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Bacon tho
  • is there anything a human could do to an animal which you would classify as “rape”?

    i doubt it.

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    Bacon tho
  • i'm saying i know how linear time works, so i know that buying meat on a shelf can't have caused the animal it came from to be killed.

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    Bacon tho
  • the person doing the killing is usually paid by someone but most people are neither killing nor paying the killers. they are both paid long before someone walks into a grocery store.

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    Bacon tho
  • And paying someone to kill someone/something for you is still killing.

    most people don't do that, either

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    Bacon tho
  • you don't know what they need. and I seriously doubt they are killing for entertainment. I doubt they kill anything at all.

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    Just a reminder
  • that cgpgrey video takes liberties (to say the least) with the truth, making logical leaps and asserting opinion as fact. i think it should not be used as a source of "good" information unless the information you want is "why does everyone think two party systems are inevitable without proof?" or maybe "how can i tell people who won't fall in line they're stupid while sounding academic?"
