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  • Because with all the hate I'm getting I'm sure other living beings matter nothing to these people.

    Also, as a vegetarian you're still supporting the industries that exploit and abuse animals. Consider vegan instead.

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  • Hahahah. This ignorance from the carnivores here truly knows no boundaries.

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  • The information was correct though.

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  • That information was what the vegan person was citing! :)

    They were saying that you can have a animal on a vegan diet if you supplement or buy reinforced vegan pet food with all that stuff.

    And then the admin removed it.

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  • Posting that ignorant video is something I'd expect from somebody calling educated people pathetic. Stop projecting.

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  • You are incorrect. A vegan diet for animals is perfectly possible. You are thinking of vegans giving them salad, but vegans are actually carefully selecting and giving them the nutrients they need.

    As I said, don't be a hypocrite. You know jack shit.

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  • Keep in mind that these "morals" come from people that most likely are paying others to slaughter animals for their consumption.

    A vegan diet for a cat is possible, but hard, which was exactly what the posts in question were talking about.

    Anyways, look at the Admins actual behaviour:

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  • Harmful disinformation? The information was correct.

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  • More animals die because non vegans decide that allowing one pet to live is fine but then go and pay in the supermarket to have some freshly slaughtered other animal.

    Please don't be a hypocrite.

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  • It's perfectly possible to give animals vegan diets.

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  • It isn't animal abuse, it's perfectly possible.

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  • This is misinformation. Please add a source for the study.

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    Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
  • I really dislike that guy. I was interested in his website but lost interest because of him. I already forgot why I started disliking him. But this just adds to that.

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  • Yep exactly. A vegan diet is perfectly possible.

    But I'm not here to discuss that. I'm here to discuss how this admin this abused their powers.

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    Putin’s henchmen helped Musk to acquire Twitter - reports
  • The article claims that they didn't care about the possible profits of Twitter.

    These investors would have either made money trough indirect means (keeping the eyes of the world off their shady stuff), or would use it to get a lot more power (think of misinformation strengthening their regimes) and many other tactics.

    When these big boys play this game, there often isn't a 1:1 relation.

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  • This rogue admin was absolutely not acting with the best intentions. Is he kicked out of the admin team?

    He was abusing the term "misinformation" even though it was extremely obvious that he had a personal vendetta against vegans. A vegan pet diet is perfectly possible, and vegans were merely saying that. There was no question for a source by anybody, because the source is just a simply google search away.

    This admin is just anti vegan and was on a personal vendetta. He saw an opportunity to classify it as misinformation, so he just started removing posts and banning people. Why was /c/Vegan specifically targeted by this person?

    "Oh but this vegan diet for your pet might hurt it!!", bro you're literally the one paying others to slaughter living beings.

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    16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs
  • You should have said "sure buddy" and ignored them.

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    IL marshmallows are a 4000 year old food beginning in ancient Egypt AND originally they were made from the sap of a mallow plant…that grows in marshes…
  • My hopes were up when opening this thread as I hoped it would have been completely plantbased. Too bad.

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    Putin’s henchmen helped Musk to acquire Twitter - reports
  • Giving Elon 500 million to make billions seems like a good deal.

  • Privacy-Preserving Attribution: Testing for a New Era of Privacy in Digital Advertising – Open Policy & Advocacy

    An update on Mozilla's PPA experiment and how it protects user privacy while testing cutting edge technologies to improve the open web.

    GPT summarize:

    > Mozilla's latest update on Privacy-Preserving Attribution (PPA) discusses its testing phase in Firefox, focusing on privacy in digital advertising. The prototype allows aggregated ad measurement without revealing individual user data, using cryptographic techniques and partnerships with entities like ISRG and Fastly. PPA aligns with privacy laws like GDPR and is being tested in controlled environments, such as ads for Mozilla VPN on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). Mozilla aims to refine PPA through feedback and expand testing while ensuring transparency and collaboration.
