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Bike-loving Dutch grapple with illegal electric 'fatbike' craze gripping the Netherlands
  • Yeah the Netherlands has basically a dedicated bicycle infrastructure meant for pedal cycles. There is a whole bunch of context for this story that is easy to miss if you don’t live there.

    It’s not about cars vs e-bikes - it’s about not being allowed to bring an ultra powered bike that’s unsafe for other riders. It’s more akin to how your car has to follow regulations to be allowed on the road.

    That shit about noise is just old people being old people. It’s the potential safety issues that got these bikes held up in customs.

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    Kroger Invests $1B in Antitrust Defense.
  • Their onions are often rotten inside despite the outside looking fine. There’s a local Korean market near stocks local produce as well and it’s always way better. Kroger has reached the “line must go up” enshittification point, it seems.

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    What are the pros and cons of working a food truck?
  • Make sure you know what it costs to get your truck inspected by the health inspector and what it takes to get yourself licensed to serve out of it - it can add to your startup costs quite a bit. Research your local laws as well, some cities have some pretty hostile laws/regs for food trucks. If you want you go a county over, you’ll likely need new licensing and more $$$.

    Also, no offense meant but if you don’t have at least a few years of experience in a legit commercial / restaurant kitchen, you need that first IMHO. Cooking consistently at the scale that restaurants require is legitimately hard and is a skill that needs honing. Best to do that on a business’s dime.

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    How Can I Help With my Girlfriend's Transition Without Steering Her One Way or the Other?
  • Ayo. Fellow pan/demi cis guy dating an MTF person for about a year now, I’ll share the lessons I’ve learned so far while trying to figure out the exact same balance with my partner.

    The biggest piece of advice I can give is - If it’s transition related she probably knows more than you. Even if she doesn’t, my recommendation is to be weary of accidentally man-splaining shit to her. I annoyed my partner more than once because I found a thing I didn’t know was an option and was excitedly “explaining” (not on purpose, but still) a thing she has known about and formed opinions about for years already.

    I can’t know this for sure but I’d wager your partner has heard of both the surgeries you’ve mentioned and knows the pros/cons. Might be wrong, but worth pondering for a moment imho.

    I learned to start such conversations with “hey, do you know about xyz thing - i read about it and it seems interesting.” and then the most important part - shut the fuck up and listen. She probably has opinions and you should value them more than yours.

    I find my best helpful stride by observing what she’s working on, then picking up on the things that make her uncomfortable or seem to block her path and offering to help with those. I try very hard to never suggest any path, and when I do express an opinion or suggestion I try to explicitly tie it back to a desire she’s expressed to me previously. “You said you wanted X, i was thinking it might be helpful if I did Y part for you?”

    Example - she’s high anxiety about going into a makeup store but wants to learn and play with some makeup. So marched my big dumb ape self into several Sephoras and stuck my big dumb face in front of several beauticians and told them that my gf is trans and asked for advice and showed them photos and carefully watched how they reacted until one went awwwww and started being super helpful. I got her card to offer to pay for a makeup lesson.

    You know what? She’s still too nervous to go, but now we know the name of a person we know is going to be happy to help her. She feels supported because the thing I did was the result of listening and noticing what was blocking her, which imho is more important than the outcome.

    I guess my goal has evolved from trying to find tangible things to help with to trying to do things that make her feel empowered. Transitioning is not an easy thing, there’s a chilling effect on progress because the world seems aligned against our community. If you can make her feel like she has an ally in that fight she’ll accelerate naturally.

    It’s normal to be excited and want to help, my advice would be to grab that feeling and wrangle it.

    Does she already have a blahaj? If not, highly recommended as a gift idea. ;)

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    Soldiers of the 22nd Mechanized Brigade captured another group of Russians in the Kursk region.
  • Jesus fuck, they look like teenagers. Second from the camera looks like a dude I played smash bros with.

    Glad they made the brave choice to surrender. Makes me feel grateful I had a peaceful childhood.

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    Question from an educator
  • I don’t know this for sure but getting airdrop to work on a win machine might not result in the most stable solution - it looks like most of the solutions are open source projects which are fun but idk if I would personally trust them to be working 100% of the time when you need it at the end of class.

    I think it’s a decent option to consider if you can get your hands on an actual Apple device to test with, imho. Airdrop is fairly proprietary and made hard to integrate with by Apple on purpose in my opinion. The other thing to consider is how big the files are - if you use an airdrop receiver you will need enough space on it to hold everyone’s files.

    I really liked the email idea someone had too - if the students have their own email addresses they could email their projects to themselves. Same consideration there though, if the files are too big you might piss off the IT guy.

    Two more spitballs-

    Do the students have any network storage that the IT guy could help get mapped on the ipads?

    Does the school have any remote learning type software that students can turn assignments in electronically? Could see if that software has an ipad app that adds a “share to” option when exporting a project? Long shot but maybe

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    Question from an educator
  • Ooh, i like making them airdrop it to a host machine, that’s one-way. Only deal is that you have to manually order and expose it via network, or restore it later manually both of which are a little untenable 🤔

  • Under US copyright law, only works created by humans can be copyrighted. Courts have (imho rightly) denied copyrights to AI-generated images.

    My question is when do you think AI image tools cross from the realm of a “tool” (that, for example generates and fills in a background so an item can be removed from a photo) into the realm of “a human didn’t make this”?

    What if an artist trains an AI so specialized it only makes their style of art? At what point do you think the images they create with it begin to count as their “work product”?


    No fluffy shork photo I’m afraid but I wanted to share a nice story.

    I’ve been dating an mtf girl for about 6 months now. She’s been on hrt for about 3yr but is still very socially anxious. We’ve been going out grocery shopping and whatnot to get her a bit more exposure to being in public presenting as fem - with me there to anchor and help in case she gets overwhelmed.

    Recently, we went to Ikea together to look at kitchen shelves cuz my kitchen is a disaster. She was forgetting her anxiety a bit and we were having a nice light conversation winding our way to the exit and I jokingly asked “do you want a shark?” as we walked by the crate of them.

    She asked me if I knew, I said I did. She turned the cutest freaking shade of red I’ve seen and said she didn’t think she could ever buy one without an anxiety attack and stumbled over her words a bit. Cute as fuck. 🫠

    I knew what had to be done.

    Next day I went back and went straight to the bin and bought literally just a shark. I’m super cis and masc but the self checkout cashier definitely clocked that I wasn’t buying no shark for no kid or nothing. Got a smirk on the way out. 🤣🤣

    Decided that instead of just giving it to her I had to surprise her somehow.

    She’s living in someone’s basement right now month to month and my roommate is leaving, so we’ve been considering moving in together - it would be nice to take turns cooking and be closer together but still have our own space to retreat to if we want. We’re both super introverted.

    I decided to hide it in the closet of the vacant room and wait.

    Two days later, she comes over and we’re watching random shows and cook a nice dinner, just hanging out doing our own thing after eating. I’m absorbed in assembling the shelves I bought instead of the ikea ones (sry ikea your shelves cost too much) and she’s on her phone on the sofa. She says she’s going to check where she might wanna put her furniture and I had to try super hard to be cool and be like “sure hon” without letting my giddiness creep in.

    I stood up slowly and crept to the hall until I heard the gasp and went in and gave her a giant hug. Many good tears on both sides. She says she never imagined someone giving her a stuffed animal could make her cry, glad it did.

    She and her new shork are moving in later this month and I’m super excited. 😊🦈💜
