Skip Navigation ‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza

An in-depth comparison of The New York Times coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine vs. Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza shows how the Times dutifully launders the news to fit the U.S. government’s agenda.

0 Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.

Some tech is getting pricier and looking a lot like the older services it was supposed to beat. Namely video streaming, ride-hailing, and cloud computing.

0 New coating removes solar panel defects, boosts efficiency to 31%

Researchers have developed a strategy for surface passivation that allows the surface defects of the perovskite layer to be smoothed out.

0 The U.S. Military Is Freaked: Lasers are No Secret Weapon Against Hypersonic Missiles

Despite advancements, such as the U.S. Navy’s HELIOS system and the Army’s IFPC-HEL, today's lasers can't yet reliably stop hypersonic threats.

0 China could reach chip tool self-sufficiency this summer, industry veteran says

AMEC CEO Gerald Yin said China is on the verge of basic self-sufficiency in chip-making equipment, but is behind 5 to 10 years in quality and reliability.

0 How China’s industrial supply chain may help give rise to the ‘artificial sun’

Could a recent breakthrough in nuclear fusion be the start of a new global race to dominate the ‘holy grail’ of clean energy?

0 Wind and solar to surpass 40% of China’s power capacity by year-end

China is making progress in cleaning up its act on cutting down the use of coal in its power generation mix, as the share of the dirty fuel falls below renewables for the first time.

Inside TSMC’s struggle to build a chip factory in the U.S. suburbs
  • that's right, gonna have to turn that exploitation way up

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    The United States might be stumbling toward a decline from which few great powers have ever recovered.
  • I have little hope for things getting better in the west during my lifetime, but I'm very optimistic for the rest of humanity. We already see the grip of the empire slipping everywhere now, and this will only accelerate in the coming years.

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    Ukrainian troops and NATO admit that Moscow has taken a qualitative leap to have armed forces superior to the beginning of the invasion
  • Given Blinken's recent statements, I'm guessing the plan going forward is to start blaming China for everything.

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    America Has No Idea What a Ukraine 'Victory' over Russia Looks Like
  • I do think they genuinely hoped to break Russia up at the start of this, but also agree that there are plenty of secondary goals. Making sure Europe doesn't become economically integrated with the east, and funnelling money to the oligarchs who own the war industry are two obvious goals US is currently achieving.

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    The United States might be stumbling toward a decline from which few great powers have ever recovered.
  • Exactly, there's no path towards turning things around politically. I think the last chance to save capitalism was the whole green new deal thing that Sanders was pushing. These were minimally necessary changes to arrest the decline, and the establishment soundly rejected that idea. So, we know for a fact that it's not possible to do anything differently.

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    The United States might be stumbling toward a decline from which few great powers have ever recovered.
  • RAND tends to be fairly sober all things considered. I think the interesting part of the study is the admission that there isn't really a clear path towards arresting the decline.

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    Ukraine’s $61 bln lifeline is not enough
  • yeah, but a bag of screws doesn't cost 90k for the Russian military

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    Supreme Court set to begin hearings in April on a case that could potentially make it a crime to be homeless
  • pushing people into military is almost certainly a part of it too, but that's just a different flavor of prison slavery

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    Why America's Military Is Physically Falling Apart
  • yeah was a surprisingly good read

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    Supreme Court set to begin hearings in April on a case that could potentially make it a crime to be homeless
  • So the plan is to create mass homelessness, then incarcerate the homeless and use them as slave labor to offeset the cost of doing labor in US?

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    DJI might get banned next in the US
  • It’s not about removing supply chain inputs. The US has no near term plans to cut off reliance on Chinese chemicals or other industrial inputs. However those are low value.

    I don't agree with that at all. What China produces is absolutely not low value inputs. In fact, as the article notes, many of these are very specialized inputs that only China can produce effectively today.

    I agree that US is trying to do protectionism to allow their own industries to compete. However, the reality is that US isn't that big of a market of itself. China is the biggest trading partner for most countries in the world now, and Chinese companies produce cheaper and better goods than American ones at all levels of supply chain. There's no real way US can compete with that. US can try to slow China's growth, but it's not possible to do that without slowing US growth down even more.

    What I expect China to do is to keep building out projects like BRICS and the BRI. China is already doing more trade with the developing world than the west, and this trade will only accelerate. Russia is another big factor because decoupling from the west opened a huge market for Chinese companies.

    US can try to form a bloc around G7, but it's going to be economically inferiors to BRICS. So, what we'll see with cold war 2 is the reverse of the situation during the first one. On top of that, Europe will likely be forced to overinvest in its military once Russia wins in Ukraine. This is going to be a huge economic drain on the west.

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    Rules based world order in action
  • yup, but that's ok because the west is on their side

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    DJI might get banned next in the US
  • I haven't really followed to be honest, maybe it's a more broad ban now?
