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you gotta go down and join that union
  • At this point, skip asking for a raise and go straight to forming a union. It saves time. It implies they should have been taking care of the workforce in the first place. And your colleagues likely need raises too.

    Then over demand, because they'll try to offer less. If they try any technical or procedual shenanigans, show they've been caught and double your demands.

    Remind them that unions and strikes are the peaceful alternative to violent retribution, and by trying to block unionization they are admitting they'd rather a class war.

    If law enforcement gets involved, tell the state that siding with the owners will only escalate thr conflict, and extend the precarity out to the rest of the economy. Stock values will totally tank, and legislators and gubernators will be held personally responsible by their shareholding plutocratic masters.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • Ever since the civil rights movement and the overturn of the Jim Crow laws (and the establishment of the right to interracial marriage), laws to prevent gun ownership based on race (even by implication, such as based on neighborhood) have been successfully challenged, but that doesn't stop the police rushing to escalation once it's established a someone has a gun, and blacks are represented disproportionately in officer-involved homicide.

    But I can't say I have the data specifically regarding armed black suspects verses armed white suspects. Still if you're black in Missouri or Mississippi (or Oakland, California -- the US teems with a lot of racial-tension hot zones) then yes, the police are more likely to escalate a situation or shoot at you than if you are white, but that's true regardless if you have a gun.

    Also blacks are convicted of crimes, violent or otherwise, statistically more often than whites with less evidence, and are given harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes, and this includes possession of illegal firearms. I suspect it's harder for nonwhites to get concealed-carry permits in states they are needed.

    (My impression is no-one really likes open-carry in urban or suburban regions. Even here in California, there are rural towns where one could carry a rifle on their back, at least during hunting season, especially since the local economies depend on hunting tourism. So you're not going to be bothered by the county sheriff along the California / Nevada border the way you would say, in the Bay Area.)

    The killing of Philando Castile in 2016 serves as an example of what blacks fear. He was pulled over for a broken tail-light, announced he was armed to Officer Jeronimo Yanez of the St. Anthony PD. Yanez freaked out and shot Castile seven times, two of which penetrated his heart. (Of note is that in the last thirteen years, Castile had been pulled over 39 times in that area for broken tail-light type offenses.) Yanez was tried and acquitted. He was removed from that precinct but as far as we know Yanez is serving as law enforcement elsewhere.

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    Maybe I should have rules
  • From a philosophical standpoint beauty correlates to veracity ( / validity / authority) is a principle. Just not one that serves very well, IRL.

    I will seek the best interests of beautiful women in order to increase my chances of mating with them is a valid survival strategy. I'd argue it's a better one than those strategies expressed by folk in the alt-right (incels, gamergaters, the manosphere, alpha males, etc.)

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • ...guns dont fire accidentally

    Oh yes they do, and its a contingency in any theater of war. New guns are required to be safer but old guns that are less safe still exist and are in use. I was raised shooting guns well older than I was...or am.

    And they can misfire which often means clearing a cartridge that might still go off. Fun times.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • Depending on the state. In some states, you haven't committed a crime until the weapon is discharged, and then not a seious one until it hits something important. But that can change based on the race and circumstances of the gunman. Most counties really don't like black men carrying guns.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • I'm worried you're going to accidentally kill someone or shoot your femoral artery. No one is perfect.

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • This [is what] I was taught handling firearms in the eighties. So imagine my surprise and distress seeing the police lines during the Ferguson unrest standing or walking with their guns pointed at the crowd. One unintended discharge by law enforcement could have been disaster.

    We've gone batshit bizarro regarding guns in the US.

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    Flappy Bird makes an unlikely comeback after its creator apparently let the trademark lapse and the vultures swept right in
  • I only got good at Jetty Boot specifically to unlock the jet boots. And it's the one mini-game I kinda resent.

    Setrik's soiled loincloth!

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    Ragrets rule
  • Thank you for reminding me of one of the best ad campaigns ever! ( on YouTube )

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    Sydney's car-brained candidate for Mayor
  • The candidate for rich people who resent poor people.

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    brainrot rule
  • I'd assume middle school teachers are fairly cringe just for being middle school teachers but if one is trying to learn the new lingo, at least they're trying to communicate.

    Then again, I was a Trekkie misfit in the 70s and 80s when we didn't have TNG yet, and was commonly regarded as skibidi ohio.

    Also, to be fair, Ohio was cringe and weird in the 1960s, especially after Kent State and CSN made Ohio into a folk song, and it's lit if that's where Alpha vibe gets its cred.

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    And then everyone clapped
  • What is scary to me is the degree to which information as understood by biblical scholars is withheld to the laity, such as how the writers of the books of the bible were often at odds, with conflicting interests. The OT and NT are not univocal, not inerrant, not divinely inspired. And there's a lot that we interpret today to mean something different than what it meant when it was written (a process that isn't always a bad thing).

    When I've interacted with Hellenists, they still understand that their mythology is exactly that, fanfiction of stone-age and iron-age folk trying to explain natural phenomena or telling stories of their people.

    But Christian ministries not only don't want to acknowledge the chthonic origins of their own scripture, but then want to reinterpret it preserving the power of the church, which is particularly odd since the Protestant traditions sola fide (by faith alone) and sola scriptura (by scripture alone) seat salvation and comprehension squarely in the hands of the solo parishioner. Then again, people who are comfortable with their own spirituality are less desperate to keep up on their tithes.

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    Just a typo rule
  • Abre a cortina do passado
    Tira a mãe preta do cerrado
    Bota o rei Congo no congado...

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    YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • We the public have to keep making better ad blockers that better detect ads and prevent them from being displayed (or in some cases, activating their malware payload).

    YouTube is trying to either detect ad blockers and deny service, or change the insertion paradigm so that ads cannot be blocked. We cannot let them succeed doing either.

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    French rule
  • If a guy likes the d but identifies as straight, then yes, he's straight.

    If a guy likes the d (and less so the v) but also musicals and brunching and still identifies as straight, then he's straight.

    At very least, the closet continues to be a necessity for some folk in intolerant circumstances.

    Identity is something one works out for themselves. Heck the Kinsey scale implies almost everyone should be bi, (even if not very bi) and yet our booleanist society seems to want to categorize only Kinsey-0 as straight (with everyone else as Oh-So-Gay).

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    What in the f did I come across
  • Our society tries to be contractrarian, which is to say it asserts the rule of law (law applies to everyone equally and is legislated from everyone equally) but even in the short history of democracy-informed states, signs of disparity are evident, from motorists exceeding speed limits to white collar crime getting sentenced lighter punishment than petty crime even though it causes more cost, destruction and loss of life by multiple orders of magnitude.

    All states in the world fail to carry out their side of the social contract. Few even try. And all states exhibit social stratification in which the ownership class is protected but not constrained, and the working class is constrained but not protected.

    So while states might pretend to ask for consent to govern, they command obedience, by force. At the botton rungs, weare imprisoned or killed if we dont obey perfectly, and sometimes if we do.

    So yes, on the chalkboard, but in reality, no.

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    Snack rule
  • So about the Ohio pet eating, the first thing that made me ❌ Doubt is that we (folks in western civilization) eaten cats before, and they are desperation food world wide. Captured cats turned into food was called roof rabbit during the London blitz. There's little meat to bone, and reports say it's extremely gamey. Even scavengers will pass on kittens if they're not desperate.

    There are some Asian cultures that eat dog, which is a regional food in some parts of China, what is a product of living in a region where wild dogs (such as dholes) dwell and prey on children and wildlife. But this isn't a food of choice, nor one for which they'll hunt pets unless they're desperate (in which case, some blame has to fall on social services for letting people go hungry), and there are markets for dog that has been specifically bred to be eaten, which is different from fancy dog breeds we are used to.

    The local wildlife such as Florida's alligators, or California's coyote population (coyotes lurk everywhere across the US) are often that desperate and will totally eat your pets or livestock, so if Mr. Bitey goes missing, that's your culprit in the rurals. In the meantime law enforcement in the United States will indiscriminately kill dogs, with officers afraid of even chihuahuas and toy terriers. The police kill rate for dogs averages around 50,000 dead pooches a year.

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    Nail guns have come a long way
  • There are some Deep Rock Galactic gun builds (color and framework) that look like this.

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    YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • This presents a good demonstration of what we can expect Alphabet / Google / Youtube to do if ever it should win its war on adblockers, or convince people to watch YouTube without vetting. Any time it promises to compromise and make a tolerable user experience, it will ratchet up advertisement plugs until it becomes intolerable.

    This is why we can't relent, ever.

  • Only too late would we discover what would become of our children.

    (More terror than horror, but I think qualifies.)


    We recently had this conversation and I realized I have new headcannon.


    {"data":{"msg":"Required command ffprobe not found, make sure it exists in pict-rs'\ $PATH","files":null},"state":"success"}

    This is what I get when I try to u/l a picture from the Lemmy instance website (Blåhaj)

    < sadface >


    My beautiful child...


    I knew it!


    ...and giving it to the Frost Giants


    The abs that shook the pillars of civilization

    Moldy Monday continues.


    The Summoning


    It ALL makes sense now.

    Moldy Month of June goes on.


    Oh Hell No.


    Pride Frogs

    Not OC.

    If I'm the one responsible for posting Pride memes for June, then every day will be moldy Monday.


    Oglaf from a couple Sundays ago. ( source ). Less about the issue of theism so much as theocratic rule, but applicable to past and present.


    I think a couple years later, they posted one that included us. As a fellow GenX noted, this kind of erasure is totally on brand for us.


    I think this was from before the generative AI boom, so they've a high bar to surmount.


    But deep down isn't human flesh something we all want?
