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Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • Sitting on our hands and trying to "rise above" is what got us Trump in the first place. Remember "they go low, we go high?"

    Anyway, Trump voters have already made up their minds and that's completely obvious to anyone paying on ounce of attention to American politics. So either you're being willfully ignorant or intentionally obtuse in an attempt to wear people down — which seems much more likely given the fact that all of your posts are filled with threads of you relentlessly arguing with people.

    Either way, you're clearly not here to argue in good faith, so I'm done responding.

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    Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • If they vote third party then yes, I do think they're idiots or insane people. But I also have faith they'll make the right decision when election day finally comes.

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    Keith Ellison becomes latest Democrat to attack Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party
  • A Democrat or a Republican is going to win either way. Only an insane person or an idiot would vote for someone with no chance of winning rather than for the candidate who will do the least harm.

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    USA socialist ballot access as of September 2024
  • De la Cruz isn't even on the ballot in nearly twenty states, locking her out of at least 120 electoral votes (or more than 150 electoral votes if she doesn't make it onto the ballot in Georgia or Pennsylvania).

    How in good conscience can anyone vote for a candidate who's mathematical chance of winning is so abysmally low in an election of such massive importance?

    I support socialist policies and hate FPTP voting, but we need to face reality here: The socialist candidate isn't going to win. What's more, if Trump is allowed to win this election, then the chance of socialist policies ever being enacted in the US drops from nearly zero to actually zero.

    So fuck off with this "Democrats hate democracy" and "Harris is just as bad" shit. No they don't, no she's not, and if you still want to be able to vote at all in 2028 you need to suck up your pride and vote blue.

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    What duration of time do you connect to intellectual property?
  • I feel like this could create some pretty toxic incentives.

    Like, imagine if the moment a person dies all of their works immediately go into the public domain... What's to stop a company like Disney from just straight-up assassinating people who create promising IPs? They paid 4 billion dollars for Star Wars — but why not just have George Lucas murdered for a fraction of the price?

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    Looks and Gaming: Who and Why?
  • Curious how they quantify 'attractiveness'. Is it self-reported, or are they attempting to use some kind of qualitative metric to rate the attractiveness of participants?

    If the former, you could just as easily draw the conclusion that more confident people spend less time gaming.

  • Kevin McCarthy ousted as House Speaker in historic vote

    A handful of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday ousted Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy, as party infighting plunged Congress into further chaos just days after it narrowly averted a government shutdown.

    21 Webb Discovers Methane, Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere of K2-18 b

    A new investigation with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope into K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times as massive as Earth, has revealed the presence of carbon-bearing molecules including methane and carbon dioxide.

    A new investigation with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope into K2-18 b, an exoplanet 8.6 times as massive as Earth, has revealed the presence of carbon-bearing molecules including methane and carbon dioxide. Webb’s discovery adds to recent studies suggesting that K2-18 b could be a Hycean exoplanet, one which has the potential to possess a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean-covered surface.

    11 Non-gas giant has 73 times Earth’s mass, bewildering its discoverers

    Neptune-sized planet has a density similar to pure silver.

    > Scientists have been working on models of planet formation since before we knew exoplanets existed. Originally guided by the properties of the planets in our Solar System, these models turned out to be remarkably good at also accounting for exoplanets without an equivalent in our Solar System, like super Earths and hot Neptunes. Add in the ability of planets to move around thanks to gravitational interactions, and the properties of exoplanets could usually be accounted for.

    > Today, a large international team of researchers is announcing the discovery of something our models can't explain. It's roughly Neptune's size but four times more massive. Its density—well above that of iron—is compatible with either the entire planet being almost entirely solid or it having an ocean deep enough to drown entire planets. While the people who discovered it offer a couple of theories for its formation, neither is especially likely.

    12 Quaking Giants Might Solve the Mysteries of Stellar Magnetism | Quanta Magazine

    In their jiggles and shakes, red giant stars encode a record of the magnetic fields near their cores.

    In their jiggles and shakes, red giant stars encode a record of the magnetic fields near their cores.

    0 Icy Moonquakes: Surface Shaking Could Trigger Landslides

    A new NASA study offers an explanation of how quakes could be the source of the mysteriously smooth terrain on moons circling Jupiter and Saturn.

    A new NASA study offers an explanation of how quakes could be the source of the mysteriously smooth terrain on moons circling Jupiter and Saturn.

    0 Neptune's Disappearing Clouds Linked to the Solar Cycle

    Astronomers have uncovered a link between Neptune's shifting cloud abundance and the 11-year solar cycle, in which the waxing and waning of the Sun's entangled magnetic fields drives solar activity.

    > Astronomers have uncovered a link between Neptune's shifting cloud abundance and the 11-year solar cycle, in which the waxing and waning of the Sun's entangled magnetic fields drives solar activity.

    0 JWST Spots Giant Black Holes All Over the Early Universe | Quanta Magazine

    Giant black holes were supposed to be bit players in the early cosmic story. But recent James Webb Space Telescope observations are finding an unexpected abundance of the beasts.

    Giant black holes were supposed to be bit players in the early cosmic story. But recent James Webb Space Telescope observations are finding an unexpected abundance of the beasts.

    10 Heavy, highly magnetic star may be first magnetar precursor we’ve seen

    A strange history has produced a helium-rich star with kilogauss magnetic fields.

    > Magnetars are some of the most extreme objects we know about, with magnetic fields so strong that chemistry becomes impossible in their vicinity. They're neutron stars with a superfluid interior that includes charged particles, so it's easy to understand how a magnetic dynamo is maintained to support that magnetic field. But it's a little harder to fully understand what starts the dynamo off in the first place.

    > The leading idea, which benefits from its simplicity, is that the magnetar inherits its magnetic field from the star that exploded in a supernova to create it. The original magnetic field, when crushed down to match the tiny size of the resulting neutron star, would provide a massive kick to start the magnetar off. There's just one problem with this idea: we haven't spotted any of the highly magnetized precursor stars that this hypothesis requires.

    >It turns out that we have been observing one for years. It just looked like something completely different, and it took a more careful analysis, published today in Science, to understand what we've been observing.

    3 Exoplanets Could Help Us Learn How Planets Make Magnetism | Quanta Magazine

    New observations of a faraway rocky world that might have its own magnetic field could help astronomers understand the seemingly haphazard magnetic fields swaddling our solar system’s planets.

    > New observations of a faraway rocky world that might have its own magnetic field could help astronomers understand the seemingly haphazard magnetic fields swaddling our solar system’s planets.

    0 Ryugu samples reveal traces of rock from before the Sun existed

    Small bits of material in the asteroid contain isotopes made in specific stars.

    When JAXA’s Hayabusa-1 spacecraft delivered samples from asteroid Ryugu to Earth in late 2020, anticipation was high. What could the space rock possibly be waiting to tell us?

    Asteroids are time capsules of the Solar System, containing material from early in its history. As a 2021 study found, the Ryugu samples contained carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, all necessary ingredients for life, and a 2022 study discovered evidence of water (and possibly a subsurface lake) that had long since dried up. Ryugu and its parent body were also revealed to carry some of the most ancient rocks in the Solar System. However, the pieces of this asteroid still had more to say.

    It turned out that two of the Ryugu samples each had a shard of something that visually stood out. Researchers discovered they were seeing fragments, or clasts, of rock with a chemical composition that differed from the rest of Ryugu. These clasts were higher in sulfur and iron, but lower in oxygen, magnesium, and silicon. That meant they could not have possibly formed with Ryugu, so they had to have been acquired through a later impact; but the asteroid still had more to say.

    2 How (Nearly) Nothing Might Solve Cosmology’s Biggest Questions | Quanta Magazine

    By measuring the universe’s emptiest spaces, scientists can study how matter clumps together and how fast it flies apart.

    By measuring the universe’s emptiest spaces, scientists can study how matter clumps together and how fast it flies apart.


    >Four years from now, if all goes well, a nuclear-powered rocket engine will launch into space for the first time. The rocket itself will be conventional, but the payload boosted into orbit will be a different matter.

    >NASA announced Wednesday that it is partnering with the US Department of Defense to launch a nuclear-powered rocket engine into space as early as 2027. The US space agency will invest about $300 million in the project to develop a next-generation propulsion system for in-space transportation.

    0 New legged robots designed to explore planets as a team

    Even if one robot fails, the rest of the team can offset its loss.

    While rovers have made incredible discoveries, their wheels can hold them back, and erratic terrain can mean damage. There is no replacing something like Perseverance, but sometimes rovers could use a leg up, and they could get that from a small swarm of four-legged robots.


    > On Wednesday, researchers announced the discovery of a new astronomical enigma. The new object, GPM J1839–10, behaves a bit like a pulsar, sending out regular bursts of radio energy. But the physics that drives pulsars means that they'd stop emitting if they slowed down too much, and almost every pulsar we know of blinks at least once per minute.

    > GPM J1839–10 takes 22 minutes between pulses. We have no idea what kind of physics or what kind of objects can power that.

    3 Probing the mysteries of neutron stars with a surprising earthly analog

    Ultracold gases in the lab could help scientists better understand the universe.

    [...]to accurately interpret some of the neutron stars’ signals, researchers must first understand what goes on inside them. They have their hunches, but experimenting directly on a neutron star is out of the question. So scientists need another way to test their theories. The behavior of matter in such a superdense object is so complicated that even computer simulations aren’t up to the task. But researchers think they may have found a solution: an earthly analog.

    Though young neutron stars can have temperatures in the millions of degrees in their interior, by one important energetic measure neutrons are considered “cold.” Physicists think that is a characteristic they can exploit to study the inner workings of neutron stars. Instead of looking to the sky, researchers are peering into clouds of ultracold atoms created in laboratories here on Earth. And that might help them finally answer some longs

    0 In-space manufacturing startup aces pharma experiment in orbit

    One more big test remains for Varda's first-of-its-kind "space factory."

    The co-founder of California-based startup Varda Space Industries says his company’s first space mission—a miniature lab that has grown crystals of the drug ritonavir in orbit—is on track to end in the coming weeks with a first-of-its-kind re-entry and landing in Utah.

    Varda’s spacecraft launched June 12 as part of a rideshare mission on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, then completed several weeks of checkouts before starting a 27-hour drug-manufacturing experiment last week. When ground controllers gave the go-ahead, the mini-lab began growing crystals of ritonavir, a drug commonly used to treat HIV.

    The experiment’s 27-hour run was completed on June 30, and data downlinked from the spacecraft showed everything went well.

    0 Actively exploited vulnerability threatens hundreds of solar power stations

    Organizations using unpatched SolarView products face potentially serious consequences.

    Hundreds of Internet-exposed devices inside solar farms remain unpatched against a critical and actively exploited vulnerability that makes it easy for remote attackers to disrupt operations or gain a foothold inside the facilities.

    The devices, sold by Osaka, Japan-based Contec under the brand name SolarView, help people inside solar facilities monitor the amount of power they generate, store, and distribute. Contec says that roughly 30,000 power stations have introduced the devices, which come in various packages based on the size of the operation and the type of equipment it uses.

    Searches on Shodan indicate that more than 600 of them are reachable on the open Internet. As problematic as that configuration is, researchers from security firm VulnCheck said Wednesday, more than two-thirds of them have yet to install an update that patches CVE-2022-29303, the tracking designation for a vulnerability with a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10. The flaw stems from the failure to neutralize potentially malicious elements included in user-supplied input, leading to remote attacks that execute malicious commands.

    Security firm Palo Alto Networks said last month the flaw was under active exploit by an operator of Mirai, an open source botnet consisting of routers and other so-called Internet of Things devices. The compromise of these devices could cause facilities that use them to lose visibility into their operations, which could result in serious consequences depending on where the vulnerable devices are used.

    “The fact that a number of these systems are Internet facing and that the public exploits have been available long enough to get rolled into a Mirai-variant is not a good situation,” VulnCheck researcher Jacob Baines wrote. “As always, organizations should be mindful of which systems appear in their public IP space and track public exploits for systems that they rely on.”

    Baines said that the same devices vulnerable to CVE-2022-29303 were also vulnerable to CVE-2023-23333, a newer command-injection vulnerability that also has a severity rating of 9.8. Although there are no known reports of it being actively exploited, exploit code has been publicly available since February.

    Incorrect descriptions for both vulnerabilities are one factor involved in the patch failures, Baines said. Both vulnerabilities indicate that SolarView versions 8.00 and 8.10 are patched against CVE-2022-29303 and CVE-2023-293333. In fact, the researcher said, only 8.10 is patched against the threats.

    Palo Alto Networks said the exploit activity for CVE-2022-29303 is part of a broad campaign that exploited 22 vulnerabilities in a range of IoT devices in an attempt to spread a Marai variant. The attacks started in March and attempted to use the exploits to install a shell interface that allows devices to be controlled remotely. Once exploited, a device downloads and executes the bot clients that are written for various Linux architectures.

    There are indications that the vulnerability was possibly being targeted even earlier. Exploit code has been available since May 2022. This video from the same month shows an attacker searching Shodan for a vulnerable SolarView system and then using the exploit against it.

    While there are no indications that attackers are actively exploiting CVE-2023-23333, there are multiple exploits on GitHub.

    There’s no guidance on the Contec website about either vulnerability and company representatives didn’t immediately respond to emailed questions. Any organization using one of the affected devices should update as soon as possible. Organizations should also check to see if their devices are exposed to the Internet and, if so, change their configurations to ensure the devices are reachable only on internal networks.


    NASA’s Parker Solar Probe accomplished a milestone on June 27, 2023 – its 16th orbit of the Sun. This included a close approach to the Sun (known as perihelion) on June 22, 2023, where the spacecraft came within 5.3 million miles of the solar surface while moving at 364,610 miles per hour. The spacecraft emerged from the solar flyby healthy and operating normally.

    On Aug. 21, 2023, Parker Solar Probe will swing past Venus for its sixth flyby of the planet. To prepare for a smooth course, the mission team at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) applied a small trajectory correction maneuver on June 7, 2023, the first course correction since March 2022. This flyby will be the sixth of seven planned flybys of Venus during Parker’s primary mission. Parker uses Venus’ gravity to tighten its orbit around the Sun and set up a future perihelion at just 4.5 million miles from the Sun’s surface. As the Sun becomes increasingly active, this perihelion will be especially important to learning more about heliophysics.


    On June 25, 2023, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope turned to famed ringed world Saturn for its first near-infrared observations of the planet. The initial imagery from Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) is already fascinating researchers.
