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Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?
  • Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I'd say my comment upvote/downvoted policy is similar. I downvote things that are unproductive or nasty in nature, because I generally productive discussions.

    But holy hell did the discussion take a toxic turn. By the end of the day I was just burnt out on it and went to sleep. Had it started as a proper discussion, rather than a downvote fest and immediately pulling out the usual "you're an evil Nazi" rhetoric, it would have probably gone in a much more civil direction.

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    Good server OS for Jellyfin
  • Definitely run it in a container. It's a great application, but it has several documented security holes. You'll want it to be as restricted as possible, so if a major exploit does come about, it won't do much harm.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I've been running rootless Podman (with the exception of my reverse proxy, because privileged ports) without any issues, though my one challenge has actually been documentation - specifically for podman-compose, which seems to be a complete void.

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    Undo the undo
  • Bonus when you disable software flow control: In addition to Ctrl+r to reverse search through commands, you can search forward via Ctrl+s

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    Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?
  • Sure, here are some potentially incoherent ramblings:

    • All money should he removed from politics, including salaries for politicians. It should be a side-gig like it was in the past. Anyone caught accepting bribes should be removed, and both parties (briber and bribee) should be imprisoned for corruption

    • Nuclear energy, for the love of all that is holy. We can't rely on China for all of our rare earth metals forever. They're going to cut our asses off one of these days, and we're going to go belly up when they do.

    • All gun laws are infringements. Every single one. Do I want felons to have guns? No, but if they cause a problem, just shoot 'em a little.

    • We should destroy the entire concept of health insurance. It's a scam and has been for a very long time. I think it used to be an okay idea, up until the point it became an expectation that everyone would have it, and its use cases became broader and broader. Now it's mandatory, which is absurd.

    • We need to get rid of social security and encourage people to fund their own retirement accounts. If they don't have the self control to do so, then bummer.

    • End the Fed. They've become a 4th branch of the government without a constitutional amendment.

    • Stop glorifying gender non-conformity in schools. We're going to convince kids to go down detrimental rabbit holes during their formative years.

    • Stop bailing out corporations. Let them fail, and let the people screwed over by such a failure do whatever they want to those in charge.

    • Politicians shouldn't be allowed to exempt themselves from the laws they pass. In fact, they should have to eat their own dog food for a year before anyone else is exposed to it.

    • We need major data privacy regulations at the federal level.

    • Any state or federal agency found to be in continued violation of the bill of rights should be shut down completely and permanently.

    I'm sure there are more that I'll think of.

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    chunkyhairball's preferred OSS List
  • It's great piece of software. A couple weird defaults that I usually change immediately (e.g. scaling stroke when you resize an object), but otherwise its interface is reasonably intuitive, and does its job quite well.

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    Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?
  • Darn, I actually just responded to a comment about gay people a few minutes ago.

    Long story short: not a fan of the concept, but I'm entirely friendly to them as long as they're not horrible people. That said, I don't knowingly interact with gay people often, not because I avoid them, but because I'm probably not paying attention to their sexuality.

    I guess my general line of thinking is that, if I can figure out a person's religion or sexuality within seconds of meeting them, there's usually something obnoxious about them to begin with.

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    Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?
  • All good situations to consider.

    Regarding household chores, we don't really keep score on that kind of thing. We just take care of things as needed. I do most of the cooking, and she's happy to was dishes and vacuum the floors. I scrub the toilets, and she wipes down the counters. If she's not feeling well or is overwhelmed by work, I'll pick up the slack, and vice versa. Honestly, it's a very easy relationship for both of us. We're both engineers though, so we take practical approaches to most things in life.

    If she didn't want to be a stay at home mother, we'd find an alternative, whether it be childcare, family, or me taking a remote job or a leave of absence from work.

    Without googling the definition of ectopic, we'd likely abort anything that put her at significant risk, or in the case of a major defect that would ruin all three of our lives.

    Would you use IVF if you had trouble conceiving?

    Nah, we'd take that as a sign to not have children. No need to pass along iffy genes :P

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    Do the right wing women in relationships with right wing guys think it's like a draco malfoy thing where they're a good guy underneath?
  • Show me a person who hates the idea of homosexuality that doesn't also use it as an excuse to treat homosexual people as less than human.

    raises hand

    I had a couple gay classmates in college. Was I taken aback when I saw them making out? Yeah. Did I drive to Taco Bell to jump start their Prius when its battery died? Yes. Was I mean to them? Absolutely not. We worked on projects together and were super friendly. It's entirely possible to be a decent human being to someone whose lifestyle is generally contrary to your beliefs.

    Do I know a few gay people who are absolute toxic shit bags? Also yes, but even my lefty friends despise them.
