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Happens Too Frequently
  • Not neuro divergent. If you turn the lights on when I am sitting in the dark you will officially be on my shit list. It is entitled behavior and you should be punished.

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    Homeowner baffled after washing machine uses 3.6GB of internet data a day
  • Forgotten laundry leads to mildew. Plenty of home assistance scripts out there to remind users to empty washer/dryer.

    Makes sense for manufacturers to want to build this feature into the appliance itself.

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    It used to be good. Then, nationalism
  • Following the Chicago fire and the destruction of their breweries, Milwaukee breweries were able to step up to provide the masses with beer. Transporting the beer on ships traversing lake Michigan breweries like Best were able to grow and expand.

    Philip Best only had daughters, one of them married a ship captain that had worked on the transport ships. He ended up more or less running the brewery. Out of appreciation for his contribution in 1889 they renamed the brewery Pabst Brewing Company after Captain Pabst.

    The company also was a successful cheese producer and the cheese side was eventually bought out by Kraft.

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    SOG Trident
  • Nice write up. I had a 2010s era trident that I carried on my Appalachian Trail thru hike. Dropped it once, my friend was able to find it and send it back.

    Eventually lost it again when the clip fell off and I was wearing it clipped to the outside of my backpack straps :(

    My brother had picked it out for me. It was a great knife.

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    If it ain't broke
  • I set up a tv for my mother in law. No joke had to register with an email before it would let me switch to HDMI.

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    How do you keep your network cool?
  • Customer on phone "No don't have any idea why it isn't working..."

    Customer at job site "You think a little ice would break it?"

  • I know we are supposed to be done with more lol.
