monetizing Our User Base'
  • Reddit has an user data checkout feature (IIRC, check out the user settings or maybe reddit help pages to find it).

    It's a bit crap though.

    It takes a long time to process, especially if you happened to post in the era when the Reddit data infrastructure was horribly terrible instead of merely ordinarily terrible, and apparently this involves some handwork in the worst cases on behalf of the staff.

    Some data may be missing or truncated. It doesn't give you data from privated/banned subreddits (which was a fun thing to discover because last time I tried to do this the blackouts were on), and even for legit stuff, long comments/posts may be truncated. Even so, I'm pretty sure that the dumps just straight up didn't have all of my posts from several years ago, even if those were on public subreddits. So you need to make sure the checked out data is sensible.

    In conjunction to the official dumps, I recommend a few other tools, especially since the dumps aren't really magnificently usable on their own. One tool that I found personally invaluable is reddit-user-to-sqlite, which allows you to import Reddit data dumps and available live user data (I think it does this by scraping or something, I'm sure it worked despite the API being shut down) to sqlite database, and Datasette is a nice frontend for browsing the posts.

    As for scrubbing, there's tools for that are supposed to work. I think.

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    Return to PAINT rule
  • Yeah, and at least for me, the only reason the notification thing even shows up there is just to let me know that there's an "update" available. Which I can't install because I have the permanent license, and not the monthly subscription.

    PAIN indeed.

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    xkcd #2897: Light Leap Years
  • It's a comic published multiple times a week. Common social etiquette is that if you find it funny (which is known to happen), you give it a grin or a mild chuckle or whatever, and then move on with your morning and, by extension, the rest of your life.

  • 🎵 "We get signal" 🎵 🎵 "Whaaat???" 🎵 🎵 "Main screen turn on, main screen turn ooooonnnn" 🎵

    The rise and fall of robots.txt: As unscrupulous AI companies seek out more and more data, the basic social contract of the web is falling apart.
  • Yup. The robots.txt file is not only meant to block robots from accessing the site, it's also meant to block bots from accessing resources that are not interesting for human readers, even indirectly.

    For example, MediaWiki installations are pretty clever in that by default, /w/ is blocked and /wiki/ is encouraged. Because nobody wants technical pages and wiki histories in search results, they only want the current versions of the pages.

    Fun tidbit: in the late 1990s, there was a real epidemic of spammers scraping the web pages for email addresses. Some people developed wpoison.cgi, a script whose sole purpose was to generate garbage web pages with bogus email addresses. Real search engines ignored these, thanks to robots.txt. Guess what the spam bots did?

    Do the AI bros really want to go there? Are they asking for model collapse?

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  • If musk pulled the same kinda shit, he’d be mocked for it too

    Yes, it is funny how more people are not calling out the Electric Car Jesus for swooping around in private jets and single-handedly undoing any positive effect his customers can have...

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    Mouse Rule
  • The cyberpunk mouse from the dystopian sucky cyber future where the megacorporations have abandoned the research into ergonomics in search of greater profits...

    ...what do you mean it's a product on market today?

  • Space Crusade - Game Music - Barry Leitch - (Remix) 2012 by E V O N Y (Warhammer 40k)

    I have remade the classic game Space Crusade (1990) music originally by Barry Leitch. I remember it as a truly awesome game that really gave birth to the current generation of Warhammer games. I love

    Filthy Casual Rule
  • There are as many types of gaming as there are categories of clothing and apparel, then.

    ...Hazmat gaming: 1) (console gamers) doing couch co-op on someone else's couch and you really don't want to think about the condition of the couch in question. 2) (PC gamers) gaming while doing Half-Life cosplay? Dunno? Something???

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    Also look up the origin of the word Sandwich
  • My headcanon is that Earl of Sandwich had a dream one night where some mystery people from Sahara, the Sand Witches, showed up, and went like "yesss, a slice of bread, yesss, now put some stuff on it, yesss, maybe more slices of bread and more stuff and so on but that is optional. But we must go. Bye!" And thus was born a simple delicacy known worldwide.

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    Microsoft Looks to Nuclear to Fuel AI Plans
  • I'm, like, OK, nuclear power isn't necessarily a bad thing.
    But power plants like that should probably serve wider municipal needs.

    Building a private nuclear power plant just to power a data center? Well that's clearly stupid.
    Building a private nuclear power plant just to power a data center focused on a niche application? Well you know how that goes.

    Also, look up SL-1. Disturbingly few Americans I've talked to have heard about that. Generally a good argument about why not every single thing should be powered by a tiny dedicated nuclear reactor.

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    Russians report a large wolf pack from Ukraine is terrorizing the woods near Belgorod
  • "What am I supposed to do if 30-50 feral wolves run into my military base within 3-5 mins while my small soldiers are training?" - Putin

  • One of my fave machinima videos of all time.

    My heart goes out to all you who don't have any other choice but to drive
  • The only job I've commuted to by car was, um, the summer job I had when I had my learner's permit when I was 18 or something.

    I don't have a car, I've not driven a car with my full driver's permit, I think you need to renew it nowadays and I've not bothered with that for a couple of decades. We have buses here, why bother.

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    Classic Rule-X erasure
  • Just boomers trying to desperately ignore the fact that the generation after them is not only adult, but hitting the middle age. That can't be true, right? That'd mean that boomers are the objectively becoming old farts? Naah, the whinge must go on!

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    Unity ring in the new year by firing 1,800 people in the name of "long-term and profitable growth"
  • "No no no! Of course we won't fire people just before Christmas. That'd be evil. We'll fire them after the holidays. Duh."

    • A totally normal CEO
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    This tweet was from 2022. Can someone go check if the prediction came true?
  • We don't really have this whole tipping thing here.

    I've had coffee in two places recently. One was in a hypermarket. I don't remember what the coffee costs there, because it came free with the meal. If the restaurant staff feel they don't get paid enough, I don't care if they get inspiration from France and torch every car in the parking lot. You see, I go to the hypermarket by foot. It's not that far away.

    The other place I had coffee recently was in the train. 2.80€. I certainly hope the restaurant car staff gets paid well. They're technically railroad employees, after all. You don't fuck with railroad workers.

  • RoboCop: The Musical - "Murphy, It's You"

    Don't you DARE to tell me that "Why can I punch through a wall and not feel it, but don't know that I had a son?" is not the very essence of Cyberpunk.


    Vihaisesti Wäinämöisen sähkokannel humajaapi.

    Anttu Koistinen: 15-string electric kantele (Koistinen Wing15 Soloist) Olga Shishkina: 39-string electric kantele (Koistinen E1) Mikko Herranen: drums, electric bass, mixing


    The Pikebones, Anttu Koistinen.


    From "Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge" by Tuomas Holopainen, an album inspired by Don Rosa's epic graphic novel "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck".


    This is from early 2021, when a lot of sea turtles were cold-stunned by unseasonally cool waters. Rescuers let them warm up a bit and gave them a rare treat of experiencing incredible speed outside of water.


    Dramatic reading of an old Reddit story. A very shelly story. 🐢


    Viime minuutteina Fediversumissa on hehkutettu ikiwanhoja meemejä. Toivottavasti tämä vuoden 1993 vääntö on wanhimmasta päästä!


    I've run into people who play Smash Bros these days and have somehow NOT heard of the F-Zero: GP Legend clip. This thing got spread around as a meme much during SSBMelee days... so much so that SSBBrawl Subspace Emissary cutscenes directly reference it!

    Anyway. Here's the original Falcon Punch. Through the FUCKING GALAXY.
