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Gerichtsurteil: Eltern töten ihre behinderte Tochter
  • Die Eltern wurden wegen vorsätzlicher Tötung und versuchter Tötung verurteilt.

    Wieso nicht Mord? Ich bin kein Experte aber es war:

    • vorsätzlich geplant
    • und hat die Wehrlosigkeit eines Kindes ausgenutzt

    Erinnert mich eher an eine eigenhändig durchgeführte Kinder-Euthanasie der Nazis

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  • Muas ma hold Dialeckt schwoatzen

    (ich kann keinen Dialekt und muss irgendwas raten was wie Dialekt klingt und dann auch noch in Text übersetzen, hilfe)

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    Idee: Angriff am Warn-Tag
  • Ich hatte 2 Menüs bei der Meldung, nachdem ich auf OK geklickt habe, hat sich der Text leicht verändert und der Alarmton ging aus.

    War das bei euch anders?

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • Yes, but I was talking about assigning numbers from a logical perspective, not a conventional one.

    Also, why is it called B1 for the first basement floor but not E1 (for elevated) for the floor above ground floor?

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    This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • You are completely wrong.

    Imagine assigning to each floor a whole number.

    Every time you go down a floor, the number should be decremented by 1, every time you go up a floor the number should be incremented by 1.

    In order to get symmetry, floor 0 should be the ground floor - not floor 1. What maniac would assign floor 0 to the first basement floor?

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  • But the first few values are:

    1 + 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/21 + 1/28...

    I really don't see any pattern there showing why it converges to 2 exactly


    After thinking some more, you could write the sum as:

    (Sum from n=1 to infinity of): 2/(n * (n + 1))

    That sum is smaller than the sum of:

    2 * (1/n2) which converges to π2/3

    So I can see why it converges, just not where to.

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    Burning Up
  • For Celsius, 0 is freezing cold and 100 is boiling hot - that's intuitive too.

    I have literally never felt 0°F in my life and couldn't tell you how cold it is, just that it's very cold. I believe everyone has a rough understanding how 0°C and 100°C feel though.
