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Make Inkscape installed through Flatpak callable in the terminal as 'inkscape'?
  • if you’re calling it from a shell you would normally use the built-in command alias as in alias inkscape="flatpak run org.inkscape.Inkscape", but if it you want to be able to run it without a shell you could make a single line wrapper script and drop it in ~/.local/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/ (and make sure it’s included in $PATH).

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    Does `cp -v` print out the file name when it starts copying it or when it's done?
  • skimming through coreutils’ copy.c, emit_verbose is called on line 2627 while copy_reg is called on line 3103 (in the implementation of copy_internal). at least on my machine, touch /tmp/foo && cp -v /tmp/{foo,bar/} returns an error after printing the verbose output.
