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What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • I dated a girl who was militant about the seed end being the RIGHT end and anyone opening it from the bunch end was wrong. Her reasoning is that in cartoons the banana peel that characters slip on is ALWAYS opened by the seed end.

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    What are some words you swear people use to try and sound smart?
  • I work in the grape wine industry but at home I make fruit wines. I always crack up when someone says this grape wine tastes like cherries or blueberry.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • I dont drink often anymore, and not heavily, just a few glasses of wine or a beer or two. I don't feel like the pear affects the high at all. Maybe I don't get hungover because I don't drink enough, but I like to credit the pear.

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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • I have a crowbar that I named Art. I like to compare my crowbar to a piece of art, it's a masterpiece of engineering. So many uses for the humble crowbar, such a simple and powerful piece of equipment. I love the way it feels in my hand, I love the way I can stash it anywhere easily and keep it handy and secret. The Crowbar is Art, and I study the Art of the Crowbar.

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    A Took and a Brandybuck
  • I don't mind Tom Bombadil being left out (he and Goldberry deserve their own Middle Earth Musical) but my man Fatty Bolger was done dirty in the movies.

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    How to catch houseflies?
  • But have some special needs most people don't know of! They are native to Virginia, they are not tropical plants. Therefore part of their life cycle is a yearly dormancy period due to snow. Put your venus flytrap OUTSIDE in the winter folks! Also I'm told you should only use distilled water. And don't touch the mouths and cause them to close without feeding.

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    JD Vance needs to sashay away!
  • Same with Rafael Cruz and other regressives who have changed their name for personal reasons. As long as they insist on using people's dead names I will only refer to them by theirs. The golden rule, treat others as you wish to be treated.

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    what's that one sandwich you can't stop thinking about? be detailed
  • I'm gonna go the other way with this one. I got a reuben on a pumpernickel bagel last week and they put thousand island and cream cheese and wet ass saurkraut on it and it was a soggy fucking mess and it ruined my lunch. I may never go back to that bagel place.
