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  • For whatever reason, GIMP includes this image of a green pepper as a built-in brush.

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    Gender roles are important or not?
  • But what even is a “gender expression” if not linked to sex? Why not just call it a personality trait?

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    The two most upvoted comments on any Lemmy instance are on, but you won't see them on your own instance
  • I find it disappointing that everyone says how the Fediverse will allow all kinds of social media, personal blogs and other things to be interconnected, but in the end it kinda sorta works for Twitter clones and barely works for anything else.

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    Where do you even meet people anymore?
  • In what settings is it socially acceptable to talk to strangers?

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    Elon Musk Says He Survived On $1 Per Day Before Becoming The Richest Man In the World – 'In America It's Pretty Easy To Keep Yourself Alive'
  • This comment is ironic considering that this article is exaggerating what Musk said.

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    Elon Musk Says He Survived On $1 Per Day Before Becoming The Richest Man In the World – 'In America It's Pretty Easy To Keep Yourself Alive'
  • The headline and article seems to be hugely misleading. According to this article, the $1 was only for food and he did it as a challenge, not out of necessity.

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    Instead of algorithms why don't we create a map of Lemmy?
  • You literally said “instead of algorithms”, implying that algorithms would be replaced.

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    Welcome to Kagi, the paid search engine full of surprises, which today opened an account in the Fediverse!
  • But SearxNG doesn’t have the nice features like bangs, redirects, changing the priority of domains, custom CSS, lenses, etc.

    Kagi has clearly stated that the AI features will always be optional and the engine is designed to be useful without them.

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • First off, thank you for engaging critically with my comments rather than dismissing them :) I apologize for the delayed response, I had to sort my thoughts about this.

    Basically, your brain thinking "no, don't do creepy shit."

    But with your example, exercising rationality actually would help, because "the sadness that comes from seeing couples in public or among your friends and knowing that you’ll never experience what they’re doing" is actually an irrational thought.

    Isn’t it kind of an example of what you stated in the previous paragraph? By acknowledging that women don’t see me as a potential partner, my brain is preventing me from hurting women by showing my romantic interest. While I could try to combat this thought, it would not be in the best interest of others.

    On the contrary, wanting a partner is an irrational thought because it ultimately comes from the natural instinct to reproduce. Hypothetically, if I were asexual, I could just live a fulfilling life alone and everyone would be better off.

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    If I have an account on Mastodon.Social, and another account on PieFed.Social are they technically on the same instance, since they're both on .Social?
  • .com is for commercial sites (though many sites misuse it). Most Mastodon instances are not commercial.

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    What are your food aversions?
  • beer ~ piss

    wine ~ rotten blood

    coffee ~ diarrhea

    raw meat (tartar steak, etc) ~ used chewing gum picked from a pavement

    dark salami ~ rotting corpse

    vinegar ~ battery acid

    moldy cheese ~ moldy cheese

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    What is the (subjectively) weirdest word in the English language?
  • I’d like to hear someone pronounce it as [stɹɛŋgθs] without choking.

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • If by “acting on them” you mean staring, catcalling, asking out, etc. I’m already trying my best to not do that. I’d say I’m quite successful at it, though in crowded spaces it’s often difficult to find a direction to look in that doesn’t contain a woman. And my mom sometimes tells me that I should look at and approach women, so there’s social pressure too.

    However, what draws people to incel spaces is the sadness that comes from seeing couples in public or among your friends and knowing that you’ll never experience what they’re doing. Unless I’m misunderstanding, I don’t think what you’re suggesting helps with that.

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • Do you have any resources on that? All the ones I’ve found suggest that feelings of attraction are hard-wired into the brain and getting rid of them is impossible.

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • It is often said that “facts don’t care about feelings”, unfortunately, the reverse is also true: feelings don’t care about facts. I rationally know that I should respect women’s rights to not have undesirable men be attracted to them, but I still feel the attraction and don’t know how to deal with it.

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    A Guessing Game
  • Try writing 20 algebraic manipulations of the equation on paper and you’ll quickly understand why it’s written that way.

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    A Guessing Game
  • Why not just add function overloading to the language and have a function named copy that takes a string and an optional character count?

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    Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
  • IMO, The best way to stop it would be to find ways for men to stop being attracted to women and desiring a romantic/sexual relationship. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much research around that.

  • Am I having hallucinations from being awake at 3 in the night, or are the comments tilted? And there are buttons with nonsense words?


    The current layout seems to be designed for optimal use with two thumbs. However, I use only one thumb when typing on mobile. Would it be possible to design a layout that's optimized for one thumb?
