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Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood
  • It was entirely intentional, and funny piece of history you leave out that this phrase was in fact, NOT coined by Lenin and it was in fact, coined by US intelligence to describe how operation mockingbird could be used to create useful idiots to serve intelligence purposes.

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    Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood
  • You cannot deceptively edit people into saying things they didn't say. You are a laughably bad attempt at appearing to use logic and reason, but you cannot look any dumber when saying they "Deceptively edit" footage. 😂😂😂😂

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    Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood
  • If video surveillance of educators and administrators admitting to injecting propaganda into their curricula is not "proof" then you surely would look for a second opinion to confirm your bias : you absolute dullard.

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    Brazil: Amazon deforestation drops 34% in first six months under Lula
  • Agreed, astroturfing above and beyond the regular call of duty. It's quite clear the US does not like Bolsonaro, because unlike Lula, he is not a servant to them.
