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Your beginner keyboard and regret buying that?
  • My first "weird" mechanical keyboard was an early Planck version (I was trying to learn steno and it was a fairly cheap NKRO option). I ended up getting rid of it as I had trouble adapting to the layout and layers. I didn't end up pursuing steno very far, but it was a good learning experience.

    My first ergo split was much more recent with the Ergo travel that I was able to find very cheap on mechmarket. I still had to build it, but it was a good learning experience and forced me to learn more about flashing firmware, soldering, and the details of keyboard construction.

    I'm now using a Draculad wireless after really learning Colemak dhk on a 34 key dilemma, both of which I really love. I don't think I would be as comfortable with firmware and switching to zmk for the Draculad if I hadn't had the experience getting zmk to work.

    I've been happy to experience many years of custom keyboards and the advancements in firmware over that time, and I think I've found an end game solution with zmk/Draculad

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    cat between keyboards
  • How do you like the pinky stagger? ( I think that's what it's called). I'm modding a 42 key board to have a similar layout (I find moving the pinky up forces me to move my whole hand)

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    CH552-44 powered by FAK Firmware
  • It only fulfills point 4 I think, but it does look like it might not be in line with the rules on the sidebar, so it will probably get removed (admittedly I don't know if posts need to be manually approved here, so I'm not sure about this).

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    CH552-44 powered by FAK Firmware
  • It might not be "hand-shaped", but the use of layers (and tap-dance/home-row mods) will minimize hand-movement, which is another way to approach ergonomics.

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    designed my first keyboard: a 36 key split
  • Thanks for the explanation! Yeah, I misremembered what I read about the cheapino not using all of its 8P8C wires (it uses 7 out of 8), but that makes sense.

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    designed my first keyboard: a 36 key split
  • Looks really clean! How do the RJ11s compare to the RJ45s in the cheapino? Could you get away with doing a single microcontroller with them?

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    Used Ergo-keyboard Market (Question/Discussion)
  • Not including switches and keycaps, two cheapinos would come to around $60 according to the prices listed on its GitHub (I don't think I'd be confident to do the job myself, but going half with someone might be a cheap option).

    This is the thread where I learned about the cheapino and the OP is asking a similar question that might have relevance to your situation

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    Used Ergo-keyboard Market (Question/Discussion)
  • What's your budget? I have also been looking out for something similar, mostly on r/mechmarket (I have an ergo travel that I am trying to get to work consistently).

    There are sometimes deals like this: (not sure if this one is still available) at $80

    Another place I've found really good prices is the bastardkb discord, but like r/mechmarket the postings for split keyboards are infrequent.

    If you have switches and keycaps from a donor mech kb, this could be a good option at $128:

    Edit for completeness: $120 one piece option just without keys/keycaps:
