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  • I saw a punnet of really big grapes today. It was very cool; I've never seen grapes that big! Do you reckon they would've been like, suuuper juicy?

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  • But that is how ai image generators work. I don't know every piece of art or every photograph ever taken, but I know that ai image generators work by mashing them together.

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  • I couldn't name you the specific works this particular piece has blended together, but all AI "art" is made by mashing together actual human work.

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    GF and me broke up after 7 years of relationship
  • I totally understand that it hurts that after seven years she hooked up with somebody else so soon - but you guys are not together any more. You can't say "you are an adult and your actions have consequences" and then bemoan her acting like a single adult and doing what she wants.

    Sorry dude but you guys are over. If you wanna get back together, then do. If not, then don't. It hurts for sure but what're you gonna do? Sit around sad that a woman you're not dating isn't fucking you?

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    Why are people hyped about RSS regaining relevance?
  • Is there an alternative to saying somebody or something is dumb? Or that a choice was dumb? Genuinely asking. It just seems like it's all ableist all the way down at that point, but I've not heard of dumb being called ableist before so am interested if there's a better alternative? Short-sighted? Uninformed?

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    Matching the record. Matching the celebration.
  • But nobody even mentioned Lewis lol, Max is a great driver in his own right with his own rivals on the grid - it's not all about Hamilton!

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    Agreed Islam is an idea not a race.
  • I totally agree with a lot of what you've said, but I do have a quick question cos I think maybe I'm confused. You met a Muslim woman who was Sikh? I thought they were two different religions!

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    Most people unconciously associate the pause symbol (Two vertical lines) as currently playing and the playing symbol (sideways triangle) as paused.
  • You're still agreeing with the title. The title says most people interpret the pause symbol as "currently playing", so clicking it would mean "click here to pause" - which is what you said :) It's just the same thing with different wording

    Oh, unless you meant on devices or software with two separate buttons for play and pause! In which case, yeah totally different and you're right :)
