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Israeli minister: 'We are fighting human animals'
  • Reminder that everyone in this conflict besides Civilians are bad people. Hamas is a terrorist organization. The Israeli government support the genocide of the Palestinian people. Everyone else are just planning to profit from this.

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    These labels mean much less than you'd think
  • You can still eat meat and treat them with respect. We know that animals that have less stress, produce better quality products. By cramming them into tight spaces and feeding them antibiotics, we are risking diseases and low yields.

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    Princess Peach: Showtime! | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023
  • They put her in pants, think of the children. Nintendo is so woke nowadays.

    This is what right wing YouTubers will say. Or Mormon pundits.

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    What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs
  • RPGs are such a board term nowadays that anything can be an rpg if you market it as such. But that’s not the time for it.

    If you like Undertale, you might enjoy its deranged post apocalyptic cousin released near the same time, Lisa the Painful. A turn base rpg with plenty of tangible choices.

    If you like more narrative stuff, play Disco Elysium or Planescape Torment.

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    State of Design 2023 from Mark Rosewater
  • Blocks are the way to go tbh, not only do we get more time spending on a new plane but also meeting new characters that we can get attached to. You can have 1 of set in planes we have seen before if you want something like an intermission. It also allows for more synergy between cards as the blocks are designed together. Imagine Kamigawa - Ravnica standard but 8th - Mirodin - Kamigawa - Ravnica. It would actually suck with little to no cohesion and a lot of annoying things to play. But either way I hope blocks come back, 2 set blocks are the ideal tbh. The Guilds and Allegiance sets were really fun (even if jank from Dominaria is there)
