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Apple to Limit iPhone 15 USB-C Cables to USB 2.0 Speeds: Report
  • When you’re the biggest shop in your town it’s because you do good work.

    When you’re the biggest shop in the world it’s because you’re scamming your clients.

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    Anon is tired
  • This is like you breaking up with a toxic girlfriend and she tells you “oh yeah well other people are still gonna date me idiot!”

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    CEOs of top 100 ‘low-wage’ US firms earn $601 for every $1 by worker, report finds
  • The point is that if max pay gap laws are passed, CEOs will just hide their actual pay in external resources and normal employees will still make exactly the same.

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    Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom
  • I’m not limiting this to work.

    And of course you can have a relationship with someone remotely.

    But overall, for the average person, in-person relationships are going to be stronger. Friends, family, romantic relationships, hobbies, work, you name it.

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    In the US Republican primary debate, moderators ask for a show of hands of how many candidates believe in human-caused climate change. Not a single candidate raises their hand.
  • It’s honestly like someone comes up to you and tells you that you have to win class president for the local kindergarten.

    You’d love to talk about stuff like human rights or healthcare but you know that if you want to win the election you need to promise them longer naps and candy every Monday.

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    Leaked Zoom all-hands: CEO says employees must return to offices because they can't be as innovative or get to know each other on Zoom
  • I think that any study you find over the past 30 years will show that while online relationships can be meaningful in some cases, the average person will not form as strong a connection as they would in person.

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    GOP’s ‘anti-woke’ campaigns have voters hitting snooze
  • Really? Have you been on the internet?

    Politics only mimics what the people are already interested in. And social media made the people interested in hating eachother. Until that changes politics won’t change.

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  • Imagine when some popular show decides to make seasons 1-3 on one platform and then 4,5 on a different one and then 6 on another different one.

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    New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers
  • only exists to provide a headline for people to circle-jerk about in the comments on their favorite social media platform.

    Republicans have those too. But this is a Democrat one.

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    Trump decision to skip debate fuels GOP anxiety
  • Honestly it’s just as easy as the media deciding they want us all to be friends again.

    That’s legit all it takes.

    If left and right wing media outlets would just start an initiative to bring the country together, everyone would fall in line. People only think what they are told to think.

    The issue is that these corporations want money, and happiness doesn’t make money.

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    "Democracy needs its gatekeepers": The Republican Party is too corrupt to care about the country
  • Politics in America is basically just like everything else. It’s just a brand people adhere to regardless of who works there. It’s the fast food of government.

    If you like McDonalds better than Burger King, that’s where you’re gonna go. You don’t care who the manager of the McDonalds is. It doesn’t impact your decision.

    That’s American politics now.
