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If we switched to renewable energy
  • Also it requires shipping oil to fuel the mining operations needed to produce full scale renewable energy. But if we wait a little bit the quality of power output from the same mining inputs will improve which means renewable later requires less total mining than full scale renewable now, and so you will use less fuel to do that smaller amount of mining.

    What people don't realize is that the expense of renewable technology mostly is fuel. Fuel to mine it, fuel to move the raw materials, fuel to refine it, fuel to manufacture it, fuel to ship it to you. The total labor is quite small. So if taken on a specific case the financial perspective alone of a particular application of renewable vs conventional energy the numbers don't add up then likely the renewable is less green. If you wait a little bit for the green cost to come down that indicates improved efficiencies and now it actually is green.

    So the answer to make the world more green is not to shift our calculations to spend money on green solutions beyond financial sense. It's to work on technology to lower green costs until it naturally makes sense and thereby also make it more green at the same time.

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    If we switched to renewable energy
  • But at least the ships need a non-renewable source. And they are going to need some of it in every country they visit. How do we get oil to every country if not by ship? That's a lot of pipelines if we go that route. But maybe that is the answer.

  • Jack the Ripper breakthrough as DNA 'finally unmasks serial killer'

    GRAPHIC IMAGE WARNING: Researcher Russell Edwards claims the reason why infamous serial killer mutilated his victims.

    🚨🚨 FEMA unmarked helicopter just intentionally flew too low over a volunteer supply drop because the volunteers REFUSED to let FEMA confiscate their supplies!🚨🚨
  • Professional thought minders want to control what you see. They can vote but don't speak because the dishonestly of their thought control would be uncovered the second their motives enter conversation.

    Once you see what you are not allowed to know you now know what you need to know. Look for other high positive comment high downvote threads and you'll catch the pattern.

    I'll spell it out. At least one type of supressed info that might be at play here. There are minders here who work for the democrat party (like the organization). So if the democrats are in office you can't criticize anything the government does even on an anarchy forum. Anyone here should know there isn't a decent person in either of the political parties. Decency transcends working in that system. Yet a democrat government is beyond reproach on an anarchy forum even though they aren't really our allies. Really they are within reproach in conversation because the commenters are real people and we know what's up. But the workers bees can't have it and they target suppression marked information with either bots or manual voting.

    So that's why there are downvotes. Someone in the current government did that. And there are thoughtless cowards here who think they have more responsibility to defend a left of center government (kind of) than to defend community self organization (which should be the higher value).

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    Trump backs out of ‘60 Minutes’ primetime interview, CBS says
  • Kamala should do a long interview with Fox, and Trump should do a long interview with MSNBC. It's what would be good for the American people.

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    Promised Land
  • It also doesn't make much sense in the particular context considering on a genetic level Palestinians are as Semitic as modern Ashkenazi jews. And it doesn't make much sense from a religious stand point because modern Judaism differs from ancient Judaism by about the same amount as Christianity or Islam does. Modern Judaism just has this dogma that Ancient Judaism was secretly observing their form of it even though if we don't take them at their word there isn't a lot of evidence of that.

    So from a religious standpoint it doesn't make a lot of sense. And from an ethnic standpoint it makes even less sense.

    And also we don't let Europeans say "these are our ethnic lands" without calling them racist. So then why would we let people who are like 2% ethnic ancient jewish retroactively claim ethnic ownership of some land without calling them racist? They will claim it's not about race and about religion. Ok, which is worse, a group of highly militant ethno-nationalists, or a group of highly militant theo-nationalists? Zionists are always one of two bad things and they will use arguments to play wackamole about which one to deflect the claims of one. Apparently if you are two bad things at once and it is unclear if you are both or just one of those things you get unlimited license to be both of those bad things.

  • ‘Conspiracy’ Confirmed: Fluoride in Drinking Water Likely Lowers Kids’ IQs

    https:// /conspiracy-confirmed-fluoride-iqs/
    One Issue 'Christian' Voters
  • So then animal sacrifice is meant to be continued by Christians? The "did not come to abolish but fulfill" thing is really an explanation for abolishment. He didn't destroy the law but completed it, so it's done. And by law we basically mean Leviticus. So yes, Leviticus pretty much is irrelevant. By your argument and the argument embedded in OPs post Christians should still be stoning women and not eating pork.

    How can you know which chapter of Matthew starts the sermon on the mount and not know pretty much the most core concept in Christian theology? Like that is almost the whole central point of Jesus is that he abolished the law by fulfilling it. That and salvation. That's like the two things.

  • https:// /c/MatrixEvents/7EUU13H5Hj

    These larger polls do seem to get better results. I hope you all can also make it on Saturday.

    1 CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    We'll be syncing the movie as usual at that link:

    Also a similar thread on my own site went into the future of these movie nights and my site if interested:

    Onion in shame at what reality produces...
  • Exactly. And you aren't a terrorist after you win your country back. That's like the British partnering with America to fight terrorism being ironic because of George Washington. Different era is different era. Whether people like it or not the Taliban run an actual government.

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    A conservative billionaire had some things to say
  • There is no such thing as a politician who is a good person. People get into politics because their appetite for corruption strengthens like a drug user. This is true of pretty much every person who has ever run for president or has been president.

  • Movies - Online Poll -

    What's your opinion? Vote now: Piranha (1978), Edge of Tomorrow, Gangs of New York (2002), Don Jon 2013, Rabid 1977, Batman Begins, The Wrong Guy 1997, The Owl and the Pussycat 1970...

    I know. It's a big poll.

    More details are here:

    The short of it is we are meeting here as usual for movie night:

    0 CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    We are meeting here to watch the movie:

    You can get a last minute vote in here:

    6 Israel set up facilities dedicated to torturing Palestinians: Rights group

    Testimonies from 55 ex-detainees reveal more than a dozen Israeli prison camps are dedicated to abuse, B’Tselem reports.

    2 CyTube

    Free, open source synchtube

    If you aren't aware This is Spinal Tap is a parody band documentary. It's pretty good.

    After that we will watch Caddyshack. That or Edge of Tomorrow. It depends on how you vote.

    See you all there:


    When you know something is going to go up in value
