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What are some problems that countries outside the U.S. are dealing with?
  • Not so far away but in Mexico the biggest problems are (in my opinion):

    • Insecurity & violence (surprise huh?)
    • Corrupt and mediocre politicians and all that stems from it
    • Equality in wealth distribution
    • Migration crisis from central and south America.
    • The new one: water crisis (also because of mediocre politicians)
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    let 'er rip
  • Years ago there was a guy running for president in Mexico who proposed chopping off the hands of people who steal, rob, etc. I agree.

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  • Thank God dishwashers are not that common in my country because I'm sure stupid people would use it like this.

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    Can anyone here get Gboard to gesture type "Lemmy"?
  • Kelly Lent Lent Lent Lent Lenny Lent Lent Lent Lent Lenny Lent Lenny Lent Lent Kelly Lent Lenny Lenny Lent Lent Lent Lenny

    Ok you win
