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My domain on duckdns isnt being resolved with rethink dns?
  • I recently began running my own recursive dns server for personal use and have noticed that duckdns isn’t super stable. Domains on there regularly fail to resolve with the name servers unreachable.

    You should consider switching your dns provider. One option is to buy your own domain and setup dyndns with some provider, Cloudflare has a good guide for that.

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    Why do most people choose to use WhatsApp over telegram??
  • And to add to's info about setting up XMPP here is a ansible playbook that you could use to deploy matrix:

    I would look at what you want to use it for and see if you can do that better with XMPP or Matrix. The factor that is keeping me on Matrix is that I have all diffrent chats with people on different platforms in one client that is cross platform. Here is the list of available bridges in Matrix to get other chats into it:

    But keep in mind that is is against ToS for most apps, so there is a small risk of getting banned from other platforms. I can only tell you that I've been using it with WhatsApp, iMessage, Discord and Signal for half a year and am not banned anywhere. That is with running my own Matrix Server and bridges on a rented VPS.

    For information about what XMPP can do you'll have to do research on your own as I don't know anything about it besides that google kinda "killed it".

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    Why do most people choose to use WhatsApp over telegram??
  • Yep, if you are on either, you are fighting the good fight, so keep it up :)

    I will! It is a really nice setup for me.

    And if you self-host, you’ll find it dramatically easier to do on XMPP (that’s how I ended-up here, after giving up on Matrix’s shenanigans).

    Interesting, but I got past that hurdle... and I made it extra hard for myself as I didn't use the ansible playbook but instead created my own docker setup (own as in writing a docker-compose.yml myself, not as in creating the containers from scratch). But this way I understand the system and could fix problems that I had myself rather nicely.

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    Why do most people choose to use WhatsApp over telegram??
  • To add insult to injury, most modern protocols also forbid, by their ToS, the use of alternative clients (which very much includes bridges), and to the best of my knowledge WhatsApp, Signal and Discord will eventually suspend your account on this basis.

    Good thing that I'm in the EU and the big chat platforms will be forced to open up their API to third-party clients soon with the DMA.

    But from my point of view bridging with matrix works well and I have all my chats in one place. And for me that is the only reason I'm sticking with matrix as only one other person I know is using matrix directly. While it would be ideal to get everyone on one decentralized chat platform that is also rather unrealistic... so I'm doing my part using Matrix and getting friends on it when it makes sense but not actively trying to get people on there that don't have a good reason to use it. And using XMPP mostly sounds like it is just around longer but not that much better, so switching now dosen't seem to make sense.

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    Why do most people choose to use WhatsApp over telegram??
  • I'm selfhosting a Matrix server and have all my Chats from other apps also bridged to there. For just text chat I don't feel like Matrix is missing anything, the thing preventing me from getting my not so technically minded friends on it is the missing support for good group voice chat.

    It XMPP better for group VC? Is the option available to bridge Messenger like Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, iMessage to XMPP?

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    Thanks Spez!
  • As I posted in response to another comment along these lines:

    While as a user it sucks that is exactly the reasons people do it. It takes the value away from reddit, if the content that users want to see it not there people will not go there.

    What I find the best compromise is users that take their comments they had on reddit and post them again as it’s own post to lemmy with the context needed. While not perfect the information is at least not lost completely and a google search in the future might actually bring someone to a lemmy instance instead of to a corporation like reddit. But that is obviously a lot of work to do, especially if you have lot of helpful comments on reddit.

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    Thanks Spez!
  • While as a user it sucks that is exactly the reasons people do it. It takes the value away from reddit, if the content that users want to see it not there people will not go there.

    What I find the best compromise is users that take their comments they had on reddit and post them again as it's own post to lemmy with the context needed. While not perfect the information is at least not lost completely and a google search in the future might actually bring someone to a lemmy instance instead of to a corporation like reddit. But that is obviously a lot of work to do, especially if you have lot of helpful comments on reddit.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • When you tinker and debug something on windows, you usually have little idea of what went wrong and can derive very little from the experience. At least that was the case back when I still used windows, in the XP and vista days.

    I don't think that is completely fair, I feel like the reason is more that on Linux no easy to follow "solutions" to as many problems as on Windows exist. When you have a problem on Linux you most of the time have to dive deeply into the technical details. On windows it's often enough to search for a solution on the internet and follow the first tutorial (not the stupid SEO garbage sites). And once whatever problem you had is gone you don't go and try to understand why the solution worked.

    That also really annoyed me a lot when I had to fix Windows problems for work, because I really like to understand why something is working or not. And after some research I actually found Sysinternals which are tools that help you dig deeper into Windows inner workings. There are also some wonderful videos on how to use those tools available by the author of those tools. And there are also books available both on how to troubleshoot with the tools and on how Windows internally works.

    Edit: fiexd tyops ;)

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    Is WordPress with ActivityPub Plugin a good setup to host my own technical blog?
  • That seems like an interesting idea. But even if it dosen't look like Wikipedia I don't really like the "look and feel" of MediaWiki for what I want it to be.

    But posting it on a private lemmy instance seems like a really nice thing. As noted in another comment that is probably the route I will go for now.

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    Is WordPress with ActivityPub Plugin a good setup to host my own technical blog?
  • That is actually interesting to know. Could you maybe link a blog that is using the plugin so I can see how it looks both on the Wordpress page and on Mastodon?

    What I realized is what I really would like is for the blog to present itself to lemmy as a community and each blog post as a post in lemmy. So everyone that has a lemmy account somewhere could comment it and follow the blog just like a community on an instance. But I don't think there is a plugin currently available like that. So maybe the best I can do right now is what is doing and posting the blog entry as a lemmy post aswell.

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    Is WordPress with ActivityPub Plugin a good setup to host my own technical blog?
  • I’m actually already using mediawiki for my own notes, but the quality I write down for myself is not as good as I want to publish. 🙈

    I also don’t find the style of mediawiki that nice and was specifically looking for something different that makes things look a bit more polished just from the styling itself.

    But I suppose it would also have it’s benefits using a software I’m already familiar with. 🤔

  • I've long been thinking about writing some technical things I didn't find easily on the internet down somewhere.

    I don't want to use a platform like medium as I'd like to have control over my data. I'm already selfhosting diffrent web services like a password manager (vaulwarden), audiobookshelf and more in docker behind a reverse proxy. So whatever software I decide on should have a docker image available.

    It would also be rather nice if the software would play nicely with the fediverse, so from some quick searching it seems that WordPress with the ActivityPub plugin would work nicely.

    It there some other software I've overlooked that I should also consider?

    [Ended] Community Content Vote
  • It's a really hard thing to decide and I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.

    I feel like if the main goal is to make this instance as good as possible for local users making many small specific communities would be best.

    But form how I understand lemmy that would also make it more annoying for people from other instances to get all programming related topics from here if they don't want to leave their home instance. That would also include people that run their own private instances.

    Although that my second point could be addressed if lemmy adds a "all" feed so that one could subscribe to all communities of an instance or untill that is available a automatic repost bot could be set up to collect all posts on an instance into one feed.

    But I don't really know what the best way would be just writing down my thoughts on the subject. I'm sure whatever way you go lemmy users will find a way to enjoy this instance and community!

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    [Ended] Community Content Vote
  • I would start out allowing mostly everything programming related and only creating more specific communities once the posts for a specific topic start spamming this one.

    All nice organization doesn’t help if the created communities are not used by anyone as the seem to small to be worth the bother. That’s at least how I think about it. Just leave it open for most posts until the need arises to split specific topics off.

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    lemmony: A better "All" browsing experience for small Lemmy instances
  • If you are on a smaller instance you should probably ask the admin(s) if they are okay with something like this, it would put a lot of extra strain on the server and might overload small instances.

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    lemmony: A better "All" browsing experience for small Lemmy instances
  • I like this idea, I've been thinking about running my own private instance but decided against it as I like the main feed with many different communities that larger instances offer.

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    Reddit Refugees on Lemmy, how are you guys liking lemmy so far?
  • My impression of lemmy changed a lot once I've read this updated from the lemmy devs from less than a month ago. TL;DR: Lemmy was developed by just two people and with reddit self-destructing everyone jumped to it, and lemmy wasn't really ready for that.

    With that info I'm now all the more impressed that lemmy is working as well as it currently is and not crashing every few minutes!
