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Big Penny!
  • Iirc, this bridge has a ton of signs, signal lights, and indicators leading up to it- they're just farther out, so you can actually turn away from it BEFORE you're committed to going under it, or stopping dead in the street.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • That's not the cause- benchmarks have been done on the matter, as you can see slightly down the comment chain. You've simply attributed the slow load times to what you think is the issue.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • I've been told (haven't done it myself) that the ps5 controller pairs extremely well with the steam deck + dock. I would ask around though- I have an actual Steam Controller that I use, myself, but I don't think you can buy those anymore.

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    Trump's 'body odor' leaves people 'gagging' as Republican says 'you need a mask'
  • This man can't take care of his own damn hygiene, I think that's actually incredibly relevant to someone that wants to take care of an entire goddamn major country.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • Yep. At some point maybe Valve will change that, but for now, it's a great way to get a steam deck. And even if they do change/fix that later, you're not really missing out on anything- everything will be the same speed it always was for you.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • Not to mention you can just toss a 1tb SD card in, with no skills needed and only minimal cost difference.

    Yes, accessing your data off an SD card is marginally slower than off an NVME ssd.... but we're talking, iirc, milliseconds. If it really bugs you later down the line, then you can upgrade the SSD.

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    coming back from my extended hiatus just to smirk at yall
  • Yeah, this is the correct take here. Trying to pretend that this was the plan all along is disingenuous. There was no plan other than 'Biden bad'.

    The fact that Kamala Harris has clutched momentum and has good odds came out of literally nowhere, as did Harris herself.

    It also can't be ignored that the 'Biden bad' message was being pushed hard artificially by billionaires and Russia, which didn't exactly fill a lot of Democrats with hope that it was a realistic option.

    We lucked out.

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • And again, you're attributing residential use to what is mainly corporate/industry use. HVAC for warehouses, data centers, skyscrapers, etc are far more than residential.

    As for claiming we need to change before corporations do, that's just bootlicking. You say we need to use less convenient methods of transportation to make a statement, but the problem is there _are not more inconvenient methods available to most people _. And they cannot simply stop traveling. Increasing amounts of public transit does not increase funding- it reduces funding. Just look at the USPS. Increase the use- and thus revenue- of a service just means Republican lawmakers get greedy for privatizing that income and we're right back to where we were, but two steps back.

    This needs changed at the top, because bottom-up change will simply be suppressed, ignored, or subverted. And the only way top down change happens is if those at the top feel they will lose their money or their power by not supporting it- that is the ONLY way change from the bottom happens- by the bottom threatening to remove the top, via voting for example

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • Ah, you're making the traditional error here- you're assigning only 22% to the industry, and thinking only people transport items or use electricity.

    Most of the 'electricity' emissions on that nice pie graph isn't joe bob's playstation, it's industrial power. And while a larger percentage of that 'travel' graph is people rather than train/semi/etc output for corporate use, corporations ARE responsible for the deplorable state of american transportation, as they've intentionally destroyed all our public transportation options and endlessly pushed to make things less safe and more profitable like stroads, the invention of the concept of jaywalking to shift blame for terrible drivers, and intentional lobbying to increase overreliance on cars.

    We COULD drop that transportation amount, but again, that would mean less profits for industry, which spends millions if not billions ensuring that can never happen. Right now we can't reduce transportation emissions, because it would leave people stranded. We need to improve things past requiring cars for everything, and that can only be done when corporations are held accountable for their actions.

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    Sony announces the $700 PS5 Pro
  • The alternatives is getting a PS4 and playing 98% of the PS5 games at 70-90% of the visual quality and 100% of the gameplay, plus all the PS4 games the PS5 doesn't have.

    Or just get a switch. You should already have a PC you can cheaply upgrade.

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • Sure, all those things can minimize impact, and together we can all effect maybe one and a half a percent of a change. Alternately, we could hold companies responsible for their illegal and absurd amounts of emissions and knock a good 20-30% off.

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • Stop growing shit in stupid places, for one. Stop ignoring emissions standards or lobbying politicians to remove them. Those are probably the biggest bulk contributors to climate change at the moment, other than perhaps methane emissions from cattle, which I cannot in good conscious advocate against due to dietary requirements from allergies.

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    Advisers worry whether ‘happy Trump’ or ‘angry Trump’ will show up to debate
  • Of course. The media wants outrage, scandals, they want DRAMA. A competent, viable government does not produce those.things, so they love trump. Trump is ratings, even as he burns down our nation and sells the charcoal to foreign countries.

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    Americans misunderstand their contribution to deteriorating environment
  • Oh look, it's the latest Big Company propaganda piece attempting to blame the average citizen for ruinous climate change that is pretty much solely on the back of corporate negligence and/or malice, because not being an evil douchebag costs the company 15 whole extra cents a year!

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    Fun Activites and Sidequesting Adventures to do
  • What a weird combination of suggestions.

    "Enjoy nature! Volunteer! Support local projects! Litter.your community with graffiti!"
