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What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working.
  • Definitely. When I was a teenager this retired guy Al worked at chick fil a with me, not because he needed to but he wanted to. He had a cushy position too. He would just go talk to customers and make sure they had refills and stuff. Great guy, taught me a lot about life.

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    Gen Z falls for online scams more than their boomer grandparents do
  • Maybe, but anecdotally my boomer aunt bought over $1,000 of apple gift cards and gave the card numbers over the phone to the “Apple support” guy with a thick Indian accent to get her hacked iCloud Photos back so…. I would like to see the different kinds of scams that both generations fall for.

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    Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say
  • Bro banged on the door and broke a window to try to get in. He was literally forcefully entering a locked house, he didn’t just wander into an unlocked door by mistake.

    No telling what the kid was trying to do or would have done if he got in. Home owners have to assume the person trying to kick in the door and breaking a window is there to do harm. Justified self defense to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

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    Billionaire Charlie Munger says that in order to feel happy, we need to expect less and that the world is going to get tougher.
  • Kind of sad that at the ripe age of 23 I can see the writing on the walls. There’s no point in continuing to try. I have to work almost all of the time, I get paid just enough to cover rent and some food, and if/when there is a medical expense or a car expense I’m going to go into debt. I’m making these ass holes rich with my suffering and I can’t even afford a reasonable life for my wife and I. We both work full time and we have to rent a basement apartment. We can’t afford kids. We can’t afford a home, and the cars ( that we absolutely need to get to work) are over a decade old and have issues frequently.

    Why continue participating in a system that is so hostile towards the working class (that the system NEEDS TO KEEP FUNCTIONING) to the point that they can’t even fucking reproduce. I’ve been reduced to something so much less than human that I’m done trying. This is not why I am here. I’m not here to answer phone calls and be stressed 8 hours a day 5 days a week (and let’s not forget mandatory overtime.)

    It’s time to stop participating. It’s time for a general strike so this whole system can collapse and the few that survive hopefully learn something from it and build something better.

    I’m just tired.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah I’ve never seen insta used for group chats, but it is a commonly used app so I see their reasoning of “let’s just use the app that almost all of us already have set up”

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Normal people don’t care that much about privacy for a group chat between their room mates. They’re not and they shouldn’t have to go out of their way to fulfill your request for a privacy based platform for a single group chat.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • lol cope and be normal I guess? I understand insta isn’t great with privacy but it’s a group chat for your room mates. Make a burner account instead of forcing all of them to download some app they’ve never heard of for one group chat with people they are forced to be acquaintances with.

    They’re likely all thinking you’re the odd man out because you’re making a fuss over a group chat.

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  • It’s a shit posting page lmao of course it’s a repost from somewhere. No one makes memes just to put them on 196.

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    New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • I mean I understand why people do it, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck and doesn’t make work just a little less tolerable for those having to deal with it.

    Have you worked manual labor in a mask in the summer?

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    New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • Honestly I’m sad for everyone that works manual labor. Wearing a mask absolutely lowers the chance of both transmitting covid and getting covid, but working in 90+ degree weather lifting heavy shit for 8 hours a day wearing a mask sucks. It gets moist as all hell and fogs your glasses.

    Source: I unloaded trucks outside all day 5 days a week for the entire summer of 2020 and 2021.

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    Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW
  • Linux people will never admit that it’s like that though. I have a few friends on Linux and when we all boot a game to play, the windows users like me sit in the lobby waiting for my friends to trouble shoot why battlefield 1 isn’t launching on Linux, then they give up and just boot into windows and magically the game starts.

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    Where did it all go right for Biden? Facts blunt Republican attack lines
  • I’ll admit I don’t know much about European politics, but from a foreign view it’s scary. I’ve always seen the far right in American politics it’s more or less the status quo, but seeing the far right rise in modern Europe is shocking to me. Most of this is informed by what I’ve seen in the news about what’s been going on in Italy though.

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    Where did it all go right for Biden? Facts blunt Republican attack lines
  • Honestly a comforting read as someone who isn’t a huge Biden fan. Things are improving! As a person in their early 20’s it’s felt like the world fell apart right as I was entering the work force, nothing has been affordable and crime has been a major worry. Seeing that crime is down and we’re likely going to avoid a worse recession is like having a weight off my shoulders.

    Keep it up Biden administration.

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    High school boys are trending conservative
  • They’ll grow out of it when they enter the job market. I was conservative in high school too until I moved out of mom and dads and realized that our society has created nothing worth conserving for anyone under the age of 50. Nothing will make you radical like realizing you will likely never be able afford a home and children.

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    Analogue will start shipping more Pocket preorders in August
  • I feel so dumb. Does it say that in their website? When I went to their webpage there was a big underlines heading that said “no emulation”
