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Hi, how do you run forgejo under a reverse proxy while using an ssh channel to pull/push commits?

From what I understand caddy is only able to proxy http traffic.

Rust in Linux lead retires rather than deal with more “nontechnical nonsense”
  • But that's the thing where you are wrong. They clearly state they don't want C developers to learn Rust. In the particular video posted he was saying "I want you to explain to me how this particular API works so that I can do it"

    The concerns about who fixes what on a merge when the C code breaks Rust code are valid, but that's easily fixed by gathering with the Rust developers, explaining the changes and letting them fix it.

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    One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • Isn't Linux still Linux even though probably a lot of the original code is gone? Why would slowly rewriting it whole, or just parts, in Rust make it stop being Linux?

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    One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • Yes I agree but the solution for a project so big and critical is not to fork. How do you maintain all of it while at the same time adding support to Rust?

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    One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • This is such a dumb take. For as much as I'd like to have a safer language in the kernel you need the current developers, the "big heads" at least because they have a lot of niche knowledge about their domains and how they implementation works (regardless of language) People shouldn't take shit like this from the ext4 developer, but it doesn't mean we should start vilifying all of them.

    This guy's concerns are real and valid but were expressed with the maturity of a lunatic child, but they are not all like this.

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    FAA grounds SpaceX after rocket falls over in flames at landing
  • Can you explain how a booster that flew 23 times is a loss when no other companies are doing it? I don't like Musk but people need to separate their views of him from SpaceX

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    One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • Better in what ways? Rust's strong points are not to just make a program more stable, but more secure from a memory standpoint and I don't think Linux keeps improving on that

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    Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding"
  • I don't believe for a single instance that what he says is going to happen, this is just a play for funding... But if it were to happen I'm pretty sure most companies would hire anything that moves for those jobs. You have many examples of companies offloading essential parts of their products externally.

    I've also seen companies hiring tourism graduates (et al non engineering related) giving them a 3/4 week programming course, slapping a "software engineer" sticker on them and off they are to work on products they have no experience to work on. Then it's up to senior engineers to handle all that crap.

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    What OSS tools do you use for personal knowledge & task management?
  • I can't understand Logseq, even though it seems appealing. I haven't gone too deep yet but to me it feels weird that they say it's simple and then their documentation is confusing and full of videos explaining how it works. That seems far from simple.

  • Hi there,

    What SFF machines do you recommend for a server to basically run opnsense (with a 4 port expansion NIC) and a bunch of extra disks to serve as a NAS? I was looking through Thinkcentre m720, m800 et al. I believe these allow for up to 3 disks

    I know usually you'd run opnsense on a dedicated machine, but I'm a bit constrained on space so am trying to fit all in one. I don't want to stream Linux ISOs on this NAS just to store my own files.


    Hi all,

    Anyone with a similar setup to this:

    I have a machine with 2 NICs one for default gateway and other a "private" subnet with a service I need to access remotely for a few days (basically its a wifi router where a wifi-only device connects).

    Will tailscale work for this case plug'n'play or will I need setup any routing?



    I believe with just one port for opnsense (on a min-pc) we can still do vlans (with tagging I believe?) but how effective is that for segregating and isolating proxmox machines?

    Say I want to keep a VPN machine isolated, from other virtual machines? How would you do that? Do you have any tips for running such a system?


    Hi all,

    anyone has any experience with this machine for running opnsense? I'm expecting to do mostly vlan, vpn, ad blocking, and general experimentation with opnsense. Do you advise other machines of the same or other brands? I don't expect to spend much money for now as this is mostly to get my feet wet with custom routers

    I've been looking into the Futro S920 and even though it seems a great fit, it's a bit too big. I was looking something of a smaller form factor.
