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I've got banned from Apex Legends
  • They probably just flagged you for not being in the normal environment. For all their bravado their detection is dogshit. I've had issues with them just flagging something over a VM and... flagging a batch file closing their launcher. I wish I was joking.

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    Here we go again
  • Yup. If you aren't happy with your partner - end it. Then be adults about it after the fact: especially if you had kids. It's a simple solution and everyone wins.

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    TIL School shootings in America date all the way back to the 1700s
  • Just posting facts boss. If that bothers you then maybe do a fact check beforehand.

    To respond though: most people typically don't need a daily driver knife... and if they do: a pen knife or box cutter is probably sufficient. Generally speaking- the less dangerous things in immediate reach of someone having a breakdown is probably better and likely saves lives.

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    OpenAI unveils next leap in AI with GPT-5 Strawberry technology The recent demonstration of GPT-5 Strawberry technology to US national security officials marks a significant step towards transparency
  • It's a new ai with 2 extra layers to double check the previous prompts! Who could have possibly foreseen this advance in the field?!

    disclaimer: I have 0 idea how many layers they used but I am reasonably certain they just voltron'd that shit.

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    Japan teen jumps to death, killing pedestrian below
  • Most of them have part time jobs by that point... have quit their clubs to make time for cram school, and need to provide choices for not only their followup education but their desired trade. So they're isolated during a time of extreme stress... and are exhausted.

    Oh and their population is cratering and the economy is headed for hyperinflation... which means more work for 'less' pay in a country that has people literally die of overwork.

    Honestly? It's astounding how much those kids can absorb and keep on going.

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    It's time for a change
  • I think it's actually funny / great that everyone is ignoring the misogyny and taking the wife's side without comment, just assuming the guy is a little bit dim.

    It definitely can be interpreted a number of ways- but it was funny regardless. It could easily be taken as "I'm painting over white with white..." and the wife was purely contextual for the story.

    The discussions are just making it that much more amusing.

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • There's a time and a place for it. This isn't it. Further: are you really going to try walking the failing argument back as an attempt to shitpost? My guy, the hole is deep enough already.

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • Lashing out like you are is unbecoming and honestly is a bad look. If you can't handle criticism I suggest you stop injecting yourself into topics you are ill equipped to discuss.
