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I'm Greganent?
  • I mean yes, children should be an affordable option and please take my tax money to make it practically free. But also I think a lot more people don't want children than is generally assumed it expected. Just lots of societal pressure pushing vulnerable people to make a decision that's not necessarily in their best interest.

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    What was the worst book you’ve ever read?
  • Sirens of titan. Well, Vonnegut in general. His stories are fine, probably ground breaking for the time in the sense of exploration, but the characters have no depth. It's like reading a book about npcs. Then there's the misogyny. Women are simply livestock kept around for breeding in this one, worse than an afterthought.

    I don't think it's valuable to read even from a historical standpoint. Wiki synopsis would be suggested.

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    Oh, come on!
  • Oh yeah I think it was a translation issue. Translators have trouble with conjugation and synonyms. But the result is the same.

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    Oh, come on!
  • The first one you learned or became fluent in. For example, it's often English for USA people or Spanish for Spanish people, or Japanese for Japanese people

    Often also called mother tongue or primary language.

    Otherwise, it can be the one you are most comfortable with or default to.

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    Horrors We've Unleashed
  • Also significant politics within the field preventing integrated approaches to control. It's possible we could target specific species of mosquito that are vectors for deadly disease, with the intent of eradicating the disease by suppressing the vector. It would be the greatest collective undertaking of human kind. We'd have to shelf things like international borders and profits.

    We're stuck with being annoyed in any case.

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    How do I stop slef sabotage and procrastination?
  • You accomplish years and years of intense, highly productive and rewarding work then this happens. It's not about puckering up. Be curious. People have stated things like "depression" and "executive dysfunction". You can look these up, there are plenty of resources.

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    How to make frules
  • Chances are you can find a cause in your community people have gathered around.

    Sometimes though you might be in aplace where there's just no community for you which is a reality in various rural areas. You might need to make the drive those 3 counties over.

    If it's real bad you might need to decide between your roots and living closer to communities you mesh well with. Depends on what's important for you in life and where you can find work.

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    How to make frules
  • Volunteering is a great way! You can also go to festivals with clubs (free market, ren fair, hobby conventions) and ask how to get involved. Just walk up to people and express intereat and ask how to participate. Oftrn they'll be excited to get you into the community.

    Pick and choose. You'll meet a lot of toxic people. You need to identify toxic traits such as bullying or people ignoring your needs.

    Lastly, you're going to mesh with some people. The people you end up talking to for a long time. It's 1 in a thousand for me. So, wide net.

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    Want to start dating but it'll probably hurt my best friend who I'm not romantically interested in.
  • This reads as ar anxious attachment and underdeveloped boundaries.

    Your needs and wants are valid OP. You deserve autonomy in your own life.

    Your friend, intentionally or not, seems to be manipulating you and taking advantage, and you seem to be enabling that.

    You should discuss having a partner with them, and what that would look like. They should work with you to promote your needs and wants and fulfillment. That's what friends do.

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    The Choice America Now Faces in Iran
  • This isn't about changing the Iranian government or taking nukes away. Neither will happen even in full out war. Just going to be a lot of suffering and dead people. Many if which couldn't care less about state affairs. When USA inevitably gets sucked into boots on the ground we'll have another generation of youth either dead or returning with broken bodies achieving yet another Pyrrhic victory for the US. Yet another generations Vietnam.–2021)

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    oh no! think of the stock market!
  • The easiest solution is to send the power somewhere else where it can offset the use of fossil fuels. This solution is fraught with political hurdles, subject to market forces (due to privatization) and often grid compatability issues(looking at you Texas). It is, however, a time tested and common method for mitigating excess production.

  • I am building a new PC. I want to run Linux and windows on separate SATA 2.5/3.5 SSD hard drives. I need windows (Winn11 Pro) for work. Linux will run all personal computing needs.

    I have a horrible history with dual booting Linux and windows (grub getting murdered).

    I currently plan to shut down the PC, switch power to the drives, and start up on the other OS.

    Can i use a switch which only toggles power to each drive while keeping data cables attached to accomplish this? Will this be possible with windows on one drive?

    Is there a smarter solution?


