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A new UN report describes the interplay between natural disasters made worse by climate change, compounding debt and the resulting inability to fund social welfare programs.

ExxonMobil CEO blames climate crisis on the public, stirring outrage
  • The world is off track to meet its climate goals and the public is to blame, Darren Woods, chief executive of oil giant ExxonMobil, has claimed—prompting a backlash from climate experts.

    As the world’s largest investor-owned oil company, Exxon is among the top contributors to global planet-heating greenhouse gas emissions. But in an interview, published on Tuesday, Woods argued that big oil is not primarily responsible for the climate crisis.

    The real issue, Woods said, is that the clean-energy transition may prove too expensive for consumers’ liking.

    “The dirty secret nobody talks about is how much all this is going to cost and who’s willing to pay for it,” he told Fortune last week. “The people who are generating those emissions need to be aware of and pay the price for generating those emissions. That is ultimately how you solve the problem.”

    Woods said the world was “not on the path” to cut its planet-heating emissions to net zero by 2050, which scientists say is imperative to avoid catastrophic impacts of global heating. “When are people going to willing to pay for carbon reduction?” said Woods, who has been Exxon’s chief executive since 2017.

    “We have opportunities to make fuels with lower carbon in it, but people aren’t willing to spend the money to do that.”

    Experts say Woods’ rhetoric is part of a larger attempt to skirt climate accountability. No new major oil and gas infrastructure can be built if the world is to avoid breaching agreed temperature limits but Exxon, along with other major oil companies currently basking in record profits, is pushing ahead with aggressive fossil-fuel expansion plans.

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    Biden campaign speech on abortion rights disrupted 14 times by pro-Palestinian protesters
  • last election biden and harris were on the working families party line which is third party. i'm not sure this time around but do y'all even know how third party works?

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    Biden campaign speech on abortion rights disrupted 14 times by pro-Palestinian protesters
  • We legitimately have zero options besides voting for Biden.

    If they stop funding israel and stop giving them arms, would it not get those votes back? are all of you really thinking biden would risk trump winning by refusing to halt arms and cash to israel and let the UN come to a ceasefire resolution? if its so dire, i think THEY have a responsibility to us and the palestinians. for one, all the money going to israel could go to be put to fixing our infrastructure, not destroying gaza's. two, aren't we going to need all these missiles and bombs for when we inevitably go to war with russia?

    The only thing we can do till 2028 is make a lot of noise about how this shit is unacceptable and Dems need to do better

    but just like every other election cycle, they will get their votes, continue on w/ biz as usual and then try to win our hearts again and/or fearmonger us again at the next election. with aipac and other big money donors doxxing and ousting progressives, i don't foresee a functional left after this election, regardless. however, people are mobilizing over this issue and rightly so, its fucking genocide. there is no acceptable amount of genocide and there is no justifiable reason to continue funding and arming it.

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  • I'm not sure what world this is but last time I checked, no amount of genocide should be acceptable. Whatever happened to "never again"?

    Its happening again..
