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Things you should never ask
  • Right, absolutely, that's the take away. Anyhoo, so somebody has hidden hundreds of small but powerful bombs in electronic devices on people's bodies in at least 1 country. There's no way to detect them yet. Lebanon is in a panic- civilian, military, Hezbollah, politicians. What are all they gonna do, stop hooking up with other men on dating apps?

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    Everett True, consumer advocate (September 18, 1914)
  • They will keep for months if picked and stored correctly in a cellar or basement, where it's consistently cool and humid. Usually they were packed in clean sand or fine sawdust to keep them from drying out. If they are bruised or damaged in any way, they will get moldy and rot quickly. A barrel was commonly supposed to be enough for daily use for a large family for one winter. I could see why Everett would be upset that damaged or wormy apples were hidden in the lower layers. It means he was cheated, because the barrel will go bad. Source: 19th century housekeeping manuals by Mrs. Beeton and others.

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    It's even funnier the second time
  • Well, NCD has a spooky track record, regardless of platform. You know what happens to prophets.

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    It's even funnier the second time
  • Done. The Hebrew Hammer flies at midnight.

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    Israel planted explosives in Hezbollah's Taiwan-made pagers, sources say
  • Drop it in a bucket of water. Source: I've seen many films

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    IDF replaced their standard issue M26A2 frag grenade apparently
  • Wouldn't it be easier to divert a shipping container on a truck out of the factory, make the changes, seal everything back up and have it delivered? The hardest part would be making sure that the driver is your guy?

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    It's even funnier the second time
  • Holy moly, next will be game consoles and air conditioning units. I would like the honor of starting this rumor in Arabic and Urdu.

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    Watch where you spit around Everett True (September 17, 1914)
  • Yeah, it's a repulsive thing to do in front of others. Just ..find some privacy and do that. Carry a spittoon around, so people know to stay away.

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    Watch where you spit around Everett True (September 17, 1914)
  • But the employee kept pretending another grandma died, so he could go see Babe Ruth trot slowly and majestically around the bases. Wait...that guy was justified in sneaking out of work. Pick Ruth over the office. 👍

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    Watch where you spit around Everett True (September 17, 1914)
  • Let's get jackets with stitched logos, this is the cultus of Everett.

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    SJW upgrade to v19.5
  • Thank you and God bless you for your hard work for us.

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    Best frenemies forever ❤️
  • I'm saying that what Putin DOES is send resources to eradicate Ukraine as a nation. You're right that the excuses keep changing. It was never really about preventing NATO membership for him. It's about seizing and destroying.

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    Best frenemies forever ❤️
  • Nacho brother, pal. ;) I prefer "fren" or "buddy".

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    IDF replaced their standard issue M26A2 frag grenade apparently
  • Hezbollah had crotch rockets, but they were cheap Chinese made dirt bikes. What a day this has been.

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    Best frenemies forever ❤️
  • That Putin, he's a teacher at heart, he failed to teach Tucker Carlson history, but he helped Ukraine to become the strongest military in one hundred settlements and what, 300 square km of Russian territory? EDIT:removed possibly incorrect name for Ukrainian army personnel assigned to occupy Russia. Ukraine Territorial Defense? Ukraine Defense Force?

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    Best frenemies forever ❤️
  • That's not what Putin said in the first week of March 2022, he said they were sending a special operation to protect ethnic Russians living in Ukraine and to de-nazify Ukraine. Those were his words. Not Putin's fault the FSB couldn't find any Nazis for the livestreams, right? Must be tough to be him, when his own words were streamed around the world and can't be erased. Is bombing maternity hospitals part of his strategy to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO? Strangely, crushing women and children to death using glide bomb attacks on apartment buildings has not been persuasive.

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  • Thank you for adjusting the tastefulness levels to standard.

  • How many of you were this? Just shout "Stonky" instead of "Spartacus" and step forward, you know the drill.

    12 Russia fears Ukraine hijacking home CCTV systems for intel

    Forget about your love life too, no dating apps until the war is over

    That's how you know your empire building is going GREAT. IT'S FINE. WE DON'T NEED KURSK.

    10 China’s Long March 6A rocket is making a mess in low-Earth orbit

    After nearly every flight, the upper stage of this rocket breaks apart in orbit.


    cross-posted from:

    > Over the last 2 weeks, I worked to adapt the code that was used for making the 2023 r/place atlas, adapting it to work with this event, as well as making it work on GitLab and Lemmy. > > The site is at, the lemmy community is ! > > The goal of the atlas is to register the meaning of the elements(/arts/placements/zones) of the Canvas, as well as (optionally) meta element about the element itself (like which community placed it). > > It offer both the possibility to create new entry or to edit existing ones. > > It is ready to receive your contribution (I’ve already put a few elements I worked on). You can start by clicking the “Draw” button, then drawing the element and filling other informations (all but the title are optionals. The 4 specific kind of links (Lemmy, Matrix, Discord, SubReddit) are just to better format them, but any kind of link can be put in the “Website” box). Once finished, you’ll have a piece of JSON code that you can copy-paste in a post on the above community (not this ! one). A bot will then make an MR on Gitlab, which will allow preview, review and approval. (note that opening the MR might take 10 minutes, and making the preview another 10 minutes. Technically speaking, it work by polling, which is not very efficient for quick reaction time). > > The full source code is also available on sc07’s GitLab and there is also a Matrix room at (avaible from the general Canvas space). > > ps: There is no formal method to describe an entry. I will recommend starting by describing what is presented, then putting more meta information, like which community (or user) placed it, who drew it and this kind of stuff.

    0 Cash payment: Cash limits in Europe

    If you want to pay large sums of money abroad in the EU, for example when buying a car, there are a few rules you need to follow. This is because many EU countries have cash limits. This means that cash payments can only be made up to a certain amount.

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > The EU has quietly imposed cash limits EU-wide: > > > * €3k limit on anonymous payments > > > * €10k limit regardless (link which also lists state-by-state limits). > > > > > > From the jailed¹ article: > > > > > > > An EU-wide maximum limit of €10 000 is set for cash payments, which will make it harder for criminals to launder dirty money. > > > > > > It will also strip dignity and autonomy from non-criminal adults, you nannying assholes! > > > > > > > In addition, according to the provisional agreement, obliged entities will need to identify and verify the identity of a person who carries out an occasional transaction in cash between €3 000 and €10 000. > > > > > > The hunt for “money launderers” and “terrorists” is not likely meaningfully facilitated by depriving the privacy of people involved in small €3k transactions. It’s a bogus excuse for empowering a police surveillance state. It’s a shame how quietly this apparently happened. No news or chatter about it. > > > > > > ¹ the EU’s own website is an exclusive privacy-abusing Cloudflare site inaccessible several demographics of people. Sad that we need to rely on the website of a US library to get equitable access to official EU communication. > > > > > > update > > > --- > > > The Pirate party’s reaction is spot on. They also point out that cryptocurrency is affected. Which in the end amounts to forced banking. > > > > > > #warOnCash

    0 ViperSoftX Malware Poses As eBooks On Torrents

    Recent media reports have shed light on the ViperSoftX malware which is being disguised as eBooks and distributed over torrents. As of now, the malware is capable of executing malicious functions and can evade detection mechanisms as well. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the ViperSoftX malware...

    cross-posted from:

    > Be careful out there, my thrifty bibliophiles.

    0 ViperSoftX Malware Poses As eBooks On Torrents

    Recent media reports have shed light on the ViperSoftX malware which is being disguised as eBooks and distributed over torrents. As of now, the malware is capable of executing malicious functions and can evade detection mechanisms as well. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the ViperSoftX malware...

    Be careful out there, my thrifty bibliophiles.

    0 ViperSoftX Malware Poses As eBooks On Torrents

    Recent media reports have shed light on the ViperSoftX malware which is being disguised as eBooks and distributed over torrents. As of now, the malware is capable of executing malicious functions and can evade detection mechanisms as well. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the ViperSoftX malware...

    1 ViperSoftX Malware Poses As eBooks On Torrents

    Recent media reports have shed light on the ViperSoftX malware which is being disguised as eBooks and distributed over torrents. As of now, the malware is capable of executing malicious functions and can evade detection mechanisms as well. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the ViperSoftX malware...


    cross-posted from:

    > Mod Note: I'm bending the "no politics' rule to highlight a disgusting trend I've been seeing on Lemmy lately. Due to the sheer volume of comments fitting that trend and the huge number downvotes given to anyone who speaks out against it, I'm convinced this opinion is truly unpopular in the Lemmy-verse. This is also topical and important enough to merit discussion or at least to provide a point of reflection. So while it touches on politics, that's merely the framing device of current events being used to highlight a larger problem. > > As you're inevitably downvoting this, at least take a good, long look in the mirror while you do so. > > --- > > The sheer number of people here praising the shooter, advocating for, glorifying, or just flat out calling for violence has been a real eye opener and litmus test for the kind of people I've surrounded myself with on this platform. Suffice it to say, a lot of you have failed that test spectacularly. > > A rational, independent thinker should be able to condemn this kind of violence even when it's targeted towards their "enemies." Political violence has absolutely NO PLACE in a healthy society, and no one should be praising or advocating for it. No one. Ever. This is one thing that, regardless of the paradox of tolerance, should be universally condemned. > > There are, apparently, a ton of extremists here that don't see themselves as such because they believe their extremism is justified and that they're on the right side of history. Ironically, which is what all extremists think. > > This goes back further than just yesterdays's events. For example, it's been a common refrain since the Supreme Court presidential immunity decision that, paraphrased, "The current non-dictator president should do dictator things to stop the other dictator". Which is just another flavor of "Extremism is bad except when it's my flavor of extremism". > > Don't give me that "it's just gallows humor", "I'm oppressed, and he deserved it", "if you had a time machine, wouldn't you go back to 1934...", "we haven't been a healthy society for X years...", or other excuses. This is a BFD with major implications and ramifications, and y'all Lemmings are treating like we just missed the exit ramp to Utopia and are trying to find a wide spot to make a U-turn. > > It's certainly fine to have no sympathy for the guy (I sure as hell don't), but it's another thing entirely to be cheering on, promoting, and/or advocating for extremist stances like those being thrown out lately. > > You say you want a better society? Then act like it! > > Moments like this are the true test of one's character and intellectual honesty, and I'm beyond disappointed in so many of you. >

    2 For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II

    In 1978, Soviet geologists prospecting in the wilds of Siberia discovered a family of six, lost in the taiga

    The sad story of the Old Believer family who lived isolated in Siberia for 40 years. They got lost in one of the most remote places on Earth, seeking religious freedom.

    0 Scrap Composite Material Gets Second Life on New Aircraft | Aviation Week Network

    Over the last 10 years, Boeing has investigated different ways to recycle aircraft scrap from its 777X Composite Wing Center in Everett, Washington.

    How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?


    cross-posted from:

    > Nyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, what's up, Doc? > > ! > > This, er, "knife" is nearly unique in that it's one of only two in my collection that I received without actually wanting it. Now there's a fuckin' sterling endorsement. No, wait. The opposite of that. Indictment. Yeah, that was the word I was looking for. > > These things are all over the internet, as anyone who is even peripherally interested in either knives or cheap Chinese import crap is undoubtedly aware. And if you draw a Venn diagram of those two things I am as you know standing directly in the center with geometric precision. There's no official brand or model designation for this, of course, but they're thick on the ground under all kinds of word-salad search-robot product titles. I have even occasionally seen punters with the chutzpah to hawk them claiming to be a "Squiddy" product, which they most certainly aren't. > > It is fairly easy to wind up with one of these things for free. I suspect the reason being that China cranked out a metric buttload of units, but the "carrot" fad flashed in the pan even faster than Pogs, light up shoelace pucks, fidget spinners, or jelly bands. All the TikTok clips and Shein banners and whatever other social media nonsense have surely categorically failed to generate sufficient hype to make anyone rich selling this dreck, so now whoever-it-is is stuck trying to figure out what the hell to do with a warehouse full of cheaply injection molded plastic bali-carrots. > > So, I ordered two other knives I actually did want, and this showed up in the box along with them. Completely unsolicited. > > ! > > Gee, thanks. > > Anyway, this is after a fashion some kind of balisong, so I think I'm obligated to look at it. It exists somewhere on the graph in between a blunt trainer knife and a fidget toy. There are toddler sized versions of these I've seen as well, but not this one. It is every bit of 7" long, closed, which puts it in the same sort of size category as a full sized traditional balisong. But it has no edge, and the "blade," such as it is, is not only plastic and completely rounded over including the point, but also appears to be hollow inside. It should therefore be thoroughly impossible for even the most uncoordinated of wielders to injure themselves or anybody with this, and even if you managed to stab anything hard enough with it to entertain the possibility of dealing damage it would probably just break instead. > > Here's the scoop; There's no way around it. It is, even by the metrics of low-end trainer knives, crap. Just absolutely atrocious. > > ! > > The Bali-Carrot is of course made via a simple injection molding process. It's thus a channel "milled" design, but milled is precisely the wrong word for it. The construction is extremely simple, consisting only of both handles which are single unitary pieces, the blade, and two screws. There are no bushings or washers or anything. And forget about a pocket clip or a latch. > > ! > > These are pretty clearly just assembled from parts taken straight out of the mold. Nobody spent any time or money on finishing work, and even the injection job is a poor one. Mine has a distinctly recycled-park-bench air about it, particularly in the tail ends of the handles. > > ! > > It's assembled by way of two commodity machine screws just chunked into the plastic. The holes for them obviously weren't even threaded to begin with; this is just a sheer friction fit obtained by force. I know whoever is assembling these just uses whatever cheap screws are lying around, too, because I've seen many pictures of these online from many shady purveyors, but the screw heads are often visibly different between them. > > ! > > Mine are round headed screws, but I imagine one of these could show up with anything in there. At least I got a matched pair. > > ! > > To positively ensure fitment, I imagine, the openings in the handles are significantly wider than the "blade" is thick. Possibly the original intent was meant to include some washers in there which have since been omitted to cut costs, but I can't say. The upshot is that there are huge gaps left between the handles and blade, which results in an enormous amount of play. > > ! > > I mean, just look at it. > > And if you try to mitigate this by cranking the screws down, the tips of the handles bend inwards alarmingly. This is a lost cause, and I've already stopped caring. > > All of the above notwithstanding, the Bali-Carrot almost does fulfill its function as a usable flipping toy or trainer. It has the disadvantage of being incredibly light -- just 46.3 grams in total or 1.63 ounces -- due to being just plastic. But I'm not really one to talk on that front, if we're honest. And it does pivot freely, at least, albeit by way of having huge gaps and tolerances everywhere. > > But. > > ! > > The design is nonsensical. One thing every balisong knife in the world definitely does have is either a pair of kicker pins or a tang pin, or "Zen" pins in the handles. That is to say, by hook or by crook they all have some way to prevent blade overtravel so once the handle(s) are swung around to the open position they stop at the 180 degree mark or near to it. > > ! > > Except this one. There's a mystery hole there, which looks as if maybe at some point in history someone intended a pin to go in there. But there is no matching interface on the handles even if so, and where it winds up is too close to being in between the pivots for it to ever have been useful anyway. > > So the end result of all that is this. > > ! > > Heh. Nyeh heh heh. Bwaha ha... ha. It's garbage. > > Yes, this commits the one cardinal sin, the unforgivable apostasy of a balisong, the singular true heresy: The blade can travel past the open position. It's only stopped by ultimately hitting the back edge of the opposite handle on either side, but it makes the whole thing feel distinctly weird and in my opinion, balisong fixated knife snob that I am, wholly unsuitable for actual practice use. At least if you're ultimately planning to use it to build skills and then graduate to a real balisong knife. > > I want to make it clear here that I'm already not going into it with high expectations. Certainly not for a piece of Chinese drop shipped junk that's probably worth less than the packaging it arrives in. But this particular design shortcoming makes the Bali-Carrot feel uncannily wrong on the rebounds if you try to employ anything beyond a simple roll of the wrist and gravity to open it. Rather than rebounding normally the entire length of the handles clack against each other, dead flat, and it's like hitting a very small wet sack of potatoes. This could have been solved in about 2 seconds for no additional cost, too, by just molding some endstop humps in the handles, and then a little protrusion on the heel of the blade. All the parts could still be one piece. > > ! > > But that's not how it is. When all we get is the above, I guess it's silly to expect to be able to ask for anything more. > > The Inevitable Conclusion > > If this hasn't been driven into the ground already, it's no surprise that whoever is pushing these now has to resort to giving them away. And even if you get it for free it's still kind of a bad deal. > > There is, perhaps, some merit to the fidget toy aspect of it if you don't mind the comically awful fit and finish, and you don't mind the berk you'll look if anyone actually sees you waving a plastic umbellifer around. So the carrot hype remains completely nonsensical to me. Is this what the cool kids are actually into, now? I hope not. If so, maybe this is a sign of being old, and of not getting it -- whatever it is. > > But on reflection, I think I'm good. I don't need to get it after all.


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    > Warping is throwing an anchor either manually for a small ship or by rowing the anchor out and dropping it farther away for a larger ship. Then the ship would reel it to change position. Good for maneuvering in harbor. Etymologically related to "throwing" and essentially threading a needle across the sea. > > Warp factor get you asses in the rowboat. Engage.

    0 Still (

    Attached: 3 images tldr: GitCode or China is attempting to mirror/clone the entire GitHub over to their own servers and there's nothing you can do about it, even if your license somehow disagrees with it. Apparently China now has their own GitHub/public Git repository hosting service called GitCod...

    cross-posted from:

    > GitCode, a git-hosting website operated Chongqing Open-Source Co-Creation Technology Co Ltd and with technical support from CSDN and Huawei Cloud. > > It is being reported that many users' repository are being cloned and re-hosted on GitCode without explicit authorization. > > There is also a thread on Ycombinator (archived link)
