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Czech Soldier Given Prison Term Over Looting In Ukraine's Irpen, Bucha.
  • I have read your source, but I can't find the information linking him precisely to Bucha killings. For all we know he could have illegaly executed captured russian soldiers. Note I am not trying to defend ukraine, I just see no connection. Can you please explain what exactly links his statement to thr Bucha massacre.

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    Russia's economy is booming
  • Well there I would too disagree. His intuition was not completely wrong. Depending on what macroeconomic theory you like, gdp change and inflation are usually related. His interpretation was poor.

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    Russia's economy is booming
  • Also does he mean yearly inflation, which is just reevaluated monthly? Whereas quarterly GDP growth? JohnDClay quarterly means four times a year. Furthermore single digit inflation is typically not considered as high. Also GDP growth does not necessarily talk of sucessful economic policy since there was strong decline before, but it does point to poor performance of sanctions.

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    Ukraine takes down its own drones in ‘friendly fire’ as Russia makes large advance
  • In my country the headline would go something like: Another sucessful attack by Ukraine. Multiple drones were shot down. Putin is furious. UKRAINI SLAVA!!!

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    Western Companies Are Now Paying for Russia Sanctions
  • Why did communist historically mostly make stuff like healthcare and education free or more accessible? I think that while you make interesting point you are being to harsh. While in some cases this could have happened overall communism provides far more to the common people tha capitalism ever could.

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    Western Companies Are Now Paying for Russia Sanctions
  • Let me also note something less extreme. The good people at Nestle use to run an 'ad' campain in African countries to make mothers belive that natural breastmilk is dangerous and if they want their babies to survive they have to buy their product. They were given free samples which lasted roughly the lenght until the mother stopped lactating. Of course then the honourable people at nestle stopped providing the formula milk for free. It became rather expensive for the child to survive actually. Ah Nestle.

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    Ukrainian Men Desperate to Escape War Are Drowning as They Flee
  • I agree that these opinions seem unpopular. But I am not sure if they are. Most people oppose war and even in the Ukrainian war, they support some realistic way of stopping it. Its the job of popular media to make sure that these people feel alone in their opinion and that they believe that most hate the other side. Then there seems to be popular support and funding of the war effort. Good read that you might already know is Manufacturing consent by Noam Chomsky. The sole reason I'm on lemmy is because it still has some realistic community, unlike other sites which just have bots spamming the 'popular' opinion. For example where I'm from the correct opinion is to support Israel in all its efforts against Gaza. If one were to read the comments on common articles, which are trying to apologize or shift the blame to others for Israeli war crimes, he would find very strong hate of the clear victims. Yet Ukrainians, all not just the victims, have almost ideological support here. Again something found in Chomskys book regarding unworthy victims.

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    Ukrainian Men Desperate to Escape War Are Drowning as They Flee
  • If you prefer to see posts and comments which only regurgitate one single opinion, literally all other social networks are better at that. Lemmy is not a good pick for the echo chambers. Reddit for example seems to have single orthodoxy on the Ukraine war.

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    Western Companies Are Now Paying for Russia Sanctions
  • I'm sorry but if you refuse to trade with assholes the US will invade you shortly after. Or they will overthrow your goverment by funding extremists in your country. It is not just the loss of profits, if you refuse to trade with US corporations, ie the biggest assholes, you will get eradicated.

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    Western Companies Are Now Paying for Russia Sanctions
  • Yes do you not consider most western companies to be dicks? I am very happy that Russia managed to find other business partners in international trade and the US fascist war tactics of using sanctions fired back. Free market works equally, so unfortunate for US.

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    New polling shows most Americans and Europeans want the Ukraine war to come to an end.
  • The dragon fella is obviously a troll or a bot. In this whole discussion he failed to provide single source like you asked him to. Note that it should be relatively easy because he has the western propaganda on his side thanks to his point of view. Thanks for good sources on the donbas atrocities btw.

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    China & Russia strengthen friendship, blasting Western 'neocolonialism' & US militarism
  • Purchased? I think there's a difference there. When they start invading or overthrowing governments like our oil corporarions have done(for example in Nigeria), then maybe there could be some simmilarities.

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    David McBride: Australian army whistleblower jailed for leaking documents
  • I have also read that his initial motivation was that of some soldiers being unfairly targeted. This however would only be problematic if one equates soldiers with war criminals. Source friendlyjordies Roughly around 17th minute

    australia really is a journalist hellhole. Also may I ask how is this hilarious? It seems to me that you take poor sources and draw brainless conclusions just as intended. But trying to make whistleblowers seem bad is always very interesting
