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Can someone please explain 'Sugar in the Raw' to me?
  • I remember that now that you mention it, but people being people only read the headlines then as they do now and the public's perception was still changed.

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    Can someone please explain 'Sugar in the Raw' to me?
  • Anecdotally, artificial sweeteners started getting linked to cancer and sugar in the raw emerged as a product aimed at consumers who would consider choosing it over sweet n low to be a healthy choice.

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    Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then
  • I experimented with tor and signal at some point and it was enlightening to see how much of "the internet" as we think we know it is already heavily filtered and served to us through a very narrow pipeline of modern browsers.

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    Surge in Wendy's complaints exposes limits to consumer tolerance of unstable prices
  • I used to think this was the case, but I am not sure anymore, I am trying to piece it together. Yeah it sucks for the 1 in 10 of us that doesn't live near a grocery store, but we could probably save everyone by educating them on how to eat cheap and healthy - it's something you would only figure out if you seek the information yourself, and there is so much noise, doubt, deception, and misunderstandings in nutrition that the corporations must be doing it on purpose.

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    Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users
  • Hi thanks for the guide, I do use most of those applications already not even realizing the linux connection before now. I use all the windows stuff for work and honestly they are all so similar now.

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    $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • knowing you live somewhere with limited options, rather than yoke your health and well being to a single fast food restaurant, consider that this is the time to learn how to cook, store, and prepare your own food. Even a humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich can come in clutch in this situation, and all you have to do is make it ahead of time. You eat 2-3 meals a day every day. It's okay to eat simple things, not every meal has to be special.

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    Student loan borrowers skip payments: It's "an act of civil disobedience", 1 in 10 say they won't pay
  • Students don't even know who they owe money too. People "hear" biden wants to forgive some parts of some loans and immediately stop paying Sallie Mae/Navient/Whatever Private lender they ALSO owe money to in addition to the gov.

    The thing about student loans is nobody understands they have typically borrowed money from the government AND private lenders to pay for their degrees. You can borrow X$ from the government each year and coincidentally thats how much the schools charge. How lucky.

    This is all handled for them by college financial aid offices, all the kids have to do is show up to class, and the money keeps rolling. in. When told they can borrow more money than they need to cover costs to get funds disbursed to them directly for "educational expenses" like a new car and a ps5. Now I'm on a paid vacation for 4-6 years where I log in to my courses once a week to complete assignments by copying and pasting answers from google searches. If I somehow manage to become one of the 2% of college students that graduates from college I have 6 months to land a job and start paying it all back. Who knows how long it will take before I figure out that I am supposed to pay more than the minimum amount each month. If I am like most students I find myself in whatever office daycare job I can manage to land after dropping out of college because life as a "criminal justice major" falls short of my expectations. Or I just continue to change majors until the money runs out repeating a self-oblivious cycle of chasing greener pastures of career fulfillment.

    As unlikely as it is to graduate, it is even less likely that you can exit school with an understanding of how unerringly fucked you are if you dont pay down your debt and end up getting your credit obliterated by the private lender and your wages garn'd forever by the government lender. There is so much money locked up in education that this microscopic percentage of people who are actually paying anything back are enough to prop up the entire industry of higher education.

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    AI Art Generators Can Be Fooled Into Making NSFW Images
  • what a fucking reddit ass comment. Is this the kind of person you want to be? Is this the kind of discussion you want to have? You want to arbitrate what is or isn't labeled as NEWS based on how it relates to you specifically? You can't see past the tip of your nose to the next logical point of view to such a degree that you had to comment on it? Fuck off.
