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Israel developing dual plan to evacuate civilians from Rafah ahead of strike on Hamas: Netanyahu
  • It is not clear where Israel plans on evacuating the Palestinian citizens, as most can’t return to the northern region due to widespread destruction.

    They also more than likely cannot move into Egypt without violating a four-decade peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

    The border between Gaza and Egypt is already a humanitarian aid entry point.

    The plan has been met with criticism, including from the US, as Israel has intentions of moving ground forces into the city.

    I am sure it will be fine. IDF has shown that they go to great lengths to protect innocent palestinians.

    For real, it has some "sell their flooded houses to aquaman" vibes. Evacuate where? There is nowhere to evacuate. It would have been funny, if it wasnt so tragic.

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    Biden mixes up Germany's Angela Merkel with late Helmut Kohl
  • What if he is a time traveller? Both Mitterrand and Kohl ruled in the 90s. Maybe he was supposed to travel to the 90s to save the future. But his time machine malfunctioned and arrived in the 2020s.

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    Do you prefer Twitch or YouTube for watching live streams?
  • Youtube has better quality and rewind but twitch has more interesting chat, even if it is just spamming emojis. Twitch chat has a vibe, feels like you are in a stadium. Also for gaming streams, twitch is a must. Also you need a browser extension like 7tv to appreciate the chat.

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    Exclusive: Nearly half of the Israeli munitions dropped on Gaza are imprecise ‘dumb bombs,’ US intelligence assessment finds | CNN Politics
  • Israel has shitload of bombs available. But since Gaza is a completely uncontested airspace(therefore israeli planes can fly and drop dumb bombs safely) and they dont give a fuck about the palestinians, it is cheaper to use dumb bombs instead of guided.

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    Turkey's Erdogan vows 'new era' in ties with Greece – DW – 12/07/2023
  • You mean Erdogan who said

    "“We can come suddenly, in the middle of the night [..] if you Greeks go too far, then the price will be heavy,”

    Or the Erdogan bragging how turkish missiles can reach Athens

    Or the Erdogan who said “He no longer exists for me. I will never agree to meet with him."(the greek prime minister who just met)

    Yeah, he is a great dude.

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    Victory is an opportunity for Israel in the midst of crisis - opinion
  • Turkey and Greece exchanged each other’s ethnicities post WWI and War for Turkish independence, ethnic cleansing but not necessarily genocidal.

    Yet for some reason there are 0 greeks in Turkey atm and 200k muslims in Greece, most of which selfidentify as ethnic turks. I wonder what happened, i guess we will never know. Oh wait, we do.

    Also weirdly enough, sanctioned by international mediation because shit was weird back then

    It's not weird, greeks and turks have murdered shitload of each others civilians.

    After Greece's "Great Idea" plan(conquering Western Turkey) got crashed, Greece wanted to protect the surviving greeks in Turkey from further reprisals. So both sides decided to partially exchange populations while protecting the remaining minorities. Eventually(30 years later) Turkey decided they didnt want any greeks left in Turkey and violated the deal. Greece on the other hand just kept being shitty to ethnic turks living in Greece but at least they are mostly ok now.

    Most greeks are aware of civilian turks getting murdered. I am not so sure turks are aware of the civilian greeks slaughtered. This "exchange" ended 3000+ year of continuous presence(with majority or almost majority percentages) of ethnic greeks in Anatolia(Western Turkey).

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    Victory is an opportunity for Israel in the midst of crisis - opinion
  • They are not genociding, they are just removing palestinians from areas, they are ethnic cleansing those areas. This is a pretty standard nation building tactic, except most, european, nations did it in the past, while Israel is doing it now. Azerbaijan did it too with their armenian enclave in Nagorno Karabakh. The armenians "voluntarily" left the region and now there are basically 0 armenians there.

    Genocide focuses more on the destruction of people.

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    Saudi Crown Prince on Iran acquiring nuclear weapons: ‘If they get one, we have to get one’
  • Pretty sure there are NATO nukes sitting in Turkey already

    Those are US controlled nukes. And the US doesnt have the best relation with Turkey atm. They are there now, gone tomorrow. Turkey cant rely on american nukes. If other regional powers have nukes, they need to have nukes. And if Turkey has nukes, then Greece needs to have nukes for selfprotection.

    Turkey gets to wave their dicks around and make demands at the big boy table despite being a complete joke of a country.

    They have the 2nd biggest military in NATO, after the US, an immensely important geographical location and they are a regional power(along with Iran and Saudi Arabia).

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    Saudi Crown Prince on Iran acquiring nuclear weapons: ‘If they get one, we have to get one’
  • And if Iran and Saudi Arabia get nukes, then Turkey will get nukes. And if Turkey gets nukes, then unless there is an EU army, Greece will want to get nukes.

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    Ex-NFL player Sergio Brown missing after his mother is found murdered near home in Maywood
  • Every time i hear about an nfl player doing(or potentially doing) something fucked, i always wonder how much the sport is responsible for that and for fucking their brains.

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    Is there a labour-friendly car company?
  • Maybe Volvo? Do note that Polestar cars are made in China, but Volvo ones should be made in Europe or US. I dont know how good the conditions in the american Volvo factory are but in Sweden, Volvo is considered a good employer. Volvo/Polestar are owned by Geely, which is a chinese company but Volvo is pretty independent.

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    MechWarrior 5: Clans Stomping to PC, PlayStation and Xbox in 2024 from Piranha Games
  • I had fun playing mechwarrior 5 but i am not a mechwarrior fan. The only other mechwarrior game that i played was battletech(which is an xcom style strategy game) and that was great. Mw5 lacked the polish of battletech but it was still fun to have a customizable mech blowing things up. Mw5 has 83% on steam and it is also available on gamepass(and so is battletech).

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    Shoigu's Statements Contrasted: March '22 vs Sept '23
  • They withdrew from Kherson pretty successfully. They dont have to withdraw all the way to Russia. They just need to prepare new defenses and fall back where they can hold with fewer losses.

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    Shoigu's Statements Contrasted: March '22 vs Sept '23
  • They can withdraw, delay, mobilize more people, wait for the West to get tired, Trump to get elected, etc.

    Ukraine needs constant supply of money and equipment from the West in order to survive. Their economy is fucked and they cant really produce the military equipment needed to fight Russia. What will happen if Trump gets elected? Or Le Pen? Or if opposition parties in the West, start using the cost of the war for propaganda?

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    Li Shangfu: speculation grows over fate of China’s missing defence minister
  • Li’s disappearance follows the surprise removal of foreign minister Qin Gang from his post in July, also after a weeks-long disappearance. There has been no further information or sign of him since.


    In China’s political system ministers are not the highest ranking in a particular portfolio. As defence minister, Li reports to two vice-chairmen in the central military commission, who then report to Xi. However he is also one of five state councillors, which ranks higher than a regular minister. Qin remains a state councillor.

    I dont know how things work in China, but in normal countries, these positions are considered two of the most important ministerial positions. Xi is cleaning house. If it is for corruption reasons, wouldnt the chinese state brag about it?

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    Head of NATO says Russia invaded Ukraine because of NATO expansionism
  • So you would be ok if Turkey says "we only invaded those greek islands because they had greek military bases in them"? I am just wondering, since when having military bases(your own or of allies), in your own sovereign, internationally recognized territory is an acceptable casus belli for you.

    Would you be ok if the US invaded Cuba, if Cuba had russian bases? Is this what you are saying? How something like this justifies invasion?

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    Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying
  • I bought the game in 2013, refunded it in 2017. When i bought the game was because i wanted a spacesim and star citizen was basically my perfect game. I expected the game to be out by late 2016 or 2017, at least the singleplayer story.

    Even now, i am still hopeful. I refunded because at that point they didnt need my money and it was ridiculous how the game was still nowhere near release. Also the game run like shit and the fun factor was too low, it was too much of a simulator.

    I dont think it is a complete scam. It is obvious there has been an insane amount of effort gone into this game. Maybe part of the funds have been abused but they have been developing this game for over 10 years with 500+ devs and that is really expensive.

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    Air pollution: Nearly everyone in Europe breathing bad air
  • The demand is there, the supply hasnt caught. As i mentioned, in Gothenburg(which is Volvo's HQ), there are tons of electric trucks and cargo bikes. Basically every day i see at least one truck like this one

    Postnord, the swedish/danish mail provider, has tons of these electric "golf carts",c2905777

    Basically by 2030, most companies will have or purchase only electric vehicles. Scania is also making electric trucks like this

    Postnord intents to replace its conventional trucks with these by 2030.

    Just because the US is behind times, doesnt mean that the entire world is also like that. And if Volvo and Scania, 2 of the biggest truck manufacturers(and they are both swedish) have available electric trucks, then there are electric trucks. The only bottleneck is production. The demand is there but it takes time to scale up production of basically an entirely new vehicle. China is also going wild with electric vehicles, though i am not familiar with that market.

    Honestly, i think we might start seeing bans on non electric vehicles for cities, at least in Europe. The noise and pollution reduction is significant and very perceivable.
