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Which European language am I reading
  • The problem is that we can put words together to form new words. So say I produced a yogurt at a lake(sø) , I could call it søyougurt. It's not a word that would be in a dictionary though, but lots of that kind of words aren't.

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    What is a good hobby for a depressed person?
  • And if you like to compete with yourself, dish golfing. It's cheap(at least it can be), and it's basically competitive hiking :)

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    actual causes of global warming rule
  • The issue with that logic, voting with your money, which I once used as well, is that richer people get more of a vote than poor people. And as a bunch of the issues with global warming didn't really hit rich people, we shouldn't depend on them to fix it.

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    IAmA mods no longer willing to work for reddit for free
  • The problem is that the people that have done it for years has a bunch of experience a new team doesn't have. It will most likely take years for the subreddit to run as well as it has been.
