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Cool distros to try
  • Take a look at gobolinux. It changes the filesystem in interesting ways. All programs are in their own directories under /Programs.

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    Meta (Facebook / Instagram) to move to a "Pay for your Rights" approach
  • I'm in the US, and I want this here. Not with that price, but I think that there should be an option.

    Meta, Google, etc. should calculate how much revenue they could make from me, and then charge me that amount, or something like 10% more. If I pay it, they don't sell my data (I've bought an exclusive right to it). That way I'm either paying for the service by being the product, or by paying what they'd make from me. Seems fair.

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    Pythagorean Theorem Found On Clay Tablet 1,000 Years Older Than Pythagoras
  • "Let no one's work evade your eyes, just plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize. But always please call it research." -- Tom Lehrer (Lobachevsky)
