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Meowdy from an average American cat
  • One of mine is obsessed with bread. She can smell it the second we get back from the grocery store. She was born with an addiction to processed white bread and only a closed door can protect it from her.

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    Gen 1 Pokémon Fans Are In Awe As Cubone’s Face Is Discovered In Old 90s Picture Book | Retro Dodo
  • The dex has always been full of ridiculous BS as of it were unproven folklore or gossip made up by ten year olds. Here's Alakazam:

    Its brain can outperform a super-computer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000.

    Okay so this one Pokemon has an IQ of 5000. Does that even make sense? Why do they still act like a medium intelligence pet?

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    Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early

    Trump is the only president to ever say he would take guns from Americans and he even said to do it without due process.

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  • Housing without kitchens has come up in modern history multiple times:

    their designs just had single family homes with kitchens. But Marie Howland convinced them to sketch in small groups of kitchen-free houses, each with access to a shared kitchen, where residents would take turns working.

    Austin thought it could be a city of kitchen-less houses. And she thought that the food could to each house on a system of underground trains. She drew maps upon maps, and tons of floor plans. She published her ideas in a journal called ‘The Western Comrade’ and even applied to patent her underground food train idea.

    But the kitchen-less house movement still didn’t die. In England, the urban planner Ebenezer Howard actually incorporated kitchen-less homes into some of his “garden city” communities. He called these homes “cooperative quadrangles.” They had a shared courtyard and shared kitchen, surrounded by smaller kitchen-less dwellings.

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    My rent doubled in less than a decade
  • The bit about avocado toast is not making one for yourself at home for $2. It's about going out to eat for every meal and ordering an overpriced item at a hipster brunch bar in a liberal city. It has nothing to do with the fact that a piece of bread and an avocado are fairly cheap on their own.

    Not defending the out of touch piece of shit that said it, just trying to give context.

  • The Darth Revan Rivian

    Found a KOTOR fan in the wild!




    Hello lemmy. I have one or two lights for every functional use case in my personal life, and then some. No more lights for me unless something breaks.



    • multi person voice chat with all the standards (PTT, etc)
    • extremely low latency because it's self hosted, so three people in the same city should have <30ms
    • easily hosted via docker compose
    • FOSS optional but preferred
    https:// /content/dam/nhmwww/visit/map/NHM-Map-March-2022.pdf

    This is by far the most user friendly map of a museum I have ever seen. Out of the big four I'm visiting soon, the V&A's map is terrible, the Science Museum's is more like an ad brochure, and the British Museum's is okay.

    This one? Perfection. Color coded, vector graphic icons to highlight what kind of things are there, and a great parallax? viewing angle so the location of other floors and their stair and elevator connections are obvious. And the best part is that it all fits on one page.


    What I can find, but doesn't help: websites that list times a song was sampled in another song.

    What I'm looking for: search a song, see a list of movies/TV shows/radio/other song audio usage used in that song.


    > Nine Inch Nails - Mr. Self Destruct: the sound of someone being beaten is from the movie THX: 1138


    Vegan patties!

    For about two months, every weekday I made myself a burger for lunch. The active part of the research was what can I find within a ten minute drive, how the patties cooked on the stove, and how they tasted. The rest of the research is pure data from the back of the boxes as seen in the spreadsheet below.

    Note: Data collected summer of 2023 in Colorado

    Summary: They're pretty much all the same! Ta-da~. Seriously though, if you're not picky, just grab whatever is available and cheapest at the store you go to. Except for Gardein which glues itself to your stainless steel pot no matter how oil and shuffling you give it.

    The most interesting finding was that there are two main types and they're all fairly similar within those types. And even more interesting (to me at least), the type can be inferred purely from the weight of the patty. 113g = meat-like, 71g = veggie mush. Surprisingly consistent across multiple brands. The most obvious outlier is Field Roast, who never follows the rules and makes the weirdest product. Their weight and flavor line up with a hybrid: kinda-meaty but obviously vegetables smashed together.

    Other findings:

    • Gardein brands are a PITA to cook, they ooze superglue and I have to use the steel wool to clean up char every time
    • TJ's Masala is the tastiest and cheapest, but it's junkfood (amazing with peri-peri style hot sauce)
    • Good Catch's salmon burgers were the next tastiest, and get extra points for uniqueness
    • King Soopers (Kroger) had a summer long sale on the Beyond Cookout Classic, making them the next cheapest per patty. Since they have the highest caloric content, this also made them the best cal/$ by a wide margin

    Spreadsheet as image

    Public spreadsheet link

    NOTE: This is a crosspost from /r/EatCheapAndVegan


    The last two I tried had some of the crappiest sounding audio I've ever heard out of a premium phone. I have a $100 wired headset I'd like to use.
