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Resources for RESTful API Integration practice?
  • You can try this list:

    You can even use multiple APIs in a single app if the APIs you want to use are too simple(or for any other reason).

    Sorry that was a typo. I meant to write 'entities' as in api entities which are crucial to describe the structure of the requests and responses.

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    Resources for RESTful API Integration practice?
  • Restful API is an approach that is very open to interpretations and mistakes. Meaning, there's nothing that forces a given api to be restful unless the devs were able to do it correctly. Even then, most apis are not expected to be used without thorough documentation.

    To practice I would suggest:

    Go over the principles of RESTful and try to understand http better ( verbs, request and response structure, headers etc...

    There are many free to use apis across the web. Pick any of them, read the docs and try creating a programmatic workflow with that api. It can anything - minimal ui to help uaer interact with it or some background service that talks to the api etc.

    Be sure to check the ebtitiea docs as well.

    Last thing, it is fairly common to see swagger(openapi) and if the api does support it, it'll make it a lot easier-for you to understand it.

    Good luck:)

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    What the Android 16 Quick Settings redesign might look like
  • While speaking on Bluetooth toggle, I find it very annoying that in order to toggle it, you have to unlock the phone. I.e. when phone locked, you click the button, then get prompted for unlocking, then the phone is unlocked and the Bluetooth toggled. In such case, the phone should stay locked after the prompt and only toggle the functionality

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    Lost while learning
  • I second the above comment and would also recommend learning kotlin for a while before starting using it with android since both will take time to learn and android by itself is massive.

    Regardless, when seeking help online, like the other comments said, be sure to be as specific as you can about your issue and questions and attach code snippets and\or logging output where applicable

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    'Closer than people think': Woolly mammoth 'de-extinction' is nearing reality — and we have no idea what happens next
  • Right. Cuz the fastest and better way to stop this planet from a climate disaster is bringing back mammals from extinction while we are busy exterminatig all other life on the planet.

    Sounds like pure hubries
