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What are your red flags for job interviews?
  • That reminds me, I should ask what the previous person was paid before giving my current salary. That way it's an equal exchange of information.

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    What are your red flags for job interviews?
  • It usually means there is little to no dev team, and the CTO probably whipped together the existing codebase. Worst of all they will fight any attempt to change the patterns they've put in place.

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    How exactly do insurance deductibles work?
  • Short answer: They will cover 50%.

    Long answer: They won't cover anything until you've met your deductible. Once you've paid out $1,500 (your deductible), they will start covering 50% of the remaining cost.

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    Because the HOA says so
  • I think you're right. The hose has a long ass power washer attachment and he's watering the coil of hose. Doesn't make any sense to my human eyeballs.

  • Technology company offers novel way for accommodation providers to fix prices.

    This is what happened with a similar company in the US:

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    NZ Bakels, Bakels New Zealand Supreme Pie Awards, all the best pie makers across NZ competing for the supreme award
