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Looking for general frontend for DB app
  • One day I was looking for something to make add records to db and crezte field, etc. Then I've found Rukodovitel, it's very easy to use and powerfull too, juste have look, you can build apps to manage db with this.

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    Anbernic RG35XXX-H issue
  • Well, I tried everything, nothing helped.

    I contacted Anbernic customer service, sent a video, and finally sent the console back for a refund...

  • Hi all, I ordered an RG35XX-H,it worked fine for 2 days, but then the on/off button didn't seem to work, making it impossible to switch on the console.

    So I've got a new console, which worked for two days, but doesn't want it any more. It's a shame, because from what I've seen of it, it's an excellent console, and I'm disgusted...

    I've contacted Anbernic's after-sales service on Aliexpress, and I'm still waiting for a reply...

    Has anyone had this problem? (I've contacted Anbernic's after-sales service on Aliexpress, and I'm still waiting for a reply...)

    How a kernel update broke my stylus... Need help!
  • Yes but he is very active on Mastodon, you can anwser on this thread :

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    *Permanently Deleted*
    • Digdug : on my Atari 2600 ( I still have it)
    • Ghost 'n Gobelins ( arcade and Atari St)
    • Trackmania (since Power Up, and always now on TMUF), best game ever !
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    Alternative frontend to Instagram:
  • thx, didn’t know this one :)

    There is this one too > works great too.

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    Zyxel SSL VPN with linux ?
  • Thx, I've tried FortiClient but, same result, I can't connect :/

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    Zyxel SSL VPN with linux ?
  • I got the certificat using firefox (export certificat), but it doesn't works. Always a timeout :/

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    Zyxel SSL VPN with linux ?
  • The problem is that I don't have a trusted certificate. So I can't use the first solution (which I've already tried, by the way).

    For the second solution, which I've also tried, I still have the problem of entering a certificate that I don't have. I've tried retrieving the self-signed certificate with Firefox, but the connection ends with a timeout...

    Anyway, thanks for trying to help.

  • Hello,

    My employer had the good idea of setting up shared directories at the company's head office, on a NAS (Zyxel brand, apparently).

    I have all the credentials for connecting to the VPN (SSL_VPN), then those for mounting the shared directory.

    My problem is that I don't use Windows on my post (well, I do, but in dual boot), but I'd like to be able to do everything from Mint, without having to go through Windows.

    I've tried installing the network-manager-fortisslvpn package, but it doesn't work. All I have is a login and password, and the server address is IP:4443.

    No certificate has been provided, under windows (installing SSL_VPN_Client_4.0.4.0) on connection there's an error message and you realize that on the server side it's a self-signed certificate.... (LOL?)

    Any idea how I can connect? No leads on the Zyxel forum, there's no linux support anyway.

    Any ideas?

    Download digital magazine ?
  • Thx, I always know this one. But I'm looking for a software, not a website with Pdf

  • Hi all,

    Is there a way to download a digital magazine to pdf ?

    the platform the magazine use is this one

    I've tried with screenshots but... well... not very useful

    Best keyboard on F-Droid?
  • OpenBoard, very nice one, I use it

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    Le « Body count », la porte d'entrée de l'extrême-droite.
  • Il ne s'agit pas d'un article de Mediapart, mais d'un billet de blog. Il suffit d'être abonné à Mediapart pour avoir un espace et publié des billets. Ce n'est pas du journalisme, et ça n'a pas la pretention d'en être à priori, l'auteure est cinéaste.

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    VERIFICATION. Piqures de guêpes, de moustiques, de méduses, morsures de serpents... Quels sont les bons gestes à adopter (et ceux à éviter) ?
  • Le coup de la flamme pour limiter la douleur des piqûres d'abeille/guêpes je ne connaissais pas 👍
