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Am I crazy to move to pfSense from OPNsense?
  • Nope. I have moved away several years ago from pfsense and could not be happier. I am running production off a 2 node, 24 vlan cluster and it’s rock solid

  • Authelia + FreeIPA

    Hello All,

    I have been following the Howtos on how to connect authelia to freeipa, and can now connect an authenticate without any issue.However, if i set the filter for a particular ldap group i get permission denied.My configuration is as follows:

    Authelia bit:

    authentication_backend: disable_reset_password: false

    ldap: implementation: custom url: ldaps:// timeout: 5s start_tls: false tls: server_name: skip_verify: true minimum_version: TLS1.2 base_dn: dc=net,DC=xpto username_attribute: uid additional_users_dn: CN=users,CN=accounts users_filter: (&(|({username_attribute}={input})({mail_attribute}={input}))(objectClass=person)) additional_groups_dn: OU=groups groups_filter: (&(member=uid={input},cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=net,dc=xpto)(objectclass=groupofnames)) group_name_attribute: cn mail_attribute: mail display_name_attribute: displayName user: UID=authelia,CN=users,CN=accounts,DC=net,DC=xpto password: "myveryawsomeanddificultpassword"

    My configuration bit for the filters:

    access_control: default_policy: deny rules: # Rules applied to everyone - domain: "````" policy: bypass

    - domain: subject: "" policy: two_factor

    If i remove the subject: "" i can authenticate without any issue.

    For the log bits:

    time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Request hit" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Detected user filter is (&(|(uid=nuno)(mail=nuno))(objectClass=person))" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Performing user search" attr="[uid mail displayName]" base_dn="CN=users,CN=accounts,dc=net,DC=xpto" deref=0 filter="(&(|(uid=nuno)(mail=nuno))(objectClass=person))" scope=2 time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="Mark 1FA authentication attempt made by user 'nuno'" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="Successful 1FA authentication attempt made by user 'nuno'" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Detected user filter is (&(|(uid=nuno)(mail=nuno))(objectClass=person))" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Performing user search" attr="[uid mail displayName]" base_dn="CN=users,CN=accounts,dc=net,DC=xpto" deref=0 filter="(&(|(uid=nuno)(mail=nuno))(objectClass=person))" scope=2 time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Computed groups filter is (&(member=uid=nuno,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=net,dc=xpto)(objectclass=groupofnames))" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Performing group search" attr="[cn]" base_dn="OU=groups,dc=net,DC=xpto" deref=0 filter="(&(member=uid=nuno,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=net,dc=xpto)(objectclass=groupofnames))" scope=2 time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Profile details for user 'nuno' => groups: [], emails []" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )." time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 1 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 2 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 3 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="No matching rule for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and url (method ) applying default policy" time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="Required level for the URL is 3" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=debug msg="Redirection URL is safe" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:56Z" level=trace msg="Timing Attack Delay successful: true, exec duration: 126, avg execution duration: 1000, random delay ms: 73, total delay ms: 1073, actual delay ms: 947" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Replied (status=200)" method=POST path=/api/firstfactor remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Request hit" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Headers=GET /api/verify HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\r\nHost:\r\nX-Original-Url:\r\nX-Real-Ip:\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nX-Forwarded-Proto: https\r\nX-Forwarded-Host:\r\nX-Forwarded-Uri: /\r\nX-Forwarded-Ssl: on\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nCf-Ray: 82552ccf681701bd-CDG\r\nCf-Visitor: {\"scheme\":\"https\"}\r\nSec-Ch-Ua: \"Google Chrome\";v=\"119\", \"Chromium\";v=\"119\", \"Not?A_Brand\";v=\"24\"\r\nSec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0\r\nSec-Ch-Ua-Platform: \"Windows\"\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nDnt: 1\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: same-site\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: navigate\r\nSec-Fetch-User: ?1\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: document\r\nReferer:\r\nAccept-Language: en\r\nCookie: authelia_session=1pajNRsjd!FqmlSKz$QZDKPTZpAGgdHR\r\nPriority: u=0, i\r\nCdn-Loop: cloudflare\r\nCf-Connecting-Ip:\r\nCf-Ipcountry: PT\r\nVia: 1.1\r\nX-Forwarded-Server:\r\n\r\n" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Using X-Original-URL header content as targeted site URL" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Inactivity report for user 'nuno'. Current Time: 1699859217, Last Activity: 1699859216, Maximum Inactivity: 7200." method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Checking if we need check the authentication backend for an updated profile for nuno." method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )." time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 1 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 2 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 3 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=debug msg="No matching rule for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and url (method ) applying default policy" time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=info msg="Access to is forbidden to user nuno" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:57Z" level=trace msg="Replied (status=403)" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Request hit" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Headers=GET /api/verify HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\r\nHost:\r\nX-Original-Url:\r\nX-Real-Ip:\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nX-Forwarded-Proto: https\r\nX-Forwarded-Host:\r\nX-Forwarded-Uri: /favicon.ico\r\nX-Forwarded-Ssl: on\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nCf-Ray: 82552cd0e98301bd-CDG\r\nCf-Visitor: {\"scheme\":\"https\"}\r\nSec-Ch-Ua: \"Google Chrome\";v=\"119\", \"Chromium\";v=\"119\", \"Not?A_Brand\";v=\"24\"\r\nDnt: 1\r\nSec-Ch-Ua-Mobile: ?0\r\nSec-Ch-Ua-Platform: \"Windows\"\r\nAccept: image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/svg+xml,image/*,*/*;q=0.8\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: same-origin\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: no-cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: image\r\nReferer:\r\nAccept-Language: en\r\nCookie: authelia_session=1pajNRsjd!FqmlSKz$QZDKPTZpAGgdHR\r\nPriority: u=1, i\r\nCdn-Loop: cloudflare\r\nCf-Connecting-Ip:\r\nCf-Ipcountry: PT\r\nVia: 1.1\r\nX-Forwarded-Server:\r\n\r\n" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Using X-Original-URL header content as targeted site URL" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Inactivity report for user 'nuno'. Current Time: 1699859218, Last Activity: 1699859217, Maximum Inactivity: 7200." method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Checking if we need check the authentication backend for an updated profile for nuno." method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=debug msg="Check authorization of subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )." time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 1 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 2 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="ACL MISS Position 3 for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and object (method )" time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=debug msg="No matching rule for subject username=nuno groups= ip= and url (method ) applying default policy" time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=info msg="Access to is forbidden to user nuno" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip= time="2023-11-13T07:06:58Z" level=trace msg="Replied (status=403)" method=GET path=/api/verify remote_ip=

    So, it shows that i can log-on without issues, but it also appears that it cannot find the group, but the group is valid and active with-in ipa. I can see using ldapsearch that the user is also within that group:

    dn:,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=net,dc=xpto cn: description: Acesso a KB gidNumber: 848450507 ipaUniqueID: b10d7d2e-a765-11e6-b189-02002e0f7ea7 member: uid=nuno,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=net,dc=xpto objectClass: ipaobject objectClass: top objectClass: ipausergroup objectClass: posixgroup objectClass: groupofnames objectClass: nestedgroup

    What am i missing? I am on the latest freeipa and authelia versions.Thanks for your help


    Basic auth is going away in chrome. What now?

    Hi all,

    I have been seeing in several companies that i support that the basic auth method is being disabled on the company browsers. As such, i am now unable to get access to my sites that are behind basic auth from that location - ie, the auth dialog window does not show and goes immediately into a 401 not authorized.

    I don't want to go the app-auth way (because i would have to rely on the security of the app itself, and thus more work to maintain my stuff), and would prefer something like mod_auth_form all packaged up in a reverse proxy docker container so it would be easier to plan a deployment.

    Does anyone know of such a container that does reverse proxy, and form authentication? Remember, basic auth is a no-no.


    How do you all monitor your server performance?
  • Nagios for service/QOS, Grafana for dashboarding for some items more specific. Planning on eventually switching to zabbix but nagios is so simple that i feel having a hard time justifying moving over 400 monitored services to it

  • Help with Admidio

    Hi all,

    I am trying to install Admidio to help my local traditional chinese martial arts club, and i am stuck. When i install the software, either .zip based or docker container, i am left with a partional-only funcional application. I can login into the app without any issues, but on the left pane of the screen, where there should be some menu, there is not. I created several users other than admin, even can use the modules if i type them by hand in the url but they are missing. Also tried to add a menu, and when i go to "menu level" the tab is mandatory, but the dropdown is empty.

    Has anyone gone thru this before? Thanks so much for your help
