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It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals
  • Reminds me of this YouTube channel (@Flocflocus), where a guy soaks himself in water while clothed. It's not explicitly sexual, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't a fetish.

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    It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals
  • Requiring age verification for porn is such a stupid idea. Firstly, what's the definition of "porn"? Should people be blocked from looking at Michelangelo's David? Where precisely is the line between what's porn and what isn't, and why should anybody have the right to impose that? Secondly, it's unenforceable. On any website where people can submit content, they can submit porn that children might see. Should we block them all, then? That goes for all social media. It goes for anywhere people can leave comments/reviews. It goes for every basket-weaving forum. Since it's obviously impossible to make a dent, why bother at all? And what about Google Images? What about sites with generative AI? Websites aren't the only porn on the Internet either. I torrented porn when I was 13. Discord exists. Video games exist. What's stopping people just making their own and sharing it? Absolutely boneheaded idea. It's so stupid, that it makes me think the real reason is more nefarious, and "saving the children" is just propaganda.

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    Childhood predictions
  • There's a 100% chance that humanity will die, eventually. We surely can't survive until the end of time. Even if we could, you wouldn't be able to witness that either.

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    What's something that's not common knowledge but you think everyone should know?
  • Cement is highly alkaline. If wet cement comes in contact with your skin, it can cause third degree chemical burns. So don't write your name in wet cement like Bart Simpson.

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    What helps people get comfortable on the command line?
  • I feel the same. I don't like how people always recommend starter kits to Vim/Emacs beginners, for example. I think they'd actually learn something, if, at first, they did things the intended way.

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    Has anyone else seen this interesting "challenge site" when googling a programming topic?
  • I had that once. I think it used to be much more secret than it is now, and was actually used to hire people for Google. Nowadays it's more of a fun easter egg. I didn't bother with any of it, because I couldn't be bothered with Python or Java.
